
How to increase the speed of Hand Seals

Some time had passed since their departure from Nami no Kuni and the Shinobis were already at the gates of Konoha. The Konohanin just wanted to give their report to get a well-deserved rest.

"I wonder how the boys have been all this time ..." - Sakura muttered as she remembered her friends from the Ninja Academy - "Maybe they are bored for not having anything interesting to do"

"Sakura ... we are not the only ones who can have a change in the difficulty of our missions" - Kakashi said while looking at his student - "Lack of information is common in High-Rank Missions, as well as mishaps that can change the difficulty "

"What Kakashi means is that even the smallest detail can change the state of the mission for the worse" - Kurenai continued - "For example, a few more seconds can make a guard discover you and get you, or said Guard can simply arrive a little before the stipulated time. Anything can happen on a mission and you have to always keep that in mind, Sakura "

"Sorry Kakashi-sensei, Kurenai-sensei" - the pink-haired girl apologized while ducking her head.

"Just keep in mind the words we told you" - the red-eyed kunoichi smiled.

"So this is Konoha ..." - Zabuza murmured as he looked around - "Meh ... A lot of peace for my liking but a change of environment is not bad from time to time ..."

"Zabuza-sama" - Haku said while looking at the Nukenin with a clear annoyance - "That kind of comment was not necessary, remember that we are here thanks to Kurama-san"

"Haku, you have to learn to relax a little ..." - Zabuza replied nonchalantly - "Remember that we did not arrive as prisoners of war but as guests ..."

"But ..." - Haku said with concern.

"No buts, Haku" - Zabuza said firmly - "We have come to have a new life in this village, not to be slaves without minds so we don't need to keep our comments"

"Hai, Zabuza-sama!" - Haku replied while the shinobis on the leaf watched their interaction.

"Otouto in sight!" - the voice of a man behind them was heard - "I haven't seen you in a long time, Sasuke!"

"Shisui Nii!" - Sasuke exclaimed when he saw a man with short black hair. He had black lines around his eyes that extended to the sides of his face and wore Jonin's standard uniform.

"Hahaha! Come on Sasuke, I know we don't see each other for 3 months but at least introduce me to your friends" - Shisui said while stroking Sasuke's hair as if he were his blood brother.

"First, they are Hinata and Ino from team 8 and the one with the idiot's face is Kurama Uzumaki" - Sasuke said while pointing to team 8. Kurama just kept his comment - "Then there is Kiba from my team and Sakura-chan, my girlfriend"

"Hahaha! I guess you beat Itachi in getting a girlfriend" - smiled the young Uchiha.

"I don't think you have the right to say that ..." - said a monotonous voice behind them - "You're older than me and you still don't get a girlfriend ... not to mention that I think the perverted cyclops are more likely to get a partner than you..."

"Itachi Nii!" - Sasuke exclaimed happily. His two brothers were always busy, one on Jonin level missions and the other as Anbu, so it was unusual for them to be together.

"Do you want to fight, Mime Face ?!" - Shisui asked as he crashed his head against his friend's.

"When you want, Clown ..." - Itachi replied with his typical neutral expression.

"I was calm without disturbing anyone ... but you had to include me in your couple fight" - Kakashi muttered as he lowered his book. He was without disturbing anyone and the two Uchiha come just to annoy him about his love life - "I guess I'll join your little party ..."

"Sure!" - The two Uchihas said - "Training Field 25, in 2 hours"

Itachi nodded to his brother and told Kakashi - "... It would be better if you arrive on time or we will reveal how you increase the speed of your hand seals ..."

"?" - Those present did not understand what the eldest of the Uchiha brothers meant.

"I'll just say it has to do with being alone and your orange book ..." - continued the boy as he retired. Shisui only laughed as he followed his friend, only to start a new discussion with him.

Kakashi turned pale and for the first time in years, decided to arrive at the agreed time - "I guess I'll go prepare ... I'm sorry Kurenai but it seems that you will be responsible for presenting the report"

That said, he disappeared from the place with a Shunshin, leaving the Genin except for Kurama, with an expression of not knowing what it was. Zabuza on the other hand, could not believe that that was the secret of the Scarecrow to increase the speed of his hand seals - "I guess I'll have to ask for his book to check it ..."

The boys wanted to ask for more information but Kurenai decided to change the subject quickly because she honestly did not want to continue hearing about this - "We are better going to give our report ..."

After a few minutes, the 9 ninjas arrived at the Hokage building and after waiting a few minutes, they heard the call of the Sandaime. Without thinking twice, they entered the room and saw how Hiruzen was working as if he were a steam locomotive because of the large amount of smoke coming out of his pipe.

"Hiruzen-sama, Jonin-Sensei Kurenai together with teams 7 and 8, reporting the results of the mission" - said Kurenai while kneeling in front of the Hokage.

Hiruzen let out a last breath of smoke before glancing at the red-eyed kunoichi. He was exhausted because his Kage Bunshin still did not return from their vacation but everything got worse when he noticed the presence of the two Nukenin of Kiri - "Continue ..."

"Hai Hiruzen-sama! First ..." - Kurenai told him everything they did in Nami no Kuni. He was happy for the acquisition of two new ninjas, more knowing that one of them had a Kekkei Genkai but quickly became depressed when he realized that the paperwork he would have to complete would be hellish.

