
The Mafia King Who Saved Me

Jessica_Wagner_3102 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

The next couple months

Jasmine POV

Another 2 months had flown by since I had been with Mark. I began to feel sick about 2 weeks ago and I couldn't figure out why. What the heck, I'm just sick is all. Finally, after a week of being sick, I had Mark make an appointment for me. The doctor was able to see me in the bedroom today. He had nothing to do, so he planned to come in about an hour.

When Dr. Humphry came in. I had just finished getting dressed in my knee-length turquoise dress and leggings. He was looking at my stomach as I walked over to sit in my chair. He came in with several things; vials, pregnancy tests, rubber bands they put on your arms to take blood, etc.. He came over to me, " Has your stomach felt tender to the touch at all?" asked Dr. Humphry. Yes it has, but I have also felt sick for about 2 weeks.

My cycle never goes the same but it always stays in a 36-day window. I feel light-headed, and want to sleep all the time. He pressed against my stomach, making me wince when he just lightly put his hand on my belly. He decided to start his panel of tests. "Ok, Jasmine I have to take some blood to make sure there is nothing we are missing for you. Then we need to have you take three of these pregnancy tests. Followed by an ultrasound, and we will figure out what's going on. It will be alright, I promise OK." Dr. Humphry said.

Mark came and held my hand, and my wrist was finally healed, so I had one less thing to worry about. Dr. Humphry began finding a vein with the special rubber band for my arm. When he finally found one, he had me count 1.... 2.... 3... He stuck me in the arm, filling up two vials with blood. He had me look over all the paperwork to make sure everything was correct. Once I made sure everything was all good, I initiated all of it and handed it back to Dr. Humphry.

He handed me a cup to pee in and thanked god because I needed to go now. So, of course, I did what he told me so I could take these tests. When I came out, he handed me the tests and told me to dip all three and no longer than 20 seconds for each one. In less than three minutes, they all lit up saying pregnant. I dropped to the floor holding the test crying. Mark came in to see me on the floor holding one of the tests.

He peered at the ones on the counter tops, and then he came and scooped me up off the floor. " Hey Doc, she is positive," said Mark with a broad grin on his face. He took them from my hand as Mark set me on the bed. "Well, this would explain the sickness, tender stomach, sleeping a lot, and anything else you have been dealing with." said Dr. Humphry with some amusement in his voice. I, on the other hand was scared, but thrilled at the same time. I wanted to be a mom for a long time, but I never imagined it would be this soon. Mark knew I was not all theirs, so he just held onto me while we sat on the bed, as Dr. Humphry took everything to his office to get an ultrasound set up.

It was going to be the first thing tomorrow morning before he could get me in, but I couldn't believe I was pregnant. I mean I was a virgin when I met Mark. Fortunately, I never suffered anything other than verbal, mental, and physical abuse. Mark had never hurt me and I knew he would make a wonderful father. I knew I would keep this baby and I knew my mother would want me to have my dream life even if the pregnancy came first. After a little bit I decided to sort through my phone and find a pregnancy app.

When I finally found one that I liked, I began to enter my information. When I did it, I estimated my due date to be November 21, 2023. It showed that I was actually 10 weeks pregnant. I stood up, smoothing my dress and, to my surprise, I was actually starting to show a small baby bump. Mark saw me trying to take the photo and keep my dress smooth but had no luck, so he put his hand on my belly gently. I took a picture and it was a great picture. I put it in so I could see my progress throughout my pregnancy.

That night I went to sleep and Mark laid next to me with his hand on my belly all night long. When morning came, I jumped out of bed and woke up Mark. I ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. Once I was done, I ran to the closet and picked out my clothes. When I went out of the closet, Mark looked at me like I had done something different. All I had done was braid pieces of my hair and pull them back. I had on a dress with leggings again with a pair of flats.

I decided to wear my pink dress with my leggings. I had done my make-up like Brittany had shown me in an attempt to hide the dark circles under my eyes. Time jump.... We were sitting in the doctor's office when a female doctor came in. " Hi, my name is Hanna. I will be your OBGYN. Dr. Humphry sent me everything over. He felt you might be more comfortable with a woman, given your history with men." said Dr. Hanna softly.

She had me pull up my dress and scoot my leggings down to a little below my hip bones. She put a small amount of gel on my belly, knowing I was far enough along. "OK, I see the baby, you're measuring at 10 weeks, so you will be due November 21st, 2023. The baby looks good and the heartbeat of the baby is 180. I would like you to come back in a couple of......." Dr. Hanna trailed off.

" Um Dr. Hanna is everything OK. Should we be worried about our baby?" asked Mark. We sat there for a minute as she began to adjust the monitor as she looked at the ultrasound. " Hmmm,... I am sorry guys, but I just caught a glimpse of something else. I almost have it still just a second longer. AHAHAH I found it. You're not only pregnant, but you're pregnant with twins. Congratulations Honey!!" exclaimed Hanna.

Mark and I just smiled at the screen as she was able to adjust it to show both babies. I cried because not only was I having one, but I was going to have two. I hugged Mark and kissed him as Hanna finished. She printed out the pictures and I was so excited to show Brittany and the others. She made an appointment to see me in three weeks and then I would see her once a month till told otherwise. I decided to have Mark stop at the doctor's office so I could show DR. Humphry.

