
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Doom and the Cobra

The legendary sorcerer of darkness Doom was walking in the forest in her tight dark green robe. "Now where is it. The best magical creature to attack those children with. I know its close."

A giant dark green serpent about 20 feet long came slithering closer to Doom. She spotted the giant snake and smiled. "A raboc. Perfect. One of the world's most poisonous snakes." The raboc stood high in front of Doom. She grabbed her wand and the raboc stroke at lightning speed, black electricity came out of her wand and Zapped the raboc who quickly backed away in a blur. "Black lightning!" Black lightning shot out of her wand and electrified the raboc. It fell to the ground writhing.

Doom waved her wand over her opened hand and conjured a small brown leather bag. She grabbed a small handful of pink dust from the bag and blew it at the raboc. When the pink dust hit it in the face its eyes turned a dark pink for a moment. The raboc stood up to eye level with Doom and she said, "Go and destroy the legendary sorcerers. I command you." It turned and slithered away.

David, Shadow, Ken, Sara, Ashley, and Foxy were walking in the forest. Sara said, "Alright, so we defeated Werefang so who's next on the list?

Shadow said, "That would be Doom."

"Sounds like a lovely person" Sara said sarcastically. "What's their to know about her?"

"She has charms and good at bending feelings to get what she wants."

David asked with a grin containing a laugh, "Are you talking from experience? Is she like your ex girlfriend Shadow?"

"I met with spells and magic." Shadow punched David on the shoulder.

"Ow." David rubbed his shoulder. "That hurt you jerk. Use your words instead."

"Alright. One I never had any romance because I think that romance makes you soft. Two I prefer to punch someone than talk to someone. People forget what you say but they remember the pain you inflict."

"That's some dark wisdom you have there" Sara said.

"I'm still working on a good balance."

"Snake!" Ken yelled.

"What did you call me" Shadow asked.

"No. A big snake coming at us."

Foxy yelled, "Look out."

The raboc came slithering over. David whipped out his red wand out of thin air, looked at the snake and said, "Okay Mr. snake move along." He flicked his red wand at the raboc and a flame burst out and hit the ground close to the snake. The raboc backed its head away and raised it up.

Foxy shouted, "Watch out!" The raboc spitted acid in David face. David yelled out and fell to the ground. Everyone was alarmed.

"It stings" David shouted.

"David needs" Foxy yelled. "That's a raboc and they are very poisonous."

Shadow yelled, "Power up!"

Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!"

Shadow exclaimed, "Get back. Shadow blaster!" From his black wand was a beam of black and gold light that shot at the raboc. The raboc dodged the center of Shadows attack but was still hit and flew backwards and hit a tree branch. The raboc held on to the tree branch and then shot itself forward.

Ken raised his blue wand and exclaimed, "Water blaster!" The pump of water that blasted out Ken's wand hit the raboc and sent it crashing down. It rose up and spitted acid at Ken on his robe pushing him to the ground. Ken yelled in pain."

Shadow said, "No more playing around you guys."

Shadow, Sara, and Ashley raised their wands and exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!"

Shadow was covered in black and gold light from his wand then transformed into Arma, a living suit of armor that was half black and half gold with a yin-yang design on the front of it. He was holding a sword with a black handle and a gold broad blade.

A white light from Sara's white wand surrounded her and with white wings spreading outward the light vanished and Pegasus was in sight.

Ashley's pink wand released a white light with a golden hue that surrounded her and when the moment passed Ashley has been transformed into Uniqueen, a unicorn.

Arma exclaimed, "I'm ending this. Sword of light and darkness!" He raised his sword that was now glowing half in darkness and half in a golden light and sliced against the air diagonally. The power of light and darkness from his sword traveled at the serpent raboc and sliced it in the middle of it's body cutting it in half.

Pegasus said, "Quick lets help David and Ken."

"Not so fast" Doom said. She walked forward from behind a tree behind the raboc. She quickly waved her wand over her hand and a brown pouch magically appeared. She emptied the pouch of the black sand within onto the raboc's bodies and while waving her wand she chanted, "Serpents of old and serpents of power, revive and double during this wicked hour." The raboc that was split in two squirmed around and the head regrew its body and the lower half body regrew another head so now their were two rabocs. Both serpents hissed at Arma, Pegasus, and Uniqueen. "For those that don't know, my name is Doom and like my name applies your about to meet yours."