"I understand ..." - old Sandaime nodded - "You agreed to enter Konoha for asylum, so I'm going to ask you to give me some information about Kiri ... nothing too dangerous if it makes you feel better ... "

"..." - Zabuza was silent for a few seconds and nodded - "I can give you information about Yagura as some of Kiri's High Command ... but only that"

"It seems perfect to me" - Hiruzen nodded - "Now, going back to your business ... for the next 4 months, you will be watched by a group of Anbus from the shadows, so your lives will not be affected. After that time, you, Zabuza, will be classified as Jonin and you, Haku as Chunin. On our side, Konoha promises to give you asylum and work without restricting or affecting your lives. "

"I have no problem with that" - replied the Ex-Nukenin - "I just hope we don't get into conflict or I will find myself in the painful need to take more than one shinobi with me in my death ..."

"Don't worry, you have my word that nothing bad will happen to you" - the Sandaime nodded- "Now, referring to your work here in Konoha, I'm going to offer you a job as a Kenjutsu trainer"

"When you finish reading this document, sign it and hand it over to me" - the Hokage smiled as he handed a sheet to the Ex-Nukenin - "Wait a moment for me to inform one of my Anbus to take you to your new home"

"Thank you" - Zabuza nodded while Haku kept his silence.

"If that is all Hiruzen-sama, we are retiring" - said Kurenai as she directed her Genin out of the office.

"Wait!" - exclaimed the Hokage while looking at the Genin - "For your good work you have free until further notice and for all the missions you have completed, you, team 7 and 8, can take the Chunin test that will be done within 2 months here in Konoha. Good luck "

"Hai!" - The Genin nodded to the Sandaime's words as they left the office.

"Hokage-sama ..." - Zabuza said as he looked at old Sandaime.

"Yes?" - asked the Hokage.

"I can fight Kakashi without restrictions ... right?" - Ex-Nukenin asked - "I ask because I could not finish my fight against him correctly and my desire to fight has been killing me ..."

"As long as he accepts, there is no problem" - Hiruzen nodded calmly - "In Konoha, we do not have any type of restriction that prohibits combat between shinobis. We value this kind of practice fighting because it helps strengthen our forces"

This question was not strange. Different Villages had different types of rules for fighting, for example, Kiri, they did not like others to know about their techniques and strength because the clans were in constant clashes, that is why practice fighting was not allowed, to Unless they are done in secret.

"Thanks for the information, now, with your permission, I leave" - said Zabuza as he left the office next to Haku. Now they just had to wait for an Anbu to indicate the location of their new home.

"Damn Law of Rights for Clones!" - the Sandaime shouted angrily when he saw that he was alone - "If it weren't because I can't summon more for that stupid restriction, I wouldn't have to be enduring this shit!"

Poor Sandaime did not know what to do - "I have to find a successor ... fast ..."

"Jiraiya is a good option but he can't because of his spy network ..." - Hiruzen said as he thought - "Who am I kidding, his books are wonderful ..."

"It could be Tsunade ..." - Hiruzen murmured and then shook his head - "No ... she doesn't want to see the Village, even in painting ..."

"I could give Kurama the mission ..." - Hiruzen continued with his line of thinking and came up with a solution that could work - "After all, he has a similar resemblance to Hashirama sensei, not to mention that he has a talent for attracting older women ... "

"If Jiraiya finds out about his life, he would take it as a good material for his book ..." - Hiruzen said while massaging his forehead - "I guess I'll give him that mission when the Chunin exams are over"

* * * [Back with Kurama] * * *

He was heading home when he felt someone hugged him from behind.

"Otouto! You're finally back from your mission!" - Said a happy and melodious voice. When the redhead turned around, he saw a beautiful young woman with dark brown hair dressed in an apron.

"Otouto! You're finally back from your mission!" - Said a happy and melodious voice. When the redhead turned around, he saw a beautiful young woman with dark brown hair dressed in a brown yukata and on him a white apron.

"Ayame-Nee!" - He said returning the hug - "Now I was going home to see Kaasan and then I would go to Ichiraku to greet you"

"Kushina-san has been worried since you left" - said the young brunette while running to Ichiraku - "So go immediately ... I am sure she will be happy to see that you are well ... but remember that you have to come to see me later "

"Sure!" - Kurama said with a smile as he watched as the silhouette of Ayame disappeared - "Better keep walking"

It didn't take long for the young redhead to get home. Without hesitation, he opened the door and shouted - "I'm back!"

After a few seconds, footsteps were heard approaching at full speed while listening to the scream full of happiness - "Kuuuuuuuroooooooo-chaaaaaaaaan ~!"

Kurama opened his arms to receive the red impact that was coming towards him - "I have returned Kushina-chan ..."

"Kuro-chan ~!" - Kushina said with tears in her eyes as she hugged the redhead tightly.

"Calm down, Kushina-chan, I ... Hmph ~!" - The young redhead could not complete the sentence because his lips had been sealed by hers.

After a few minutes, the redhead finally released the young man.

"Ok ... I didn't expect this kind of welcome but I have to admit that I couldn't have a better one" - Kurama smiled as he hugged the woman - "I'm back ... Kushi-chan ..."

"Welcome home ... Kuro-chan" - Kushina smiled as she kissed the boy again.

The two continued kissing as they walked to the dining room so they could talk about what had happened during his trip.

Kushina couldn't hide the happiness of seeing that the young redhead was home again, so she decided to eat something outside to celebrate his return.

The more she thought about what to do, the crazier her ideas became until a slightly strange one appeared in her mind.

"Is something wrong, Kushi-chan?" - Kurama asked curiously when he saw the woman's expression.

"No ..." - the redhead denied with a half-smile - "It's nothing ..."


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And if you understand Spanish, you can read my second story or the original version of this

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