
Chapter 7

"From now on they will know you as Ignatus and your skeleton knight will call you Xander"

The Ignatus nods and Xander responds "I will honor the meaning of my name, master"

Several months passed and umbar privateers came to report on their discovery, they found where the mumakil life, was on the continent with position number three on the table of strongest beasts of the ten continents. Hearing this Angel went to the mainland where Vivian brought with her the haradrim to tame the beasts.

Upon arrival they were greeted with attacks, immediately the Haradrim raised their shields to protect Angel and themselves, the haradrim archers used their magic silver-tipped arrows, arrows upon contact with the attackers' bodies flew out, arrows destroyed organs giving a painful death by such daring.

At the end of the battle, the Haradrim immobilized some of the attackers by throwing arrows on their knees and arms so that they would not move, when they arrived they knocked them out, soon after they awoke in pain, the process of torture had begun, the torturer angel had been a little resentful of the surprise attack.

At first they did not speak but Angel made them speak, had put needles inside the nails, cutting the thighs and then putting lime, for several hours some had died after speaking however they opened their mouths.

The perpetrators of the attack were the empire of the continent, however, Angel thought a way to get the builders of the men of the east (Gondor and Rohan), if it worked he could also get the other planes of the elves.

The Haradrim were able to tame the mumakil, it took weeks but there were results, the mumakil were now meek, Angel tried to control one, the result... it was exciting as I imagined.

Months passed and the number of mumakils kept increasing but at the same time Angel tried to trade with the empire of the continent classified number three, he was not afraid to go to war however the empire if he had it, had been surprised that he tried to trade with they provoke a sigh of relief for the defense ministers and the emperor himself.

Several quiet months passed, the empire came to trust Angel giving the result of the thoughts he had, had appeared the builders of the eastern men along with battalions of Gondor and cavalry of Rohan, were the soldiers of Gondor, the guards of the white tower and the best riders there were in the whole game.

As was common Angel asked for the plans, there was the fortress, the barracks, the archery gallery, the stables, the market, the forging, the water fountains, the heroic statues, and the catapult factory. Angel asked that they build the fortress immediately, it took several weeks but they succeeded.

He wanted to try the upgrade of the ivory tower, and summon Gandalf to control the magic of space and time along with the sorcerer-king and Saruman, a while later the ivory tower had appeared, and Angel active the most broken ability of the game, only to receive a great headache but kept the screams for himself, it was too much information however he was able to process it, days later Gandalf had appeared but instead of being gray was the white does not know because but I ignore it the minor details.

As he wanted to prove the men of the east, he made them conquer the continent where Angel was born, he directly commanded the soldiers, the first thing he did was recruit the Dunedain to infiltrate the capitals of the continent's kingdoms, obviously Angel He gave them better armor and weapons like all the armies he had, it was several months and the continent was conquered if not by equipment upgrades it would take the same time when he conquered the frozen continent.

Angel was walking with his mutated dog and with his mount the black huargo, until the two beasts became very nervous, Angel immediately under the huargo and began to observe his surroundings, I heard as the trees moved but at the same time heard voices inside them, but when he was about to leave I heard a step however he was very heavy to come from a man and finally saw the cause of the passage.

It was an Ent but not just any but Tree but instead of measuring 4.65 m a half like the giants of the mountain but instead of being a tree-like greater oak its body seemed to be made of tule trees, but as a characteristic of the Ents is that it had mosses out there and by there, Tree had its long, big nose along with its yellow eyes and black pupils was the same but its body and height were not.

Several days passed and Angel finally got the plans for the Ents' camera, for now he had two dozen Ents was not that it cost a lot of resources but they could not find strong trees like the tupe and took a long time to create.

Angel had thought of destroying the empire he was trading with him but if he did, word would spread and Angel doesn't want to risk the rumors reaching the elves when he trades with the elves he'll destroy the two of them for wasting a lot of time to conquer this world.

The strongest force of this world was the empire of Lustria the greatest continent of all, especially the emperor, Angel when he received the information from the ivory tower, saw what was the strongest emperor all, was just as great as Angel, about 1.95m but Angel knew that he would grow many more before he died from his wounds he averaged Xander 2.10 m and if angel muscles had a serious steel synonym.

He knew that if they fought the fight it would last a whole day and night, thinking about this boiled the blood, but for that day to come he had to increase the numbers of his armies at least ten times, only the lothlórien elves, that's why I send spies (Numenorean archers and forest elves safe) to all continents, including those he had conquered.

Several months passed and finally found a trace of the elves, on the second largest continent, Angel estimated that if he put all the continents together he could form the same size as him, the Numenoreans were able to steal one of the elves' clothes, Angel came to the mainland together several jaurías of huargos and wolves, they captured the trail inside a cave, as they passed through it passed through a valley full up rocks, their black huargo became nervous when the huargos and wolves were the same, looked all over the Angel had brought a battalion of Numenór archers, from the black forest and the Dunedain, also brought a group of the elite of the Uruks' elite, the bearers of Uruk death, possessed a shield with spikes, a great sword that if it were not by the force of their arms the would have to carry two hands, helmets painted with white hand in the center of them.

