
Chapter 8

On one path you could see two people, a man with tan fur riding on a great black beast, and next to him another man dressed in black with a helmet peaks on his head forming a crown on a black horse, obviously he was Angel and the sorcerer-king, chatting about certain things.

"You know warlock king when we got here we've only taken four years to conquer these lands however it was very easy to conquer them, and that's my problem, we rarely found it took only a wretched four years to have it all"

"If my king, even Xander told me that, it is very rare that we only spend four years, my lord, do you think that we will only conquer this land?"

They spent several hours talking about it, until an abnormality appeared a few hundred yards away without expecting them to get more teammates and an army that would increase in size and strength if things were done right.

"Besides, if we keep going like this, I guess I'll fight..."

"Did my lord feel it true?"

Feeling powerful magic about five hundred meters southeast of where they were, upon arrival they saw two things, a bird-like 'magician' with a height of three meters, with a golden cane, possessed wings and his face was like a crow but his 'mouth' was black at the tip and his skin pink yet they felt an 'evil' power.

Seeing this the sorcerer-king used his strongest spell, draining all the magic of the birdman, and Angel took advantage of cutting off their wings and joints to finally blow a horn that the dwarves made him especially, when blowing the horn his singing could be heard to miles from where they were yet enough to summon several knights of Don Amroth.

In the distance you could hear several horses on them were black-armored riders with red matrices along with large spears, when they arrived they immediately prepared to defend their lord.

"Quiet my knights, we have already neutralized the enemy, tie him up and take him to 'talk' to him. also be careful in case you call Xander to keep this... thing..."

"If my lord, is there anything else we can do with this being?"

"Yes... use magic restriction chains and make them heavy, if you can't chain them ask mountain trolls for help."

"At your command my lord."

"Thank you for putting an illusion in that witch king portal."

"As much as my lord is in your command, you must be select in the information we give to our men."

"Yes... you have to be cautious... also this portal is to the edge of that bird man's power but the weirdest thing makes me know that 'thing'... Warlock King tell me when you can use your power again however don't use it for a person, use a formation and get ready because in a little while we're going to cross."

"My king be wise, instead of crossing let us wait a few days when we take information out of that being, and let us not go only the two of us, let us go with the rest of the commanders, builders and great hordes of elites."

"*I sigh* sometimes I wonder because I'm this stupid, thank you again king sorcerer and if that thing turns out to be useful to you I'll leave it to you to steal his magics and powers yet take Saruman and Gandalf just in case."

"If my king."

Several weeks passed and finally that birdman spoke. Angel was playing with his mutated 'dog' throwing him a 'small' trunk about twenty centimeters in diameter until he saw a dwarf zelote arrive, he brought news about the 'talk' he got from Xander and the warlock king.

"My king I bring news, do you want the report here or will I tell you on the way?"

"Tell me on the way, besides, what did we get from the birdman?"

When I hear him, the zelote called a rhino-like beast but very small but comfortable for him, as he climbed he began to speak.

"My king for what he obtained the second supreme commander Xander and the first supreme commander king sorcerer, is that that aberration of bird and man calls himself Sarthorael the ever watch, he serves a god named Tzeentch a god of chaos, he says that after doing a ritual for travel to a continent called Lustria to fulfill a goal that was to interrupt a ritual of beings called defenders of the world... is my king all right? *Chiflido* You pathetic Noldor elves bring your doctors! Now!""

Angel had gone pale after leaving that state ordered his huargo to run where his reliable henchmen were, upon arriving he could see Sarthorael trying to use chaos magic however before he did Angel immediately cuts off his head and then I order Xander to burn him with his fire.

"My king Why did you murder that thing?"

"*sigh* arrives on time, Xander, sorcerer-king, he was Sarthorael a shape changer... or a creator of chaos who controls the masses from the shadows transformed as a blind man with a black cane and coat along with a white crow that serves as eyes and ears, he where he comes serves as a counselor but his tips serve to create chaos however when he already discover it will be too late... if it weren't for you to follow my orders without hesitation there would be great chaos"

"However my lord that portal will not be destroyed for a long time, master of the order and prepare all armies to conquer this new land but as you said do not underestimate this new force, the first to enter will be the elites and together with the others commanders to test these pathetic beings."

