
The Legend of Vin Serpent

A cockroach fights a fierce battle against destiny. He is transported to another world where it clings desperately to life, hoping to see another day. In this new and challenging environment, he faces unimaginable dangers while struggling for survival. Amidst these challenges, the bug demonstrates its courage by advancing through unknown lands, revealing not only the physical struggle but also the mental one.

El_Creador · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


After the so called trail of swords i was taken to a room but this time i was alone without any other Children. The room I found myself in wasn't particularly spacious, but it provided me with enough space to move around comfortably. Constructed with sturdy bricks, the room lacked any windows, and the only way in or out was through the solitary door. Its interior was rather spartan, containing just a bed, a desk topped with a shelf, and a lone chair. Surprisingly, the desk held no books, which only added to my confusion regarding why I had been brought to this place. Yearning for answers, I turned to the lady who had brought me here and implored her to shed light on the situation. In response to my query, she chose to remove her mask, revealing a stunning white woman adorned with fiery red hair, captivating green eyes, and perfectly pink lips. Her delicate features included a petite nose adorned with freckles, and she stood at an impressive height of approximately 5 feet 7 inches. To complete her appearance, she was dressed in a classic black and white maid dress.

Although i couldn't pronounce well but it was enough to make her understand what i was trying to say.

She responded with "Owwwwww you could talk" she added "I thought you were retarded almost everyone in your previous room started speaking except for you,"

I asked my question again and she responded with this: Fine fine but frist i will introduce myself, i'm Claire Novil and i'm your caretaker for the rest of your life. Every child of the Snake family has one, it doesn't matter if you are a bastard. And the caretaker's are always females.

Master Vin Serpent! From now one till the end of my life i will be by your side.

You have just cleared the trail of swords. You might have not noticed but the old man that picked you up was a sage, they can see into the future and he was measuring everyone potencial. The trail is said to measure everyone intelligence but thats not true its false advertisement to protect someone with great potencial like you from the legitimate Snake family.

I asked her why and she replied: The head of the Snake family doesn't discriminate and if one is strong enough he/she could become the future head of the family, it doesn't matter if you are a legitimate o a illegitimate child nor he cares if the head is his own child as long as he o she is strong and part of snake family. So if the female heads of the Snake family, wives of the head, Lara Snake, Blaire Snake, Castine Snake or Vanesa Snake knew of the existence of a potential head candidate, they would want hin o her to disappear, probably killed.

I don't know why I'm talking to a child like he would actually understand it all and even if you did you won't remember it when you are old.

And just like that i got answers to some of my questions. And some that i didn't even asked like my name.

"Vin Serpent it is a nice name." Vin thought to himself.

I tried to ask her more questions but she though i was playing with her and ignored me.

I started living in that room, she was always with me, she bath me, helped me eat, clean after me and told me bedtime stories. And just like that i turned 7, through out the years i formed a mother-son bound with her and she told me everything i need to know about my family. Truns out i am not the bastard of the head but of one of his brothers, the head has 3 wives and 6 legitimate childs and 2 bastards, he has 3 brothers, the oldest being the head after him is Elvis Snake who has 1 wife and 3 clildrens and 2 ilegitima childrens after him came Kelvin Snake who has 2 wives and 2 legitimate kids and after that is my father Silvan Snake who has 1 wife and 3 childrens and 1 ilegitima child who was me. he had me with a servant and she was killed. This shocked and saddened me at the same time. I was really hoping to see her. The reason for her daeth is unknown but Claire believed that Silvan wife had done it.

I wasn't able to find the head name because she refused to tell me that but what she had told me was enough.

While I was living with her, strange things started happening to me. I began to have difficulty falling asleep and almost always had daytime fatigue. And worst of all I had gaps in my memories. Sometimes I slept in bed and then I found myself sleeping on the table with an open book. I also used to vomit a lot and my health used to deteriorate at some point, causing me to faint from exhaustion.

I came to the conclusion that it was an illness or maybe it was insomnia due to persistent difficulty falling asleep, maintaining or experiencing restful sleep.