We went in and asked the nurse if Doc was in and she left and went and got him. When he came around the corner, I saw him and I pulled out the pictures that showed Baby A and Baby B. " Congratulations you guys, and when I sent your blood work in your HGC matched what your ultrasound showed. I am so happy for you guys," said Dr. humphry. After seeing the doctor, I was ready to go home, eat lunch and rest. I ate and then went to lay down as I didn't feel the greatest.

Mark POV

When Dr. Humphry came in Jasmine had just finished getting dressed. We both noticed he had a bunch of things with him and I knew she was going to be uneasy. I sat down right by her as he began to examine her, feeling her stomach, drawing blood, and having her take pregnancy tests. She did really well and once he was done he handed her a cup to have her fill. She did what she was told and then came back out and the doctor handed her three clear blue digital pregnancy tests. He told her for no more than 20 seconds. Several minutes had passed and I thought I heard crying.

I knocked on the door and did not get an answer, so I went in to find her. She was sitting along the wall in a corner holding a test. What does it say honey? She just sat huddled up in the corner just staring at a test. I looked at the ones on the counter. It was bright blue and said PREGNANT.

I was so thrilled we would be having a baby, but I could tell she was scared. I picked her up off the floor carrying out as I handed the test to him. I sat Holding Jasmine for a while. I knew she was thrilled but scared at the same time. Right before he left he wrote down a time and date for an appointment for the ultrasound and OBGYN meeting. That was the soonest he could get us in.

Thank goodness they had openings tomorrow. The sooner we get her in the better. After she had calmed down I made a list of things that would be needed for the baby as she sat on my lap writing the list with me. I guess I never realized what all was going to be needed for this child. I had the maids start cleaning up the room next to ours. Once our list was done we went to the store to get several things.

She needed prenatals and we got them in gummy form since she didn't do well with pill forms. We had a store associate with us helping me lift everything and putting them in the cart, and one a special rolly cart to carry everything. once we got to the counter I paid and some of my guards met us at the store to help get everything home. We had so much it was crazy. Jasmine was not allowed to lift anything that was over 10 lbs due to the possibility of twins. She seemed to be getting thrilled more and more.

We found so much stuff we needed for the baby it was crazy. We got a special carry thing to hold the baby against our chests. bottles, couple things of formula in case, dresser, crib with changing table, diapers, label maker to help organize. Their was to much to name. We got it all though and we surprisingly got it all out to. Jasmine directed what needed to go to what room.

She had the bag in her hand that had a color palette in it as she compared it on the walls. Today was a long day. Tom my security guard was off today but was hanging out with us. He had fun setting up the baby's room with Jasmine and I. Once dinner came around everyone could tell Jasmine was worn out. She took her prenatals and the doctor called in a prescription for her to help with the nausea so she took that to.

We went to sleep that night so peacefully and happily. I loved feeling the butterfly effect she was having on her belly as we fell asleep. The next morning we got up and around and were ready for the ultrasound appointment. We headed out and went to the doctors. We filled out the paperwork work and I paid the fee for the visit. She was twiddling her thumbs nervous as can be.

The nurse called her back to take all her vitals and pee in a cup. Once they were done we headed back to the ultrasound room. They had her pull up her dress and scoot her leggings to the lower part of her hips. They used a wand monitor on her belly to double check the measurements of the baby. Jasmine was measuring 10 weeks and 1 day. As the ultrasound technician began moving she paused as she saw two babies.

"Look you're having twins. Congratulations to you guys this will be fun for you. You guys must be so excited." squealed the Ultrasound Technician. We smiled big, but Jasmine was hesitant, I'm sure from the current situation. We were able to hear the heart beats and it was so sweet. When we got home we started making a list of everything we needed for the babies with Jasmine sitting on my lap. I never realized how much stuff the babies would need.

Tom has the day off, but insists on coming to help pick things up and help get them home. We had so much stuff to get it took 4 trucks. When we got home the only thing I let Jasmine carry in was her prenatals and her breast pump. I had her delegate where she wanted the stuff at. Once I found the color palette I handed it to Jasmine and off she went trying to figure out what colors to use. We didn't know the gender of the babies yet and we decided to do ultrasound and blood work.

As she directed us to how she wanted things Tom my security guard hung out with Jasmine and I. It was his day off but he wouldn't miss this for the world. Tom also happened to be my best friend since highschool and was a good man, good security guard. He and I worked on setting up the crib and Jasmine began figuring what colors to paint the bedroom. When she finally found 4 colors and stuck them on the wall. I watched her step back to look at all three colors as I opened the windows up quickly.

She began taking down some colors as the sun shines through. Jasmine narrowed it down to two different colors and she just kept standing there staring at it. Finally I just went over and touched her arm making her jump. Sorry honey didn't mean to make you jump, why don't you take a break and sit down. She smiled at me, " No I am fine, I just want to get this figured out." Jasmine said with a smile in her voice. I finally convinced her to take a break and sit in her new rocking chair.

She was happy to take a break and rubbed her tummy like it was bothering her. I called Evan and asked him to bring something for all of us to eat especially Jasmine. About 10 minutes later he came in with a table for Jasmine with a bowl of tomato soup and grilled cheese. Another kitchen member came in the room setting the food on the other table for Tom and I. We knew Jasmine needed her space to eat so we gave her space. After a much needed lunch she went to lay down for a nap.