The beasts were still nervous but they kept moving forward, after a while the beasts ran and they know why there were giants of rock and as their name threw stones of tremendous sizes, the group separated in different directions, then several hours the group killed the rock giants, the group seeing that only rocks were throwing their shots to hit the other giants yet there had been a giant left, they did not know how to kill it until the horde of death carriers climbed down his body, were trying to hit where the nucleus was, a death bearer came to the head and hit where the core was, after the death of the beast began to fall parts of his body, the Uruk that was in the head I only waited for death but Angel's huargo I saved him at the last minute.

By the time the Numenoreans separated they captured the cause of the attack, an archmage elf, they gradually broke their bones by attacking their lord, started by the feet, and ended up breaking his neck, all had been resentful for not being of help but took it out on elf.

Angel was held back to say that they destroyed the elves but if he did he could not get the missing plans and elves to finally fight for the post of the strongest empire, if anyone saw at this moment his face he could notice a large vein coming out of his forehead threatening to explode.

They continued advancing for a few more hours through the valley but now more alerts so that they would not be attacked by surprise again, a few more hours of walking out of nowhere appearing elves behind the rocks pointing at them with swords, spears, and bows however they were surprised by the quick response of Angel's soldiers, the Uruks quickly a wall of shields while the Numenoreans and elves of the black forest pulled arrows from quiver they're, while the Dúnedains drew their swords, a few minutes later a middle-aged elf broke the tense atmosphere.

"You must be the conqueror of the continent, right?"

"The same but did not come to conquer them came if we could trade materials that only you can have for a price equivalent to the material, besides what I'm looking for is a sentry tear and so only you get along with the sentries."

"I am not in charge of making such great decisions, I can inform your imperial highness, in the meantime I invite you to enter the elf empire however you will not carry your weapons and including your conqueror."

"' I hoped it was a non-empire kingdom, this got a little complicated' Ok we'll leave them our weapons.

One by one Angel's soldiers left their weapons, yet the death carriers' weapons were too heavy for the elves, so the elves created mini rock giants, half about three meters. Angel thought he could create if he stole that magic.

Several weeks passed and finally the elf empire was going to trade its unique products to Angel and angel did the same to earn his trust, it had been several months and finally came the lothlórien elves and the guards of the gray ports, Angel was about to destroy the elf empire but he didn't because if he killed him he wouldn't get beautiful maids like the elves. However I destroyed it the same, it was easier to devastate them, had infiltrated Noldor elves, replaced the guards with the lancers of the gray ports and common warriors, after destroying the subordinate kingdoms of the empire finally prepared for the fight finale together.

Several months passed, only one continent remained to conquer, Lustria and the golden empire along with its emperor, Angel improved and improved to the limit everything that could be upgraded, weapons, armor, artillery, cavalry, soldiers, archers, wizards, beasts, commanders, etc.

The size of the continent of Lustria was twice as large even if all continents came together, but as Angel knew that there is only one empire that must be prepared for this struggle, because the only power that is in that land and continued to consolidate its power year after year, you should not underestimate them just because I improve their armies.

Angel was in front of some of the towers of Gondor ivory, using it again giving another terrible headache for the information he was receiving from her, he saw the parts of the army, as his name indicates all his armor, robes, weapons, artillery anything was made of gold.

Now Angel was in a special Angmar well, he was going to create another beast from Epic War, Angel got very specific materials, the diameter of the well was just like an Angmar fortress however now they were outdoors, from afar you could see giants of the mountain bringing the materials, they brought dragons with a great affinity with earth and fire, big horns, large dragon scales, gigantic wings.

Several days later there was a reaction from the well, a large yellow creature with large horns pointing forward, large wings, with two pairs of legs, was a modified version of the earth dragon of Epic War five, it was large measured eight meters high and about twenty meters long.

Months and months continue to pass, even the same planet felt the tension between the two remaining forces on the continent, Angel mounted on Drogoth and flew to the capital of the golden empire, to formally invite as a knight a great war that will be remembered by several hundred years but that story will be for another time.

Being near the capital I ordered Drogoth to slowly descend a kilometer away from the capital gate, when he comes down from it he pulled out a white flag and finally came out a voice bearer like elder mouth but less cool. He had asked if he could meet with the emperor upon hearing this he quickly went to the castle to say the message.

Within a while a person had come out a great common brown horse if it were not for the golden armor he had and above him there was a middle-aged man, the emperor and final chief for Gabriel, they chatted for a couple of hours but finally gave the message he wanted to give.

