
Cap 76: Kitsune vs Inu (Round 1)

Kurama was walking in the direction of Hokage Manor to attend the meeting. Kushina had already informed him that Itachi had come to fetch him, so after dressing at high speed, he went immediately to his destination.

When he arrived, he noticed how the Jonin and leaders of the different clans were frowning.

"You!" - Kurama was surprised when he heard a familiar voice - "You daughter-stealing bastard!"

Kurama quickly moved aside because he had felt Inoichi's attack coming at him - "Don't you think this can wait for another time?"

"It's never a bad time to make the bastard who wants to take my princess away from me disappear!" - exclaimed Inoichi, only to fall unconscious thanks to his wife - "I swear this idiot is acquiring resistance to my frying pan because he recovers faster and faster"

". . ." - those who observed the situation, only shook their heads when they saw how everything had been resolved.

"That troublesome blond..." - murmured Shikaku as he shook his head.

"It is good to see you, boy," Shack said with a smile as he walked over to where the young Uzumaki was. "Right... you are someone important..."

"Relax, I only use the weight of my status when necessary, the rest of the time I don't like to be treated with respect" - replied the red-haired young man as he shook hands with the Akimichi man - "You already know it but I'm still going to introduce myself, Kurama Uzumaki"

"Akimichi Choza and as you may have noticed, I am Choji's father" - smiled the wide-boned man - "Thank you for helping my son train... with the increased appetite he has had, he will be a much stronger man than his old father Hahaha!

"Even though I don't want to admit it... I'm also happy about my son's improvement" - said Shikaku while looking at the boy - "Thank you very much for the seals... my wife doesn't bother me anymore with her complaints about Shikamaru's training"

"I think that is why you are happy and not because of your son's improvement" - snorted Choza as Shikaku was only silent.

"I am sorry to interrupt your conversation, Choza, Shikaku but I would like to take young Kurama Uzumaki for a moment" - said Hiashi as he walked to the group.

" We will talk later, boy" - smiled Choza as he nodded - "What do you say you come to our house tomorrow for dinner? I'm sure you'll enjoy a good meal"

"I will take your word for it, Choza-dono" - the redheaded man nodded as he watched the two Jonin of the Ino-Shika-Cho formation leave them alone.

". . ." - the two remaining men looked at each other silently for a few seconds until Hiashi opened his mouth - "I'd like to thank you for all you've done for Hinata-chan..."

"I'm sure she has told you about her childhood, so I'm sure you must hate me or at least look at me like I'm trash" - continued Hiashi as he sighed with regret - "And you're right, I've been a complete piece of trash with my little princess . . ."

"I do not have the right to meddle in your family affairs, Hiashi-dono, nor do I have the right to insult you for your actions because I do not know the reasons" - said Kurama seriously - "A bad ending can be the result of a good action"

A person could save a man from death, only to discover that he was a murderer, everything was possible in this crazy world.

"But that doesn't change the fact that I'm furious about how you treated Hinata-chan all these years..." - continued the redheaded man as he frowned - "I just hope your relationship improves"

"I will do my best to make it happen," Hiashi nodded. "Thank you again for all the help you gave my little girl"

That said, he withdrew, leaving Kurama alone again.

"It's a surprise to see Hiashi apologize like that" - said Mikoto as she walked in the direction of her lover - "That man is as stubborn as Kushina-chan"

"I guess that shows how grateful he is for this opportunity..."- said Kurama while looking at matriarch Uchiha - "I hope he takes it because this is the last one... if he doesn't take it, I will do my best to get Hinata-chan out of the Hyuga residence"

Mikoto only smiled when she heard this. She was resisting the urge to hug the father of her child but held back because she knew this was not the place.

Kurama was calm but stiffened when he felt a strange scent - "GRR!"

"GRR!"- and as if someone were answering him, another grunt was heard.

Mikoto slowly looked away, only to see how Tsume was showing her fanglike teeth, a trait most Inuzuka possessed.

"Look what I have here... a little fox cub..." - said Tsume as she slowly approached the redhead.

"Did you hear that, Mikoto-dono?" - asked Kurama calmly as he looked at Mikoto. "Don't you hear how the fleas are having a party nearby?"