Arma quickly turned to Pegasus and Uniqueen and said, "I'll take care the snakes. My armor should protect me. You two fight Doom."

Pegasus and Uniqueen moved to Doom while Arma moved over to the rabocs and making sure their would be no sneak attacks from Doom and that he had the attention of the two serpents. Arma rushed at the two rabocs with his gold bladed sword raised up and ready to strike. The one raboc sprung itself forward and bit Arma on the shoulder. He grabbed the snake's body with one hand and yanked it of himself. He swung his sword around and exclaimed, "Sword of light and darkness!" He used his glowing sword of light and dark energy to slice off the raboc's head then threw the body on the ground and ready to fight the final snake.

Uniqueen exclaimed, "I get Doom so she can't get away. Unicorn rope!" A golden energy rope shot out of Uniqueen's horn and the end of it tied around Doom's forearm with the wand and she raised it.

Doom pointed the her wand at Uniqueen and exclaimed, "Black lightning!" A bolt of dark lightning shot out of her wand and hit Uniqueen zapping her with black electricity that went all through her body breaking the golden rope and forcing her to her knees. "You're going to have to do better than that girly."

Pegasus flew upward and exclaimed, "White feathers swift!" White feathers flew out from her wings like high speed darts.

Doom quickly raised her wand and exclaimed, "Darkness defend!" A black force felid shielded Doom from the front as Pegasus attack hit the dark shield and stuck on it with their sharp tips. When the dark energy shield disappeared the feathers fell harmlessly to the ground. "You need more power than that to take down a legendary sorcerer of darkness of my power."

"Wonderful idea" Pegasus said. "Stars of dreams!" White balls of energy appeared in a circle in front of herself and fired away towards Doom. Doom pointed her wand to the ground beneath her feet and a black hole appeared below her and she fell into it and both disappeared as the white energy balls pummeled the ground leaving behind craters. "I think I forced her to flee."

A black hole appeared below Pegasus and Doom rose out of it. "Watch out" Uniqueen shouted!

Doom raised her wand above her head pointing it at Pegasus and exclaimed, "Black lightning!" Dark lightning shot out of Doom's wand and hit Pegasus making her scream as she was electrocuted by the attack which forced her to land herself.

In the midst of Doom's attack, Uniqueen pointed her horn at Doom and exclaimed, "Unicorn horn shine!" A golden light blasted out uniqueen's horn and hit Doom on her side and sent her sliding on the ground.

Arma pointed his sword at the last raboc and said, "Your next." The raboc spitted acid at Arma just as he twisted his body and swinging his sword. The acid spit missed Arma as he swung his sword at the serpent's neck and slammed it to the ground. While it hurt the snake it didn't finish it and the raboc lifted its head but before it could do anything else Arma stomped on it from below the head, raised his sword and stabbed the raboc at the back of its head and through finishing the job.

Doom sat up and held her arm. She said, "Next time you will find defeating me to be much harder." She waved her wand and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Foxy yelled out, "You guys both David and Ken need help." Arma, Pegasus, and Uniqueen ran over to David and Ken who both were now in their normal clothes laying on the ground.

David said, "My vision is blurry."

Ken said, "I need a doctor."

Uniqueen said, "I know what to do." She pointed her horn over the acid that was on David's face and used her hoof to scratch her horn scratching flakes of gold onto David's wound. When the gold flakes touched the acid the poison of the raboc's attack was washed off harmlessly off of David.

David sat up and felt his face and rubbed his eyes. He said, "I'm all better now." He looked over at Ken and said, "Ken no! You got to help him." Uniqueen turned to Ken and repeated the same process on his chest wound as she did on David's.

Ken sat up and felt his chest and said, "Thank goodness. I thought I was going to be a goner." Arma, Pegasus, and Uniqueen transformed back to Shadow, Sara, and Ashley.

Sara asked, "So healing power?"

"Yep" Ashley confirmed. "Unicorn horns have magical healing powers and the queen of unicorns have especially strong healing powers from her horn.

David said, "Way to have everyone's back guys. Victory to team work."