
Chapter 3: Alien

"Dad I think I'm an alien". Kevin said this with a totally straight face. Only to receive a laugh from his dad.

"Even though you have special... abilities son, we all feel a little bit like aliens at times, even more so under the teenage years. It might feel awkward, and lonely at times but don't worry about it, you'll find your place in this world sooner or later." His father had a gentle look of wisdom on his face, as if knowing exactly what Kevin meant.

Kevin just let his father finish, partly because he didn't know how to proceed, and partly because he felt awkward about dropping such a bomb on his father.

"No, dad, I'm serious. I don't think my abilities come from some mutation as you and mom previously thought." Kevin was slightly worried, his parents were okay with him being a mutant, so aliens should also be fine, right?

Seeing the serious and slightly nervous look on Kevins face, his father became slightly more serious himself.

"What would make you believe so son?" This time Kevin's father is more focused on his son.

"Well you know the glasses you and mom found me with, those are not normal glasses... they contain a spaceship within them." at this Kevins father just let out a chuckle.

"Stop pulling my leg already, I've got work to do. You almost got me there, but you took it one step too far. Your glasses contain a spaceship? hahah, you should pull that on mama bear later." But before his father could continue with his work, Kevin interrupted him again.

"Dad, first of all stop calling mom 'mama bear' it's lame, second of all I'm serious. The glasses contain a spaceship, which would also explain one of the so-called top ten mysteries of Branchville. Everything fits, the spaceship, the crater. I have multiple abilities while most mutants only got one, according to an internet site at least. " Kevin almost had a pleading look on his face, and his father noticed.

"Show me." was all his father could say. How should he react to something like this? The son telling his parents that he is an alien? Where is mama bear when papa bear needs her?

"Well we need to go somewhere with a lot of more space, the barn should do."

At the barn when Kevin put on the glasses, he chocked his dad to the core. If his dad hadn't seen his son put on the glasses he wouldn't have recognized Kevin. And the problem is that his son doesn't look any different, but somehow he feels completely like another person. His dad tried the glasses on but nothing magical happened.

Kevin tried to get the spaceship out of the inventory, but somehow it was difficult to succeed. He tried different commands but nothing worked. His father was also getting a bit restless. In the end he closed his eyes and tried to feel the spaceship once more, and then he felt it move out of the glasses. What happened next surprised both of the son and father equally even though they were both expecting it.

"What the.. It just came out of thin air, Son I think we should call mama bear."

His father's voice contained a bit of excitement in his voice, which unnerved Kevin a bit.

His father noticed this as well.

"Don't worry son, we'll love you no matter what. In fact, I think we'll love you even more now. There's a secret your mother and I never told anyone... We're the biggest fans of the ALIEN movies, In fact that's how we met, on this one site where we discussed how awesome". Listening to his father, Kevin got a bit dizzy, and a bit more worried. WHY the heck would he mention the alien movies? He's nothing like those monster aliens.

"Dad please stop it... Honestly, You and mom loving the fact that I'm an alien because of the movies, worries me more than you hating aliens." But his father just picked up his phone without a care, well he was slightly too excited.

"Yeah mama bear, it's papa bear. Remember code green? Yeah code green." His father said those words solemnly and then just ended the call.

"Dad.. what is code green..." Kevin started to regret telling his father about this. A child can have a secret or two can't he?

"You see son, ever since mama bear and papa bear started to date, we've had one golden rule. NO, a golden LAW that kept us togheter through the rough and thick. Which kept our love stronger than Captain America himself. That is code green."

"Dad... what is code green..." Kevin repeated his question with a hint of 'get serious or I'll beat yo butt' tone.

"We created code green in case either of us ever found a real life alien or a spaceship... and if either of us ever speaks the words code green. The other will drop whatever they are doing and hurry up to the location of the caller. In this case, here. We've never used the code in all of our marriage since neither ever found an alien, nor a spaceship... but as expected of you, our little miracle maker, you made it possible to signal the code."

There was almost a noble aura surrounding the father whilst he spoke so graciously. Kevin had never seen this side of his father before. He wasn't sure if his father was doing this to diminish his worries or simply because his parents were secretly big alien believers/fans. It almost feels like finding out that your quite serious and hardworking parents are secretly otakus.

It hadn't even gone 8 minutes before they heard a car drive into their farm.

'what the.. if mom was at work, it should've taken atleast a 15 minute drive to get here. They are quite serious about this code green bussiness aren't they."

"Papa bear where did you see it, when did you see it!?" she was shouting with excitement even before she got in to the barn.

So I felt like making a bigger impact with the parents since he's soon leaving them. I didn't just want to write "He has a close relationship with his parents" and be over with it.

I do remember that he has an X-gene, but I don't want him to activate it yet. I mean Kryptonians already has super regeneration, Sups even came back from the dead once. Soo needless to say, he won't activate it yet.

Passerby_Vennecreators' thoughts