Living in a world of magic seemed amazing to him, he thought he could be happy. Although it seems every world has its own unfortunate events. This is Leonis Sirius Black's journey in his new life.
He had to rush over to the library having not woken up untime.
He was late-
He hadn't been able to sleep. The whole night he had been researching but there was only so much he was able to do in the middle of the night. He was trying to find any type of article on the trail of his father but was unable to find any. One would think such a huge occurrence would weren't plenty of information on the case but that obviously wasn't the case.
At least he knew what else to ask his grandfather when he planned on owling him later on.
At first, he was planning on asking the man to try if possible to get Leonis a meeting with his father... though he really doubt his grandfather would allow that but now he'll just ask him for a copy of the minutes at the trial.
He took a breather before walking in. There she was in the lounge area of the library, where it was more accustomed to more noise than there would be allowed in the library itself. As he reached the table Lena was sitting at, she was perched on a tall stool, sitting at a tall table with a map laid on the table with a stack of books at the side.
"Black" she greeted as he got closer a frown on her face.
He plopped the scroll on the table and waved a hand, "You can just call me Leonis, seeing as we'll be working together for the next few months. Hearing Black all the time is going to get annoying and I do apologise for being late."
She nodded slowly, "…Then you can call me Lena" she responded. "Well, anyways good morning. Let's just forget you were late- don't be late again, I don't like waiting. I was getting antsy thinking you forgot what time we planned to meet so I wasn't sure if I should just stand outside the library or wait in here and hope you come... I waited longer than I expected" She continued.
She then proceeded to unravel the scroll as Leonis took a seat on the stool on her left. He leaned overlooking over her shoulder at the now opened scroll reading what was said on it.
"First-year term Herbology Project- Leonis Black & Lena Rosé- Due 18th December."
"How come your name was put first?" she questioned.
"Alphabetic order" he answered her. She frowned and pointed to both 'Leonis' and 'Lena'
"I get that the first two letters of our names are the same but the third, mine has n, which comes before o" she stated with a look of annoyance on her face.
He looked at her with uncertainty not sure if she was joking or not… it would seem she wasn't. "It goes by our last names…" he commented lightly. A look of realisation dawned on her face.
Looking through the scroll, the same thing that had been written on the parchment was on the scroll too. He sighed in relief knowing damn well he had no idea where he put the parchment.
'A valley beyond the Quidditch fields south of the Castle has been home to many magical plant species for millennia. One such species, 'Swamp Shadblow, is not native to the region but has adapted to coexist with the other plant and animal species that live there since its introduction nearly two centuries ago. 'Swamp Shadblow' have thrived here until recently. However, its flowers have turned blue and wilted, and its leaves have turned yellow.
Mr. Black and Ms. Rosé. It is your responsibility to retore the ailing 'Swamp Shadblow' and help it thrive once more. You are permitted to use magical or non-magical means to accomplish this. If you require materials that are not available at the school premises, please contact myself, or madam Pince as needed.'
He heard Lena sigh after rereading their assignment, "I don't know if we got lucky or not- I don't feel like playing nursemaid with a stupid plant."
…Leonis thought it actually sounded interesting seeing as it was likely they would require substantial potion work, but he didn't say anything.
"I really don't want to miss breakfast- what are we even supposed to do?" She asked out loud.
Leonis hummed, "Well I would assume seeing as the plant is in need of aid, we need to figure out everything we can about the 'Swamp Shadblow' so we can determine what's wrong with it… then we just brew a potion to cure it." Leonis thought it was simple to understand.
"I knew that!" she snapped at him, Leonis… just stayed silent. Did she really know that? He thought as he looked discreetly in her direction. She was moving the stuff around, rearranging them silently her hair covering the side of her face.
Slowly but surely, she pushed her hair behind her hair and looked at the silent Leonis and looked towards the books. "Um… I picked out some books, I wasn't really sure if they'll be useful… could…" he understood where she was getting at. He leaned over and pulled the stack of books towards himself grabbing the one on top.
'The Magic of Fruits and Herbs by Rachael Goodman & Rickard Wilson' the title read. "Why did you pick this one?" he asked glancing over at her not particularly wanting to read the whole thing right there at that moment.
"Oh! I think I saw a picture of the plant I forgot what page though."
"It's fine, I'll check the index at the start" Leonis answered, he flicked to the chapter with the plant name finding the picture of it.
Lena smiled triumphantly, "There it is," she said smugly, "We just have to go out there with the book and we won't mistake it for anything else" she continued.
