
The Mayor's Son is my Mate

After Clara's father passed away, Clara followed her mother to live in a small town. As she gradually discovered in the life of the small town, all the residents were werewolves, including herself as a half-werewolf, at least that's what they all thought as she later turned out to be what they labeled the ABOMINATION. To her surprise, her rival at school the son of the town mayor, turned out to be her mate. Will they accept each other or will they reject each other? Read to find out.

Zaroni_Evas_1104 · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Chapter 5

With a shaky breath, I forced myself to look away, to keep walking as if nothing were amiss. But the feeling of being watched followed me all the way home, a silent reminder that danger lurked just beyond the edge of sight.

As I ran into my house, breathing heavily, I found my mom in the kitchen, busy with some task.

"Clara, is that you?" she called out, turning towards me with a warm smile. "What took you so long? I've been waiting for you for like forever. I told you we need to go visit your uncle and his family."

"I'm sorry, Mom, but I was at a friend's place and I lost track of time," I replied, trying to catch my breath.

"No problem, just go up to your room and get ready fast. I'll be waiting for you!" she said, her tone gentle but firm.

"Alright," I replied, nodding as I made my way up the stairs to my room.

Once inside, I quickly changed out of my party clothes and into something more suitable for visiting family. My mind raced with thoughts of the strange encounter with Alec and Benjamin, the unsettling feeling of being watched still fresh in my memory.

But I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the task at hand. As I finished getting ready, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind.

With a final glance in the mirror, I took a deep breath and made my way back downstairs to join my mom. She was waiting for me by the front door, her expression filled with anticipation.

"Ready to go?" she asked, smiling warmly as she handed me my coat.

"Yeah, let's go," I replied, returning her smile as we stepped outside and into the cool evening air.

The drive to my uncle's house was quiet, the tension between us palpable as we navigated the familiar streets of the neighborhood. My mom seemed lost in thought, her grip tight on the steering wheel as she focused on the road ahead.

As we pulled up to my uncle's house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension wash over me. The events of the day had left me on edge, and the thought of facing my extended family only added to my unease.

But as we stepped out of the car and made our way up to the front door, I pushed aside my worries and plastered on a smile. 

As we approached the door, I noticed the warm glow of light spilling out from the windows, casting long shadows across the porch. The scent of home-cooked food wafted through the air, mingling with the crisp autumn breeze.

My uncle, Samuel, greeted us at the door, a broad smile spreading across his face as he ushered us inside. He was a tall man, with kind eyes and a welcoming demeanor. He wore a cozy sweater and a pair of worn jeans, the epitome of comfort and hospitality.

"Ooh, come on in, come in! I've long been waiting for you," Uncle Samuel said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting!" my mom replied, returning his smile as she stepped into the warmth of the house.

Once inside, we were greeted by the sounds of laughter and chatter coming from the kitchen. My uncle led us into the cozy living room. 

"Clara!" my mom called, drawing my attention to a familiar face. "This is your uncle, Samuel."

"Nice to meet you again and welcome back home. This house is your home, and I am your family," Uncle Samuel said, his words filled with sincerity as he enveloped me in a warm embrace.

As we settled into the living room, two figures emerged from the kitchen. One of them was Benjamin, Alec's friend, whom I had encountered earlier at the party. The other was a woman who I assumed to be my uncle's wife, her warm smile mirroring her husband's hospitality.

"Clara, this is Benjamin my son and my lovely wife, Emily," Uncle Samuel said, introducing us with a proud smile.

"Nice to meet you," I said, offering a polite smile as I shook hands with Benjamin and exchanged pleasantries with Emily.

The atmosphere in the room was warm and inviting, the scent of home-cooked food mingling with the sound of laughter and conversation. 

Despite the earlier tensions of the day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and belonging wash over me as I settled in with my extended family.

As we continued our conversation, the aroma of home-cooked food filled the air, tantalizing my senses and stirring up a hunger that I hadn't realized I'd had. It wasn't long before my uncle's wife, Emily, emerged from the kitchen, her warm smile lighting up her face as she announced that dinner was ready.

"Food's ready, everyone! Let's head to the dining table," Emily said, her voice filled with warmth and hospitality.

We all made our way to the dining table, where my mom and Emily had laid out a delicious spread of food. The table was adorned with steaming dishes of comfort food, from roasted meats to savory casseroles and hearty side dishes.

As we took our seats, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with loved ones. Despite the earlier tensions of the day, being surrounded by family made everything feel right in the world.

As I glanced around the table, my eyes met Benjamin's, and I could see the same mixture of surprise and uncertainty reflected in his expression. It was surreal to think that we were now cousins, connected by blood in a way that neither of us could have anticipated.

But beneath the surface, there was still a lingering tension between us, born from our earlier encounter at the party. I couldn't shake the feeling of distrust that Alec's presence had instilled in me, and I knew that I needed to confront Benjamin about it, once and for all.

As we began to serve ourselves, I seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation with Benjamin, hoping to address the elephant in the room.

"So, Benjamin, it's quite a surprise to discover that we're cousins," I said, trying to keep my tone casual despite the weight of the conversation.

Benjamin nodded, his expression guarded as he replied, "Yeah, it's definitely unexpected."

"I couldn't help but notice your friend Alec at the party earlier," I continued, my voice tinged with a hint of accusation. "It seems like he's causing trouble wherever he goes."

Benjamin's eyes narrowed slightly, but he remained silent, seemingly unsure of how to respond.

"I just want to make it clear that I won't tolerate any nonsense from him or anyone else," I added, my tone firm as I met Benjamin's gaze head-on.

For a moment, there was a tense silence between us, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. But before either of us could say anything more, my mom interjected, diffusing the tension with a gentle smile.

"Let's not dwell on the past, shall we? We're family now, and family sticks together," she said, her words a gentle reminder of the bonds that united us.

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