Although the forces are separated by continents arrived in record time, in a measly two weeks came all the elites, dragons, mumakils, death bearers, dwarf Zelotes, Noldor elves and so on. The first to enter was Angel and his commanders, after it is 'safe' to send a Nazgúl to advance the remaining forces.

When crossing they waited for a few people but were greeted by a large entourage of about three thousand chaos warriors, each and each of them being chaos warriors with two-handed weapons, their entire body is covered with metal along with a very thick layer of skin. And there was a special group of warriors or rather a horde of chosen ones.

However Angel and his commanders were not alone, were accompanied by death bearers mutated by the sorcerer-king, they took a high torso from the warriors and chosen from the chaos, they instead of carrying a sword directly carried double-edged axes along with large black armor that absorbed any light be it fire or the sun's rays.

For a while they all looked at each other however the Uruks blew their horns in sign so that they would begin to advance to kill at will. Strikes flew from all over the battlefield, the death bearers were like their name, they savagely killed as if they were the g, the Uruks came together to kill someone, some lifted the chosen ones and another Uruk would lower his ax to break him In two, another dropped his gun and removed the helmet from a chaos warrior only to rip out his jugular or they used his fingers to crush his eyes and then crush his head.

But there was a special Uruk or rather Lurtz, just by firing an arrow he can rip out ahead but this was possible because he asked to be mutated like his peers, however, he retained his long hair and his original but improved weapons, when he ran out of arrows I draw his sword, just by swaying his sword the heads of the enemies flew.

Several hours passed and the battle was finally over, the Uruks gathered their heads only to nail them in spades and thus claim territory for their lord, soon after the rest of the elite troops appeared.

Angel hadn't realized where he was as engrossed in the fight that he forgot about his surroundings, and finally saw the terrains, earth, clouds, whatever it is everything was dead along with its predominant color black.

Several weeks passed and they finally saw the sea, as he thought were in the lands of chaos, he knew this because far away he could see the old world or exactly the north of it, only to realize that there would be a great struggle ahead however it will not be like before, this will be a great challenge and nothing better than starting with the forces of chaos and Norsca.

But seeing that Sarthorael is already transformed, some factions must already be destroyed and others awakened like the Skavens in the pit of hell or rather their home. Angel asked the trolls to bring wood and metal so that umbar privateers start building transport ships and warships.

Several weeks passed and finally reached the cold lands of Norsca and forces of chaos, saw several strongly fortified by chaos or by Wulfrik the wanderer, however, Angel does not know who is in command of the forces of chaos or was Archaon, Kholek he eats soles or Prince Sigvald, however Sarthorael is already dead thus one less problem.

Angel ordered the construction of tunnel networks, and Angmar buildings, while sending the Elves of Noldor and Numenoreans to explore the cities, to see how they could easily destroy them.

A certain city or rather the guards who were on the high walls saw a large army approaching but did not recognize that faction they knew, they all had black armor along with a large flag with an eye without blinks with a pupil just like a snake painted red while the fabric was black, among them were beasts with large armor and sledgehammers with sharp tips on top of the mace they mediate the same as the wall according to their calculations and smaller beasts but with large swords and drums? They were about to sound the alarm if it weren't for the sound of enemy horns.

The whole city heard the horns but they didn't remember that theirs sounded like this, but one moment on they could see a big rock flying over houses and people until they realized they were being attacked by an enemy army.

During the battle the trolls went with their large bodies and their tremendous strength to break the heavily reinforced doors however they fell just like the morale of the city, the attack trolls did not blindly charge as before they wore some halberds to destroy the lines of defense, after destroying the defense for the Knights of the Dol Amroth to quickly seek out the crossbowmen and artillery, on the walls, there was not a single soldier without a fight but they easily fell to the warriors of numenór and elves of Noldor, in the center of the city there was a giant beast but specifically a giant of chaos who was fighting with a giant of the mountain the two median the same eight meters high but his forces were not the same, the giant of the mountain was giving him a beating he never forgot, he carried it back and forth until I finally shot him to the ground only to grab his head with his gigantic hands and *CRACK!!! * The head of the chaos giant was separated from his body, the mountain giant raised the enemy's head and closed his hand, his head was a mixture of bones, organs and a lot of blood.

Shortly after the giant's small victory began to help in other parts of the battle and eventually won, several dwarf Zelotes appeared with vital information from the enemy, the entire area of the north of the continent belong to the forces of chaos or rather to Kholek he eats suns.