Leonis shook his head, "Not exactly… if you reread the assignment, it says that the flower is turning blue while the leaves are now yellow' so it's not going to look like this picture, but the picture will help with giving us an idea of how the plant is shaped."
"The book gives us a good description of what the plant is too" He mused as he skimmed through the page.
The page mentioned how the plant, 'Swamp Shadblow' needed approximately 10 hours of sunlight and just about enough water to keep the soil moist. It seemed like an average plant. Apparently, it was used in liqueur.
He started to wonder if everyone's assignments were all different, did some of them have the same plant but just different objectives?
"Ah… alright- well when should who go hunt for it? I'm free tonight and you?" Lena asked.
Leonis shrugged, "Yeah tonight is fine. We can go straight after dinner, it should be still light out. We can meet at the dining hall door after we finished eating and go together. Alright, I think that's everything we needed to be done for right now, I'm heading to the dining hall for breakfast. Do you need help packing away the stuff?"
"No, it's fine. I'll take the scroll with me too" she said. Leonis nodded before bidding goodbye.
As he made his way towards the dining hall a hand stopped him.
"There you are Black" It was Marcus Flint.
"I was asked to give out the letters that came in, but you weren't in the common room- so here" the boy gave him a letter before walking off with 'grace'.
Looking at the neatly addressed letter to him, that was sealed closed with the crest of the Malfoy family seal. He continued walking towards the dining hall as he flipped and turned the letter, not seeing who it was from.
He tore it open and unfolded the parchment.
'Dear Leonis,
How are you dear? Haven't heard from you since your last letter, I'm sure it is because you are enjoying your time at Hogwarts. I was glad to have gotten another letter from you, a longer letter at that, I'm sure Draco had something to do with that hadn't he?
From your previous letter, I'm glad you're starting to get along with your housemates. Slytherin can be a tough house to be in at times. I remember my days in Slytherin. Unfortunately, I will have to cut the pleasantries short, I am writing to you about your great grandfather, Arcturus Black.
I'm sure you remember how in my previous letter, I mentioned how he was feeling unwell. He has seemed to have contracted 'Dragon Pox' he had mentioned how he hadn't wanted you to know yet but has allowed me now to make sure you are aware of his current state. At the moment a certified mediwitch has given him permission to stay home.
He was able to take the cure, but it hasn't fully worked, which they suspect is due to his age.
I want you to know you shouldn't worry, he wouldn't want you to do that.
Your Aunt,
Narcissa Malfoy.'
He felt slightly numb as he made his way to the table. He quickened his pace, not caring where he was seated and sat down feeling as though his legs would give out any moment. His head ringing, his chest tightening. Getting dragon pox was quite common if not common at all with the older generation.
Most of them succumb to both old age and illness. It was clear to him, seeing as the cure didn't work- it meant that his old age- his grandfather was dying? Strangely enough, he felt like screaming his lungs out, but he felt as though he could barely breathe.
…If he was given the chance to save either Sirius or Arcturus. Leonis wouldn't even give Sirius a glance, he would run- no sprint to save Arcturus. He cared for the man he has known for so long in this life, the man that raised him in this life, taught him- loved him. The man was always there, even when he had been having those frequent nightmares when he had first moved in with the man.
He had always been so patient and caring- understanding.
He didn't touch the plate in front of him, instead, he rushed out heading back towards the dorms only wanting the comfort of his bed. He had made sure to have Aquila give Lena the parchment he had written on, mentioning how he would much rather go get the plant another day and apologised.
He closed the draped around his bed, hiding away under his duvet, refusing to let the situation get to him- eventually his eyes got heavier, and he succumbed to sleep. Once his eyes opened again, he peeked through the close drapes to see it was now dark, no longer bright, no longer daytime.
Sitting up on the bed, he glanced around the darkly lit room, noticing how all the other three beds had their drapes shut. It would seem his dormmates were asleep. Had he really slept for that long? He hadn't even gone to his lessons! Why hadn't anyone woken him up? Surely at least one of them would have headed back to the dorms even if it was just to get a book.
His stomach growled and he debated with himself whether or not it was worth breaking the rules just to get something to eat… it really was worth it.
He didn't think anyone else would be awake and about around this time…
"Hi" he awkwardly said breaking the silence between the three of them. What he really wanted to say was 'please leave me alone' but of course, he didn't say that.
"Hello…" one of them responded questioningly to his pitiful voice. He wasn't surprised at their tone; it was obvious they hadn't expected him to be there.
Leonis had been busy drowning his worries in a cup of hot chocolate and a few slices of toast, with melted butter when the Weasley twins decided was the best time to burst through the doors as though a troll was on their tail.