"I see the pup has a sharp tongue," Tsume said disdainfully.

"Surely more than your fangs, you house dog" - snorted Kurama as his pupils slit - "Do you need something or do you just want to spread the flea colony on your ass?"

". . ." - the Jonin and other clan leaders couldn't understand what was going on. Although Tsume was a bit of a rough one, she was never that rude, not to mention the fact that the boy didn't seem to be rude but the moment he felt the Inuzuka Matriarch, lightning flashed out of his eyes.

"Do you want to fight, you little bastard?!" - Tsume exclaimed angrily.

"Anytime, Stray Dog!" - exclaimed Kurama as he stood on guard.

"Enough!" - The Hokage's cry echoed through the room as he entered with his two Anbus, Neko and Karasu - "Tsume-san, I ask you to step back because you are about to fight an Ambassador... and you, Kurama-dono, I ask you please do not provoke my Jonin"

"Hmph!" - the two mentioned only let out a snort as they backed up.

Kurama walked in the direction of Choza and Shikaku because of all those present, they were the most interesting to talk about while Tsume walked with Mikoto in the direction of the other female Jonin.

"What was that, Tsume?" - Mikoto asked with a scowl. She had never seen her friend act like that.

"I don't know, Mikoto," the Inuzuka matriarch denied. "It's just that when he's around, I feel like I need to fight him... it's strange..."

"Mikoto-san~!" - shouted Anko with a smile on her face - "How have you been?"

"Fine, Anko-chan" - smiled Mikoto as she greeted everyone present - "What are you talking about?"

"The usual... which guy they want to fuck," said Anko as she shrugged. The other girls blushed as they gave the beautiful purple-haired woman annoying looks for saying something so personal out loud.

"And who's winning?" - Mikoto asked curiously.

"Fifty percent said Foxy-kun," Anko replied again, "Thirty percent goes to your son, Mikoto-san"

Mikoto raised an eyebrow because she never thought her son would be so popular, especially since she never saw any girls come after him.

"15% said it was a secret and one girl said surprisingly that Gai" - concluded Anko as she pointed to a girl.

"W-What? I-I get a laugh out of his eyebrows and what I'm looking for, is a guy who makes me laugh..." - muttered the girl under her breath.

* * * * *

"I have never seen that troublesome woman acts like that," said Shikaku as he looked at the young man in front of him.

"Don't even ask me, this is the second time I've seen her" - snorted the redhead as he glanced at the woman, who seemed to feel his gaze because she was showing him her fangs again.

"Any reason why you're acting this way?" - asked Shack curiously.

"That's the strange thing..." - said Kurama as he frowned. "Her very presence gets on my nerves and forces me to fight her... it's like an instinct"

The two Jonin just shook their heads when they heard this.

"I ask for your attention!" - exclaimed Hiruzen as he looked at everyone present - "It's time we started this meeting!"

"As you may have been informed, Orochimaru was sighted in the Forest of Death and during that time, he managed to place a Cursed Seal on the young Sasuke Uchiha" - continued the old Sandaime.

Mikoto frowned when she heard this because she honestly did not find it amusing that this snake of questionable taste was behind her baby.

"But the problem does not end there... not only do we have Orochimaru in the village, but we also have an unstable Jinchuriki," Hiruzen added.

Everyone present looked at Kurama almost immediately when they heard this.

"No... it's not Kurama-dono" - Hiruzen said immediately when he saw the young redhead frowning - "It's the participant from the Chunin Suna Promotion Examination, Sabaku no Gaara, the Jinchuriki of the Ichibi no Shukaku".

". . ." - those present were silent when they heard this.

"But according to a source that I will not reveal his name, things do not end there" - said Hiruzen seriously - "He informed me that inside the participants, there was a spy from Orochimaru... a spy who has been in Konoha for years..."

"!" - Those present were surprised when they heard this.

"His name is Kabuto Yakushi" - ended the old Sandaime - "That's why this Genin, we'll keep an eye on him... Jonin Hayate!"

"Hai!" exclaimed the aforementioned as he coughed.

"I'm sorry to have to ask you to please keep an eye on him," said Hiruzen seriously.

"Hai!" - exclaimed the Examiner of the Third Test again.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 96 available in Pa treon


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