Angel knows that he is the best melee fighter in the game but now he is in real life, here there are no movement patterns that command is mobility and agility only the strength and powerful weapons, only relying on oneself.

Several months passed and more cities were conquered at the hands of the Angel forces, yet there were not only benefits of the cities but by the human resources or rather slaves of knowledge called wizards and blacksmiths of chaos, as always king sorcerer, Saruman and Gandalf absorbed magical knowledge like sponges with water and this was the same for blacksmith swamp trolls, dwarves and elves.

Angel was as quiet as resting after several days of continuous struggles until he saw in the distance some goblin riders bringing some giant rats or rather Skavens they would be moving back and forth but they were more dead than the futures of a certain author. ( ._.)

"My lord, in the tunnels, appeared rats in droves, if not for our poisoned weapons we would not last for long, look at this rat my lord, he carried a hanging mace but was quickly killed by the arrows."

"That my minion is called plague monks, they only have to hit you once to kill you, plus tell all spider riders they wear armor to protect the front of their body, this will not be the last time we will see him and tell Ella-Laraña to put her hatchlings in the tunnels from now on"

Several months passed and only a few capitals from three provinces were missing but they were the most fortified than the rest of the provinces however that would not stop Angel's armies, in the first capital, was open, however, it was the worst they did.

From afar you could see beasts that were larger than the trees and their Shaggoth Dragon Ogres, they looked like the mammoths of Norsca but they had no hair and their tusks are much larger but on top of them structured full of archers wearing clothes black with bows and arrows made purely of metal with gold colors, above the whole structure was a large flag shaped like a red-painted eye with a black background.

Even in the distance you could hear the horns (Isengard), when they arrived you saw soldiers, beasts, giants, cavalry, artillery but had the characteristic of all of them, their armor and weapons purely made of black metal and gold, but the general was mounted on a horse of fire like those of chaos but this was purely made of fire and black skin just like his rider but he was a skeleton set on fire with a red and gold armor along with a large ax, only the blade had the width of a torso of a warrior of the chaos even with his armor.

When they arrived they looked at each other with eyes full of struggle and madness, even the magic winds would not dare to go to the battlefield for the bloody 'aura' of the place, and in the next instant all the riders driving the elephants blew another type of horns (haradrim) and the whole army rushed however at the time of shock their career did not diminish a bit, but the most disastrous thing was the black archers on top of the beasts, every one of them did not fail in a certain shot at the neck or simply increased the force of the shot to be able to pass through the hull and thus kill him directly whoever his target, all of them died in one shot.

After several hours of battles finally, the enemy forces were torn apart or being devoured, an hour after rest they rushed to storm the defenseless capital, later black and red smoke could be seen leaving the capital.

This was repeated several more times in the other remaining capitals in the north of the continent, but this was immediately detected by the other forces and races of the world, whether the old one or where the vortex was, everyone knew that a new faction of multiple breeds serving under the same flag, an eye-banded flag without flicker with a red-painted snake pupil with a black background.

Everyone the old world knew that various races such as dwarves, elves, men, and goblins while new races and powers were working under a flag other than that the entire north of the continent was conquered would not believe it would be possible to make various races help conquer and share territory without the slightest of problems commonly seen.

On a certain mountain where the cold was abnormally icy with winds that cut off the skin that any place had a fortress protected by a great dragon, inside it, you could hear certain sounds, in a room you could hear music which is not of his time, but listening to the lyrics would only make you reflect on the decisions that someone made in his life but for the blows of a hammer crashing into the metal, there were magic weapons all over the place but not as powerful as that of certain characters however were also not of 'bad quality', all were converted into red-hot liquid and in the center you could see a mold of a spear and bow.

After several hours a certain person breathed a sigh of satisfaction for the power of his weapons, nor for the accumulated knowledge 'taught' by great blacksmiths that the huge improvement of these weapons would not come true.

Angel satisfied by her work was to take a bath with ultra-cold water, after a relaxing bath went to her room only to be greeted by Galvarino or rather her rings, as there were no people miles away she could moan as loud as she wanted " Great applause could be heard and the only witness to this was Drogoth, 'When will I get another partner just as strong as me?' he said this as the tears came out.

( ._.)


give me stones and comment for myself I can improve as a writer. ( ._.)

Galvarinocreators' thoughts
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