"Going to the main theme I came for, I'll wait for you on a great plain a few thousand miles northwest of here, put all your army together and I'll do the same, in a few months I'll see you golden emperor"

At the end of his words, he immediately went with Drogoth to prepare his armies and himself, further honing his abilities, and finally the two armies looked coldly at each other, if there were cameras and taking a photograph at this time I would only see two colors, gold and black.

At first, there was a 'contest' of trumpets sounding, obviously the winning side was the haradrim, at first it was a horn after two and so on sounding thousands of horns simultaneously, the first to react to the horns were the mumakil and in the next instant the troops advanced.

The two factions suffered great attacks, no matter which side they suffered great injuries, the war lasted several days, at some points of the battlefield there were small mountains of corpse soldiers, mounts, dragons, etc., but in the center, there were two men half-lying the same, the golden knight lacked his left arm and the dark knight with red smoke lacked an eye and a large piece of flesh from the right pectoral, the two looked coldly, his armor was in disrepair, the former lacked the breastplate and the greaves of the legs, while the second was missing an eye from his breastplate on the right side and half of the crown-shaped helmet however his weapons were not his were destroyed only to cause great damage to his enemy.

What remained of the army of the two sides formed a great circle around their lords, the Haradrim touched their horns again while the two armies collided their weapons with the ground or shields to create noise and when they finished the two lords collided weapons again just like armies.

Several more days the fight ended, the emperor now lacks his right arm while Angel had a sword nailed to his left chest a few millimeters from his heart, his right arm no longer served, while he was blind to one eye, Gabriel seeing the emperor Kneeling in front of him he grabbed a sword and with the little force he had left made a cut to the emperor's left chest after throwing the sword to the floor he raised his arm and with one movement ripped his heart and finally the emperor fell. Seeing this sounded the horns of all races of the game, the loudest sound was that of Isengard but Angel ignored this and fainted but before touching the floor Xander held his body, he gave the order to kill the survivors while carrying his master's body to his strength to recover.

Xander upon arriving saw Kalatras approaching but seeing the eyes of the teacher's wife was no concern or fear to see his beloved so but greed or instinct to kill, by leaving his master on a bed he ordered the spiders to watch over the king's lady while saying whether trying to get her killed directly after she finished her task, she went to command the troops to consume the continent hat was missing from her master.

At that time Angel was in a coma for several months, and finally opened his eyes but did not see wife, however, the spiders saw that his lord awoke warned Xander, he arrived after several hours of travel.

"Lord at last awoke, did he recover well?"

"Quiet Xander I'm fine for now though where is kalatras?"

"*he sighs and angry* My lord is better not to trust that woman again, she is being watched by death bearers for trying to kill him while she recovers, Master I restrained myself for not killing her every time I see her, but for the spiders that command her to be watched you would be dead, my king please order to kill her and I will bring your head..."

After hearing Xander's words, Angel only sigh had been silent for several minutes looking at the empty, he was told that he would have to wait for this, they had only met for a few days and had declared themselves husband and wife, it was normal that happening this, she saw her family kill in front of her she would still be her family and when she thought this again I sigh again.

"Xander help me get up, let's try Kalatras for the assassination attempt towards me. you the one over there, there's a horn in one of the rooms on the first floor bring it"

The spider brought the horn and Angel blew, this was a special horn, it was made to call all the commanders and some elites of all the soldiers, several hours later appeared one by one, the first to arrive was Saruman, the sorcerer-king and Gandalf, then Rogash, Drogoth, etc.

And in the distance they could see a pair of death-bearings dragging a dark elf, Kalatras, she looked battered, cut and beaten, when she was thrown to the floor in front of Angel's feet.

"Kalatras didn't expect it from you but after reflecting on what happened to us I think I found your reason to do it"

And as Angel thought he had succeeded in because he wanted to kill him his ex-wife, however, he did not waste any more time, he should be resting in his comfortable bed but as he had no more company his former companion had simply chosen some elf servants, but as not could move only asked him to embrace him, he would reward them with carnal acts.

Kalatras's punishment was to be the witch king's guinea pig and Xander, she thought she would be killed immediately but not now she would suffer a worse punishment than death, Xander wanted to try new methods of torture while the sorcerer-king would use her to experiments to test magics of all kinds from gravity to blood magic he learned recently from the wizards of the golden empire.

Several months passed and Angel could move as before but after his confrontation with the emperor his power had increased at least twice as much as before, he wanted to know if the lothlórien elves could draw their scars however they had to ask for the help of the heroes of the elves and to Gandalf to heal such scars.

Several weeks passed and Gabriel's body had no scars, without those horrendous things his best appearance, if it was beautiful before now he can compare his beauty with the sun itself if not by the cold emotions he had.

guys there's only one chapter because I've been working and trying to find inspiration by watching rap videos and videos of Lord of the Rings

adió bois (O3O)

Galvarinocreators' thoughts