
The Man Who Refrained

Dying was not fun, but hey, turns out reincarnation is a thing. The catch? I am now Danzo. - This is a point of view story. The synopsis is the only first person writing on the part of Danzo, probably. He is reincarnated as Danzo. He is unreasonably overpowered, has a bunch of ridiculously strong underlings. It starts off with Danzo in his 40s, during the time of the 2nd Great Shinobi War.

wellaintyatrippin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs


The war had ended, but not as anyone had expected. Danzo, a shadowy figure behind the scenes, had emerged as the mastermind of the victory against Iwa. His Root forces, a secret elite of the village, had played a crucial role in this bloody drama. Zanpakuto, wielded by Danzo, had become weapons of mass destruction, forcing Mu and Onoki, the two Kage-level titans, to flee. Konoha's fate, seemingly sealed, lay in the hands of this dark lord.

The Konoha soldiers, who had watched the scene from afar, were stunned by the power that Danzo and his subordinates had shown. They had witnessed a display of might that defied all logic and reason. They had witnessed a spectacle of horror that transcended all morals and ethics. They had witnessed a miracle and a nightmare in one.

The Hokage, who had received the report of the battle, was astonished by the outcome. He had hoped that Danzo and his Root forces would hold off the Iwa army, until he could send backup. He had not imagined that they would wipe out the Iwa army, with only two people in action. He had not anticipated that they would use unknown and dangerous methods, or reveal hidden and powerful secrets. He had not foreseen that they would alter the course of the war, or shift the balance of the world.

He was relieved, that the war was over, and that they had survived. He was grateful, that Danzo had saved them from a hopeless situation. But he was also curious, about the swords that Danzo and his subordinates had used. And he was also doubtful, about the origin and the purpose of those swords. And he was also wary, about the consequences and the implications of those swords.

He decided to write a letter to Danzo, congratulating him on his victory, and asking him for more information. He also decided to ask him for more Root involvement in the war, hoping to use their strength and their secrets to secure the peace and the stability of the world. He hoped that Danzo would cooperate, and that he would trust him. He hoped that Danzo was loyal, and that he was honest. He hoped that Danzo was a friend, and not a foe.

Danzo, who had returned to his base, with his Root forces, was satisfied with his performance. He had proven his point, and his enemies had fled. He had won the war, and secured his land. He had used his Zanpakuto, to unleash a devastating attack that had forced Mu and Onoki, the two Kage-level titans, to flee. He had secured his land, and his future.

He looked at his subordinates, who had followed his orders, and who had fulfilled their duty. He saw the confidence in their eyes, born from the battle. They had seen the power of their Zanpakuto, and they had felt the bond with their swords. They had seen the fear of their enemies, and they had felt the respect of their allies. They had seen the glory of their victory, and they had felt the pride of their loyalty.

He smiled, and praised them. He told them that they had done well, and that they had made him proud. He told them that they had protected this village and this land, and that they had maintained the peace and the stability of this world. He told them that they had lived and let live, and that they had avoided any harm or trouble. He told them that they had been loyal to this village and this land, but that they had also been independent from any interference or control. He told them that they had been a part of this world, but that they had also been apart from this world.

He did not tell them anything else. He did not tell them his secrets, or his plans. He did not tell them that he had more enemies and more threats. He did not tell them that he had more worlds and more realities. He did not tell them that he had more swords and more subordinates. He did not tell them that he had more power and more choices.

He did not tell them that he, Danzo Shimura, the leader of Root, the protector of Konoha, for they already knew, now better than ever.