
The Magiscience Sage

Loudvik Armirov is the leader of the Armvik Company, the leading tech company in the galactic Union an accident happened and now he has found himself in a new environment. Read as he uses science and magic to survive in this other world!

plac3 · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The creature

"Unidentified creature located. Please proceed cautiously.", Alerted the AI.

"Toggling night vision mode."

In his eyes, everything turned brighter as if someone changed the brightness of the world.

With a clearer vision, he could see a creature that looked like a colorless borax slime.

It was translucent and had some bubbles forming in its interior that were visible to the outside.

"This thing has no eyes or ears, I doubt it's able to hear or see me. Well, I say that but there are no organs in that creature contrary to the slime mold." He said, curious.

He then reaches into his pocket for his knife to puncture his finger, and with it, he decides to drop blood on the slime.

"I wonder if the nanobots have enough communication energy. Otherwise, I'll be fine with only seeing what happens to liquid retained by this thing and its food processing speed." He said.

The blood falls into the slime, and it starts going through it at a falling speed but in the middle, it slows down to a stopping point.

The slime then starts moving in Loudvik's direction.

"The constitution of this being is not cataloged in the Union's chemical charts. There aren't any atoms in this being, instead, it has a similar structure. With pentaquarks that resemble protons and neutrons. It is unknown how they were formed and how this being operates." Informed the AI.

Atoms are what the objects you see daily are made out of, made out of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

Protons and Neutrons are Baryons, structures that have three quarks.

In 2019 humanity discovered a new type of structure that consisted of 5 quarks, the pentaquark.

It is extremely rare and to this day can only be made in a laboratory.

So finding a living being that was naturally formed with pentaquarks is truly a sight to behold.

"This is madness! I have to take this creature with me for studying once I have the proper equipment. A natural science-defying being!" He said enthusiastically.

"Focus! I have to find water."

He then proceeds to pass over the being.

He has to get water to not die from dehydration.

Going down the cave he starts hearing flowing water, he heads toward the direction of the sounds and steps on something slimy.

Could it be the slime he had previously seen?

No, it was a bigger slime.

It had the size of his legs and just passed through him.

"It seems these things aren't carnivorous and exist in abundance? I have to pay more attention where I step though, that could've been ugly." He said,

"Nova might also be low on energy considering how she didn't warn me about it. Well, I did work for days without recharging before I got here..."

He kept going and found a stream of water.

He filled his aluminum mug with it and once again dropped a bit of blood in it.

After a few seconds of waiting the blood suddenly dissolved completely and a crust formed on the bottom of the mug.

He then proceeded to drink the water, as it had just been filtered.

While drinking the water a creature started approaching him, a slime?


Something much bigger and bipedal.