
The Mafia King Who Saved Me

Jessica_Wagner_3102 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Why Now?

Jasmine POV

After having lunch and going from 4 colors down to two colors. I was so Tired and ready for a nap. Finally getting comfortable and starting to doze off. Just as I start to Doze off I feel a hand on me dragging me off the bed. All I can do is scream and Hope someone hears me. I kick and scream trying to get this person off me and to no avail I can't get them off of me.

Next thing I knew I was being slammed against the wall, gasping for air as I realized Jack was holding me against the wall by my throat. All the other men surrounding him ready for whom may ever come to my rescue. I hear the door slam open and see Mark and Tom burst into the room followed by some of the other security members. Everything went dark as I kept gasping for air.

Mark POV

Tom and I are finishing setting things up when we hear a scream come from Jasmine and my bedroom. Tom and I drop everything taking off to find out if she is ok. We get to my room and find Jasmine pinned by Jack against the wall. Tom has let the other security grads know and they followed shortly behind us. Jasmine fell to the floor limp from the lack of oxygen. I had Dr. Humphrey and Dr. Hanna on standby for Jasmine as soon as I could get to her.

These guys were not going down without a fight however. As Jasmine laid on the floor I finally began to see her chest raise and fall. I think down Jack and made my way to Jasmine. Tom and my other security guards fought as I made a getaway to Dr. Humphreys office. He Paged Dr. Hanna for doing ultrasound. She was getting her color back and both the doctors looked at her and the babies and they were doing fine.

Once all Jasmine horrible family family members were gone I looked into adding a gate with a code. No one could get in unless they entered a code or talked to a guard to get in. Jasmine laid on the bed still out. after being out for several hours she finally woke up. She sat up fast clutching her belly hyperventilating. "The Babies!! Are they ok? did Jack and the others leave?" Jasmine said in a panic state.

To. sat up on the couch and jumped over when he heard her. He came and sat with me next to her. We hugged her and she started to calm down. Once she was calm Tom called for food and water. The Babies are fine Sweety the doctors already came and looked at you. Both babies are fine, you're fine too.

You were given oxygen and the doctor has an inhaler for you to use until the swelling goes down on your throat. Everything will be ok and Dr. Hanna wants to do an ultrasound check next week on you and baby just to be safe. For now you are to rest and be on bed rest. Anything you need please let us know. Tom and I put a couch in the babies room so you can still sit and do some things for the babies. She seemed to relax more hearing the babies were ok. However this still didn't explain how her family managed to get past security twice now.

She laid back calmly and knows now that when Tom is on shift, if I'm not with her, he is. She is to have two body guards at all times when I am with her. I left the room as Tom Sat down on the edge of the bed and turned on a movie for them. I placed Sam and Dorian at the door as back up. No one got in unless they were me or okay to go in. I went directly to my office to see what I could get installed to tighten up security.

I made several phone calls and had things set up to be done throughout the whole property. The workers were to come out next week with making and helping tighten up security. I made my way back to the bedroom. Jasmine was asleep laughing on Tom's chest. Uhh do I want to know what's happening? " Oh... Sorry she fell back asleep and had a nightmare.

She is shook up pretty badly. She said this dream didn't feel like a regular nightmare." Said Tom Softly. He and I switched places and he left over to the couch. Sam and Dorian still stood at the door, but it wasn't long before they came running in. What is happening? " They are back sir."Said Sam and Dorian in unison.

Tom and I jumped up Grabbing Jasmine and hid her in the bathroom. Dorian and Sam stood by the door ready for a fight. Tom and I stood in front of the bathroom. Jack and the others walked in to see us ready for anything. " What's the matter afraid we are here to take Jasmine. Well too bad because we are." Jack said harshly.

Jasmine came running in. " No more, I am done running and hiding. You guys are a piece of sh** for family. You guys constantly degraded me, broke my bones, fractured my bones, and more. I'm done and I am tired of the fight. Get out and leave me alone NOW!!" Screamed Jasmin.

Her pregnant belly is showing a bit more today for some reason. "What I wanna know is why does my sister's belly look so big? She used to be so skinny, and easier on the eyes. Looks like you guys have had fun. Maybe I'd behave better if I had fun with her." Jack said mockingly. Your discussing, she is your sister and she is pregnant with twins.

If I were you I'd be more interested in the fact that she is pregnant and the fact that she is still showing love for you. She knows you guys aren't all bad. I can tell she is still searching for the love you guys can give. It was NEVER her fault that her mother passed. Jasmine is a soon to be mother, and wants her family. Unfortunately you guys are to blind and stupid to see this.

Why do you think I tightened security. You won't get far with her if you try to take her. " Oh we are taking her whether you like it or not. She will come back home and finish her duties and continue to do her job. She will not ever leave again." Jack said Coldly. Jasmine slowly backed up behind Tom and I.

She held on to her belly, holding the twins in her belly. Tom and I stepped closer to her keeping her close by. There's no way you're getting her, and this time When you guys leave it will be in a body bag. Jasmine go back in the bathroom and stays there. Lock the door and no matter what don't come out. One of us will come to get you I promise.

Jasmine POV

I ran back into the bathroom hiding in the special spot where Mark had hid me earlier. I knew I'd be fine, but the babies on the other hand I was genuinely worried about. I laid there on the bed that Mark had brought in here for me. I heard a bunch of crashing, things breaking, and a couple of guns firing off. pretty soon I heard knocking on the door.. "Jasmine open the door!" said Tom.

I let Tom in and Saw Mark still fighting. " We need to get out of here NOW! Mark instructed me to take you away and Hide you. He will know we're to find us.. We need to call the cops to come help as well." Said Tom. As we made our way back to the closet hiding spot, Tom took me through this tunnel that was built under the house to keep everyone safe. Brittany was already down there waiting for us with a bag for me.

She had a bag of food, Money, and a few things for pregnancy items to help me make it. She had another bag of clothes, blankets and a few other things for both Tom and I.

She had a third set, Brittany do you get to come with us? " Yes I do Mark wanted me there to help and keep you safe. I have combat training from when I was in the military. I also have medical training" said Brittany softly.

As we all three made our way through the tunnel using the map Tom pulled out he led us to a country side cottage. We had spent several hours in the tunnel because when we came out it was dark. I was hurting so bad that Tom ended up having to carry me. The Tunnels were very well hidden at every entrance and exit. Tom Set me on the porch while he helped Brittany climb out. Brittany helped me inside after Tom inspected the cottage home.

We locked up the doors, the other emergency exit tunnel, closed the blinds, and activated the security alarms. I sat on the couch as Brittany began to cook dinner.

Not realizing I had fallen asleep, I was being woke up for dinner. I fell asleep after dinner rather quickly, with Brittany sitting on the bed with me. She had already alerted the cops and we were to wait here til Mark came and got us. At that it was just now a waiting game.