
Cap 133: Fox Hunting Season Begins

"Where is he?!" - roared Kushina as she entered the room, only to be further enraged when she noticed the condition of 7 unknown women - "I'm going to kill him!"

"Wait, Kushi-chan!" - exclaimed clone Kurama, only to explode into a smokescreen as he felt the red-haired woman kick him in the balls.

The second clone only trembled with fear because it was the first time he had seen Kushina so angry.

"Where is he?!" - roared the redhead, to the point that she was practically spitting fire from her mouth.

"I-I don't know!" - exclaimed the second clone in terror - "He's gone and left us to let the first clone talk to you and explain the situation, and me to protect these women so they don't earn your wrath anymore!"

Kushina narrowed her eyes as she released her chakra around her so she could detect Kurama, but to her annoyance, he was nowhere to be found.

"Well... I promise not to do anything to them until I find that perverted idiot and give him his due punishment..." - said Kushina coldly - "Now... I want you to fade away and give a message to my beloved Kuro-chan... I hope he enjoyed his orgy with the nurses, because after I'm done with him, he's going to wish he never did it..."

"E-Etto..." - mumbled clone Kurama.

"Speak up!" - exclaimed the matriarch Uzumaki.

"I-I know I have no right to say this, but I'll still say it," said the clone as he looked at the red-haired woman. "Please don't keep freaking out like this, because you'll hurt the baby"

"Whose fault do you think it is, you bastard!" - roared Kushina as she kicked the clone in the balls again.

". . ." - The nurses who were now awake, were shaking with fear at the evil look of the beautiful red-haired woman.

"Now you..." - said Kushina as she looked at the women.

"We're sorry!" - exclaimed the nurses in terror.

"I can more or less understand why you did it, but that doesn't change how furious I am right now," said Kushina coldly. " You'd better leave for now, I don't want to see you for a while"

"H-Hai!" - exclaimed the nurses as they hurriedly dressed up and ran out with the still unconscious Hikari.

"Kushina..." - said Tsunade, but her expression changed when she saw some poorly dressed nurses carrying another one who was unconscious and completely naked.

"You don't have to say anything, Tsunade" - said Kushina coldly - "I want you to call the others, it's time for us to hunt down a fox that has behaved badly..."

"Ok... " - nodded the blonde woman as she walked to where Pakura was to call the others, after all, she was busy with Hiruzen.

* * * * *

Kurama's pupils dilated when the memories of the clones returned to him.

"Shit... I knew things would go to shit if I did that with the nurses..." - the ginger muttered in terror. He had managed to arouse Kushina's anger and there was nothing he could do about it because it was completely his fault.

"Maybe I should turn myself in and end it all..." - the ginger muttered but quickly shook his head - "I think I'll do that, it's the least I can do after all I've done..."

Kurama quickly headed back to the hospital, only to see Kushina waiting for him at the entrance - "I knew you would come back..."

"I..." - muttered the ginger.

"Look, Kuro-chan... I'm angry and you know why" - sighed the woman as she tried to relax - "I don't mind that you had sex with other women, after all, we are four women who share you and I'm sure there will be more, among them Hinata-chan and Ino-chan... don't try to deny it, I'm not blind..."

". . ." - Kurama kept silent because it was true. His two teammates had been in love with him for years and from the looks of it, these feelings would not die unless he did something critical against them.

"What angers me, is that it was a random women, ones who have no relationship with the clan whatsoever" - Kushina said seriously - "Those women could have done anything against you, they could even have ulterior motives for doing all this or be profiteers who want our wealth, and you thought with your crotch and fucked them as if you didn't care".

"I'm sorry..." - apologized the young redhead.

"An apology doesn't solve things, Kuro-chan" - said Kushina with a scowl - "As I said, I'm not angry that you had sex with other women, since we're sharing you, it's just that I think right now that we're not enough for you..."

"That's not it!" - exclaimed the redhead - "It was just a moment of weakness..."

