
The Magical Journey To Hogwarts

With the crying of a baby coming from St. Mungo's Magical Injuries Hospital, a soul from another world arrived in this magical realm. ... What difference will this baby named Bell Minethil bring to the world? ... Bell: "I'm not great. I'm just an ordinary seeker, exploring the path of magic. If you want to support me, this is my Patreon, where you can find advance chapters: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303

inferno303 · ภาพยนตร์
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Opening the Door to Freedom (Edited)

Bell had read the "Harry Potter" book series in his previous life, although many years had passed, and he couldn't even remember if he had read them completely.

After careful consideration, Bell realized that he only had vague memories of the events of the first two years of the story. He wasn't even sure if his memories were correct. The only thing he was sure of was that, after Harry Potter's entry into Hogwarts in the future, problems always occurred at the school.

However, Bell didn't pay much attention to this. What he had in front of him was a real world, and he was sure of it. Perhaps in reality, Voldemort had already completely calmed down.

Although he didn't know why some things in this world matched the description in the book of his previous life, Bell didn't think he had entered the world of the book, nor did he consider himself the protagonist. As mentioned earlier, Bell had no attachment to his life this time and lived each day with an indifferent attitude.

"Lym, do you know who Voldemort is?"

Bell, bored, brought up a random topic.

When Lym heard his young master's question, his eyes widened in shock. Bell was worried his eyeballs might fall out.

"Y-young master, that name... must not be spoken!" Lym replied with a shrill voice, a typical trait of house-elves.

"Oh? Why not?" Bell asked casually.

He remembered that wizards were afraid to pronounce Voldemort's name but couldn't recall why.

"Lym doesn't know, but everyone says it must not be spoken."

"Well... do you know who Harry Potter is?" Bell asked again.

"Yes, Lym knows. Everyone says Potter defeated You-Know-Who, which made You-Know-Who lose his power. They all call Harry Potter the 'Savior.'"

"So, how did Potter defeat Voldemort? From what I know, he must be several months younger than me."

"I'm sorry, master; Lym doesn't know. Lym also asked other house-elves, but no one knows. But Dumbledore said it was Potter who defeated You-Know-Who, and You-Know-Who really disappeared, so everyone believes what Dumbledore says."

As she couldn't answer Bell's questions, Lym felt very guilty. She looked at Bell with sadness, hoping her young master wouldn't be angry with her.

Seeing Lym's expression, Bell smiled without concern and said, "Don't worry, I'm just talking aimlessly."

"So, is You-Know-Who dead?"

"Many people say no, that he will definitely come back. But the Ministry of Magic announced that he's dead. So Lym doesn't know if he's really dead or not."

The information Bell got from Lym closely matched his vague memories from his previous life, which wasn't interesting at all.


Learning a new language was a very boring and mentally and physically exhausting activity. For a baby like Bell, even learning a little made him feel very tired and sleepy. So during his free time from this task, Bell also carried out the second task on his list: controlling his magic.

Although Bell didn't mind the feeling of being at home, he didn't want to spend his entire life in the room. Not wanting to go out and not being able to were completely different concepts.

With the goal of obtaining his freedom as soon as possible, Bell conducted daily training to control his magic.

The results of Bell's training were remarkable. After the first week of training, his parents were forced to reinforce the seal that restricted his freedom.

Thanks to Bell's tireless efforts, he managed to open the door to freedom. The walls were breaking...

Of course, Bell's parents unconditionally supported his behavior. It didn't matter if it was a wall or even if they demolished the entire castle.

Yes, Bell lived in a castle. When he first learned this news, he was amazed. Could his family be a large noble family?

However, because he had never left his room, Bell had no idea what the castle was like or how big it was.

After finding out he wasn't an ordinary wizard living in a village and that he belonged to a noble family, Bell became more interested in his family. He even had Lym search for records about the family and conducted a detailed investigation of his own lineage.

Time passed quickly, and the fifth year after Bell's birth arrived. Bell had grown from a baby into a big child.

During these five years, Bell had not left his room once. He spent his days playing with toys, learning to read and write, and chatting with the house-elves.

Even the most interesting toys became boring after playing with them for five years, so Bell disposed of all the toys that had once filled his room.

Now his room was filled with books. After getting tired of training his control over magic, Bell typically chose to read or listen to the house-elves tell interesting stories to pass the time.

After years of reading and studying, Bell now had a comprehensive knowledge of the world of wizards. He had also become a skilled wizard in basic magical knowledge, such as the characteristics of various magical creatures and the effects of various potions.

However, the most surprising change Bell experienced in these years was discovering that his incurable illness had miraculously disappeared. He no longer wanted to stay at home without going out!


Today, just today, shortly after celebrating his fifth birthday, Bell finally managed to control his internal magic as if it were his own.

"Lym," Bell called out in the empty space of his room.

With a "crack" sound, the house-elf Lym appeared in front of Bell. She was Bell's personal housekeeper and took care of all aspects of his life. Compared to Bell's parents, his relationship with Lym was even deeper.

"How can I assist you, young master?"

"Yes, I want you to call my parents. I can control my magic now, there won't be any more explosions. So... get me out of here!"

Bell felt like he was about to go crazy. He wanted to go anywhere, just not stay in that room.

Lately, his depression had led him to eat twice as much as usual. If he kept going like this, his belly would swell like a balloon.

"Really, young master?!"

Lym's already large eyes widened.

"This is great! Fantastic! You'll finally be able to go out!"

Lym exclaimed and started crying.

"Come on, Lym, don't cry."

Bell patted Lym's back and said, "Go get my parents; I'm eager to get out."

At that moment, Bell felt a joy that had been absent for a long time inside him.