"What do we have here?" one twin asked- Leonis knew exactly which twin it was, there was no way he had forgotten since that day he bought them all ice cream. The one that spoke was most definitely George so the twin that was standing in front of him was Fred.
"Another rule breaker?" Fred spoke.
"A first-year…"
"Out of bed?"
"…and in the kitchens?!"
They walked closer towards him, "How'd you find the kitchens anyways?" Fred asked curiously.
"I'm friends with a Hufflepuff" Leonis answered and Fred gave George a knowing look.
"Of course."
"That makes sense… I remember you!"
"The ice cream!"
"The tasty-"
"Ice cream!" this time they both said it and Leonis felt like he was meeting them for the first time all over again.
"Although at that time we didn't know you were a-" George started, then Fred finished, "Black."
"…Well… surprise?" he responded which had both the twins snorting. "I remember you guys too, Gred and Forge, was it?" Leonis said with an amused smile and the twins grinned.
"He remembers us Forge!"
"I know Gred!"
"Do you-"
"Know whose-"
Leonis glanced at them with a smug smile pointing to the one on the right, "George" he stated then pointed to the one twin left, "Fred."
That had both twins looking at each other with wide eyes, "How did he do that?!" then they both turned to Leonis.
"Even our family have trouble telling us apart!" Fred said still surprised.
"Ah, right… could you- your too close," Leonis said.
"Sorry about that… that tends to happen doesn't it, Fred?"
"It sure does George."
"What are you guys doing out and about anyway?" Leonis asked.
Both of them shrugged, "Midnight adventure?" they offered, speaking in unison.
"And you?" they spoke at the same time again.
Leonis in return shrugged too, "Midnight sadness?" he offered. They stared at him for a few seconds before Leonis spoke again, "Well… I'm done anyways, so I'll leave you guys to it."
"Hold on!" George called out, using his hand to stop Leonis from moving any further and just like that both George and Fred rushed over to one of the corners, whispering to each other in a hushed tone.
Leonis could barely hear what was being said, but he could hear a few words here and there.
"...Sad?..." that was George.
"…our…first year…" Fred countered.
"…Adventure?..." George argued back.
"…The map?" Fred, again.
"Wicked!" George yelled quietly as they both looked over to Leonis who was standing waiting patiently with his brows furrowed not understanding a thing from the words he heard.
They both sauntered over, "Soo" Leonis began looking at the twins with suspicion.
"Leonis Black-" George began, rushing through the name.
"-We have decided-" Fred continued gleefully, then paused, glancing at his brother, his twin.
"-To invite you to join us on our soon-to-be-legendary pranks!" finished George.
"What?" Leonis look at them dumbly, trying to comprehend what was just said. They were inviting him to prank?
"Alright, look. There's no point beating around the bush, you've probably heard of us" Fred said proudly.
Leonis… has not heard of them… for pranking? But they didn't need to know that.
"It will just be one harmless prank, and before you know it- BOOM, all done!"
"Woah, let's slow down a bit… I'm guessing you guys prank often then?"
They looked to each other, "Yeah, pretty much and of course other forms of mischief in general." George said nonchalant, with a shrug of his shoulders.
Leonis sighed… looking away from them dramatically before looking towards the blue-eyed twins.
"…What did you have in mind?" Leonis could deny his curiosity.
"You have the marauders map!?" Leonis yelled in a hushed tone, staring at the large piece of parchment in awe, watching the steps of Flinch getting closer, "Just, oof- stop moving Fred!" George hissed.
He never thought he would have it in his hands. Fred turned to him with wide eyes, "Do you know the marauders?!" he too asked hi a loud hushed 'whisper', George too look back at him as he nodded. He wasn't even sure how or when it happened, but they were hiding in a broom closet, squeezed between both twins.
"Of course, I do! I know who they are" Leonis answered smugly, watching as the twins' eyes widened.
"Marauders are?!"
"Yes, but I won't tell you who they are though" Leonis decided to say.
Fred struggled to take his wand out of his robes but eventually did, "Lumos" he whispered, the brightly lit wand revealing their, smiling faces.
"…Don't you think that'll give us away?" Leonis said slowly.
"…He's right Fred," George said, his smile disappearing. Fred quickly stopped the spell and again the room was dark.
They had gotten caught that night. No thanks to the light Fred used. The Weasley twins were given a week of detention but somehow Leonis was able to get away with it… seeing as all the teachers seemed to now know of the condition of his great grandfather and decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.