

Great, she's here. And it seems that Uncle Azha has come, too. Now things will get more interesting.

"Arthur, get the stone. I'll take care of these two. "


"Fine. I'll wait for you downstairs, Esdra! "



Only Eleanor and Azha are here, but I don't think they came to this place by themselves, so the Royal Troops are sure to get here at any moment. It will be stressful to have to fight all of them together on this mountain, so better create a distraction and get away as soon as possible.

"Well well. Brother Esdra. Do you really think you're going to escape us? After all this time we took to find you? Your little sister here missed you. "

"Yes Yes. I bet you missed me and missed the parchment I stole from you. "

"Ara, that's true. But since we are here ... AZHA! ATTACK!"

Here he comes. He is fast but doesn't seem to be very strong. Must be a rank 4 Silver or 5 Gold. I'm sorry Uncle Azha, I'm going to have to knock you down for a few moments.


Azha hurried toward Esdra, but something he didn't expect happened. In the last two years, the boy he knew had become extremely strong. In a matter of seconds, a strong punch hit his face, leaving him unconscious.

"Sorry, Uncle Azha. My business isn't with you, so get some rest. "


"You look like you've become quite strong, haven't you, little brother Esdra?"

"It seems so, Eleanor."

"Well, you seem to be confident.You really think just because I lost my front line, I can't take care of you alone? Me, a Ruby Emblem, rank 7."

"That's exactly what I think, Eleanor."


It happened before Princess Eleanor could notice. Suddenly Esdra appeared in front of him. She felt a great impact on her abdomen and lost consciousness.

"Well, it looks like I'll have to get the two tied up ... Shit, I shouldn't have told Arthur to get down first."

Far from the Mountain of level 6 beasts. In a camp set up inside the forest. The princess and her squire are tied to a tree while the two young boys enjoy their food.

"Hey, it's time to wake up."


"Damn ... Arthur, go wake them up."

"Why me? It was you who brought them. "

"Forgot who had to hold you and your belly up the mountain? Go wake them up "

"Damn ... You're very annoying, Esdra."

"Hey, wake up! Come on! wake up! "


* wake*


Hey, you fat shit, who do you think is knocking? I'm a fucking princess!


"Princess, careful with your tongue we're still tied."

"Shut up, Azha. Your damn incompetent, miserable son of a ..."



"Esdra ... W-what?"


"Eleanor, I'm going to ask you some questions and then I'll leave you."

"Okay. Just ask your questions, to get this shit done right away. "

"First, how did you find us?"

"Esmar told me a few days ago."

"It was faster than I thought. Prince Esmar, huh? Now, tell me something else. Who else knows about me? "

"Besides me, Azha and Esmar, nobody else knows. They only know what is in their reward. Which by the way, I'll increase when I get out of here. "

"Hmm, really is it? So how about I kill you here and now? So, you can't do anything. "

"Go ahead and try, you little brat. The whole kingdom of Rashaka will come after you as soon as they know that you killed me. "

"And who's going to say I killed you? It seems we're all alone in this forest, isn't it, Azha?"



"You bastard, do you even dare threaten a legitimate Princess, heir to Ecnoyi?"

"I don't see any of that. Just a spoiled girl tied to a tree. But don't worry, I will not kill you. But if you come after me again, don't blame me for what happens. "

"You little bastard ..."


"Oh, and one more question. Azha, did you know everything she did to me that day that the mercenaries attacked me and Arthur? "


"... Yes, Esdra. I knew it! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but my loyalty is only to the Princess. "

"Okay then. Looks like we're enemies now, huh. That's how things are, isn't it? "

"It doesn't have to be this way, Esdra! Set us free and come with us on our journey. We all have to gain from it. "


"Sorry, I can't, Azha. I made a promise. This Kingdom, I will conquer it and then everyone will have to respect me. I will not be the bastard son forever. "




"Goodbye, Azha. Let's go, Arthur! "


"Wait a minute, you bloody bastard, will you leave me tied up here?"

"I said I'd leave you, didn't I? Do not worry, a Princess like you, sure someone turns around looking for you. Goodbye, Eleanor. "



A few days after the incident. In a common beast forest ....

"I did it! I finally made it, Esdra! "

"Great, Arthur! With this we now have the Crimson Stone and the Horn of Buffalo level 4. Now we only lack the fruit granted by an Askafroa. And by the way, what the hell is an Askafroa? "

"Kikiki, it looks like you're doing great, brat"


"You! Prince Esmar !!! "


"Hey there, brats!"


"Esdra, this is the man in the wagon, who told us to jump, didn't he? Who is he?"

"Yes, Arthur. He's a Prince, a legitimate heir of Ecnoyi, just like that jerk of Eleanor. Apparently he doesn't get along very well with any of the brothers because of his personality. "

"Kikiki, it looks like you've been reading some gossip magazines, haven't you, brat?"

"I had to keep well informed in these last days, Prince Esmar. Now, what do you want here? Are you here to rob us? I'm not scared anymore. Come on! "


"Kikiki, it looks like you've become strong these past two years, brat. But do you really think you can defeat a Crown Prince, Emerald Emblem? "


Emerald Emblem? Damn, this bastard is rank 9, almost a deity. There is no way we can fight him. Shit, is this really our end?


"Kikiki, don't be scared now, brat. I didn't come here to hurt you both. "

"So, what do you want? How did you find us? "

"Kikiki, I'm a Space Controller Emerald Emblem, boy. I can know the location of anyone in this world. "

Shit, that bastard is too powerful ...

"If you didn't want to hurt us, why did you tell us our location for Eleanor?"

"Kikiki, brat. Nowadays, our relationship with the outer Realms is greatly disturbed because of the accursed Moonlight Amulet. Because of this I can't move as I want without risking war. That's the risk of being so strong I think, kikiki. "


"That still doesn't answer my question."

"Huh, that's right, kikiki. I just wanted to talk to you, you little brat. So, I sent Eleanor here to have a reason to come here. "


"So, you already knew she would be defeated, huh. What do you want to talk to me?"

"Like I said, brat. Our Kingdom is in a little state of alertness. But I have the feeling that this will get worse over time. I don't want you to die in this coming war that will come, so I came here to warn you about it. Since we have the same power. And I liked you, you little brat. "


"Die? War? Same power? What are you talking about?"

"Brat, you're in this wild quest for the Amulet. Do you really think that only the heirs of Ecnoyi are after him? Do you also think that all the Heirs of Ecnoyi are weak like Eleanor? And that other people looking for the Amulet are also weak? Brat, it's a big world. "

"And? This is the path I have chosen. I will not die. I will get stronger and then I will conquer the whole Kingdom, and everyone will have to respect me. Now tell me, what did you mean we had the same power? "

"Kikiki, interesting, brat. Thinking that will conquer the Kingdom of Rashaka. And upon us both have the same power. I have the power to control outer space because of my spiritual Essence of space, but it seems, you are able to control the inner space, that is, your whole body. I'll just say that, it's up to you to think of a way to use that power. See you later, Esdra "


"Damn, he left me with more questions than answers."

Sorry for the delay. I've been going through some bad things lately.

Calebatariocreators' thoughts