

Year 622. Two years after Esdra and Arthur enter the Forest of level 5 beasts. Out of the forest, towards the village of Astha, two silhouettes appear. The boys returned. Now, stronger than ever. What will await you in the small village ...

"Esdra, do you think it's okay for us to go out like this?"

"It's okay, Arthur. It's been two years, we're very different from before, certainly not going to recognize us now. "


It's been a long time since we entered that forest. I never thought it would be easy to conquer it, but who would have thought it would take two whole years? But we already have the second parchment and we already have a way to go. I hope we don't find that manipulative Princess so early ... Although now I'm a Ruby Essentialsist ...


"We're going to buy something to eat and leave, Arthur. Take some of the skins, nails and beast cores and go see if you can get any money from that. "


In the time we spent in the Forest of Level 5 beasts, we learned many things. Arthur learned to control his Essence, a magnificent natural Fire Essence. I had no idea he was a controller. It must be why magical incantations didn't work as expected when he wore them. While I ... I don't know what kind of Essence I am, I've never heard of anything like this before, I just became very strong thanks to those eyes. We also find that within each magic beast there are what we call nuclei. It seems that it is within these nuclei that the magical power of the beast is concentrated. I think my eyes should be some kind of core too. We also find that the higher the level of the beast, the greater the size of the nucleus. A level 1 beast has a core of 5cm, a level 2 has a core of 10cm and so on. The Forest King of level 5 that we defeated had a core of 50cm, which is quite strange, but it doesn't matter much. These cores can be sold at a high price. And that's precisely why we're here ...

Sometime later...

"Arthur! Did you get the money? "


"Yes! They were quite surprised when they saw how much level 4 and 5 cores we brought, Esdra. Hahaha."


"Yes. After all, we've been putting it together for two years ... "


"Shall we leave now, Esdra?"

"Yes! Let's go"


* gallops *

"Stop there! You are Esdra and Arthur, right? Those wanted for the theft of Princess Eleanor's parchment. Which disappeared two years ago. "

"No, no! We are not the ones. I think you mistook us for other people. Have a good time. "

* sword in the neck *

"I'm sure it's you two. You're under arrest for the theft of Princess Eleanor's parchment. Surrender peacefully and deliver us the scroll that will let you out of here alive. "



Esdra looks in the direction of the old man in a silver armor riding on top of his horse also in a silver armor. On his chest is the royal symbol and a gold Emblem.

"I don't think you understand, old man. Even if we were these people. Do you really think they would be able to stop us with only this 20-man cavalry? "


"WHY… YOU…!!! MEN! ATTACK!!! "





Away from the village of Astha. Now heading to the level 6 Beast Mountain ...

"Esdra, was it a good idea to let them alive?"

"That's what I wanted, Arthur. I just wanted to get a message across. "

"A message? For who?"

"To all my fucking brothers and sisters."

"And what message would that be?"

"I'm in the fucking game."

Mountain of Beasts Level 6 ...

"Are you sure it's here, Arthur?"

"Yes, Esdra! That old alchemist said that if we wanted to get this stone, we would have to get it on that mountain. He told me that she grows under a white flower that shines. Said I'd know when I saw her.

When I opened the second parchment, I found in the Level 5 Forest King's cave, I came across something weird. Unlike the first parchment that said the exact location of the second. This parchment showed no location, no map, or anything. Just three weird names: Crimson stone, buffalo horn level 4 and a fruit given by an Askafroa. I discovered time after that they were ingredients. I don't know how to use them yet, but when the time comes, we'll find out. The horn of bufalo level 4 already have, now we only need the other two.

Top of the Mountain of Beasts Level 6 ...

"There, Arthur. Have you found her yet? "

"Give me some time, Esdra! I'm looking for, I'm looking ... "

"This mountain has fewer monsters than I thought it would. She seems to be very different from that forest. Right, Arthur?

"Yes! From what that old alchemist told me. This mountain was not naturally a cradle of beasts. That is where beasts are born. He said that flying beasts made this nesting place. They leave their puppies here and go elsewhere to get food. That's why we hardly see beasts here, except for a few on the bottom. "

"Hmm, that makes sense. It sounds like you can hear it when you want, don't you? "



"Did you ask him when the beasts appear to feed their puppies?"

"It seems that the beasts appear here once a day. In the afternoon, when the sun sets. "

"So, I guess we have about two hours to look for this flower."

One hour later...

"Esdra! Esdra! I found her!!! "



"Found? Finally! Where is she?"

"Regarding this ... I think we have a little problem ..."

"What is it now?"

"She's in a nest of hawk beasts ..."

"Shit! This is one of the most dangerous types of flying beasts. But it's just the puppies, Arthur? "

"From what I can see ... Yes! It's just the puppies! "

"Then we can probably get the flower. Even if they were weak offspring, if we killed them, we would attract the mother of these things. And that's certainly not something we want. "


"Yes! But, Esdra ... How are we going to get into that nest without waking the puppies? "








"Huh, Esdra..."


"I'm thinking ... Damn ... I have no idea. And you, Arthur? "

"I think I have an idea ..."

"Great! What did you think about? "

"Well ... The crimson flower is at the center of them. I could go down there tied up on a rope and pick it up without waking the puppies. "

"Oh yes? And in this plan of yours, who holds you tied in the rope? "

"Hahahaha. Obviously, it's you, Esdra. Your power to increase your physical strength will surely be useful now. Hahahah. "


"Why, you ..."




On the top of the mountain. A little above the nest ...

"Tied it up, Arthur?"

"Yes! I'm going to start going down, see if you can hold me. "

"Leave it to me. Just do it fast! You're not light at all. "

"Hey! I have feelings did you know? "

"Just get off, you jerk ..."



"Got it, Arthur?"

*positive sign*

"Fine. I'll start pulling. Don't let that flower fall, unless you want to die. "



"I did it! Here it is, Esdra! "


"It seems that alchemist was not really lying. The stone is under the flower. And this flower shines like a lamp. Better keep it in the bag so as not to attract attention. "



"I think it's too late to think about not drawing attention. Little Brother Esdra. "


"…Why did you take so long, Eleanor?"