"And what if that moment of weakness happens again?" - asked Kushina as she snorted at him.

". . ." - Kurama was silent when he heard this because he had no argument against his beloved's words - "I'm sorry. . ."

"Kuro-chan, I love you. . . but what you did not just infuriated me" - Kushina replied angrily - "The others have also to be the same, after all, there are many of the girls who are interested in you but you simply ignore them in favour of a random women you found in a single day"

"I'm sorry," muttered the ginger again.

"I told you an apology doesn't solve anything!" - exclaimed the matriarch Uzumaki coldly - "Anyway, it's time for your punishment..."

Kurama nodded at the woman's words.

"Let's see... I have an idea" - smiled the red-haired woman as she looked at her husband with amusement - "Let's do this... your punishment will be harsh, nothing changes that... but I will give you the opportunity to reduce it slightly"

"?" - Kurama gave him a confused look because he never thought he'd hear anything like this. He was sure that Kushina would give him the worst punishment in the world and thus make him remember to never repeat something like this and honestly he was not very reluctant to the idea because now that he was in front of his wife, he felt horribly bad about the fact that he had cheated on her.

"As I said, Kuro-chan... I am going to give you a chance to change your punishment from being hellish, to a little less hellish" - answered Kushina calmly - "And believe me, the difference will be satisfactory for you because I have planned it as a punishment, it is something that not even Ero Gamma has witnessed"

Kurama swallowed a lot of saliva when he heard this - "Wh-What do I have to do?"

"It's simple... you'll escape from all the Uzumaki Clan girls and your acquaintances" - said Kushina seriously - "The Game will start in 30 minutes and end at 6pm, in other words, you have to avoid being caught for 6 hours to win"

Kurama nodded again as he analyzed his situation further. He was already fucked up in the deepest shit, so any help was welcome - "Ok... but I still don't understand why you're doing this..."

"Because then the others might get a little de-stressed, after all, they too have to be angry about the mess you made" - replied Kushina while giving a 'tender' smile to her beloved - "By the way, the winner can help me punish you for the idiocy you made and believe me Kuro-chan... you don't want Anko-chan to find you"

Kurama shivered again because the very image of Anko being the one to punish him made his skin pale at the same level as Orochimaru's.

"By the way... neither I nor Mikoto will participate because there could be accidents," added matriarch Uzumaki. After all, the safety of her babies was the most important thing for a mother.

"Ok" - nodded the young leader Uzumaki.

"I wish you good luck, Kuro-chan" - said Kushina as she entered the hospital because she had some things to discuss with the nurses now that she was a calmer - "Because you're going to need it..."

Kurama quickly disappeared from the place because he knew very well that things would go downhill from now on. He was sure that Kushina would not make things easier with the 'Fox Hunt' and would help the others with seals so that they could capture him more easily.

"Are you sure about this?" - asked Tsunade, who had been watching everything.

"Yes... this is the first part of his punishment" - said Kushina neutrally - "First it will be a constant hunt that will tire him psychologically because he is aware that my seals will make his capture easier, then the real punishment I have prepared for him will come..."

"There are times when you scare me, Kushina" - sighed the big-breasted blonde - "But I can understand why you are doing all this, after all, I would do the same if Dan had done that to me"

"As I said, I'm not angry because he had sex with other women, what makes me angry is the fact that he did it with some random women, that he just met" - answered the matriarch Uzumaki - "If I'm honest with you, this is a hard blow to my self-esteem as a woman, because if my husband is unfaithful to me, it means he doesn't find me attractive..."

"I don't think so" - replied Tsunade while looking at her former apprentice - "I saw his memories and I can assure you that he loves you and others with all his heart"

"I know... but your actions make me think otherwise" - sighed Kushina as she shook her head - "Anyway, if you need me, I'm going to go talk to some husband-stealing women, maybe I can get some more information about this whole thing"


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Remember that this story is translated with an Internet Translator and slightly edited with Grammarly.

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