
The Legend of Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto knew he was different from others. At a very young age , he could see the difference between him and others. He questioned his treatment only to be ruthlessly shut down. He grit his teeth as his conviction and ambition grew. Though a meeting with a certain being seemed to answer his question. A/n: This is going to be slow paced fabric with irregular updates.It is insipered from other fanfic and theories. It is my first fanfic so please bare with it. Also the personality of MC will be different from cannon. So let's see the journey of a naive little kid together.

retropanda · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Ch.1 Naruto Uzumaki

70 years , after formation of Konohagakure no sato

General POV:-

Uzumaki Naruto, a 6year old boy with bright red hair, bright ocean blue eyes and three whiskers marks on each sides of its face looked upon Konoha with contempt.

He knew he was different from others, not because of his appearance.

The way the people around him..no, practically the whole village treated him was different from other kids around his age.

He was treated like garbage, no worse than garbage as garbage can be disposed but he isn't. People around him saw him as plague, the fear he see in their eyes as they gazed towards his direction. He never knew the reason for their fear. Their fearful yet at the same time hostile and disgusted glares towards his direction.

At first he felt fear. But it happen so often that he just... gave up.

They never told him the reason why. They just said because he deserved it? How?!

How could I, a child possibly be hated to such a degree when I have yet to step food outside of this goddamm village!

He thought who were his parents?! Where are they??! Where are they when their child is treated worse than dogshit?!?

He always ask grandpa Hokage , village leader who always came in a month to gave him monthly allowance which only lasts a week or so. He always told him that he isn't old enough for knowing this.

Like how he ; Naruto , can't know about his origin?

He was stumped.


Naruto Pov

-I never knew my parents , neither did I have evidence or proof to determine whether they are ninja or not. But if I have to guess it, they were ninja's. Why?Because of my unique ability of sensing people from distances and some signature called chakra which is different for different people.

Sure a normal person can get that ability. But that's probably through hardwork. I, a child that has yet to do ninja exercise yet from my earliest memories I could sense chakra. I was a sensory ninja. That in of itself is proof of my ninja background, I sensed that my chakra is exponentially higher than kids of my age, evem higher than that of a adult civilian!

It was from that vary ability that helped me sneaked inside the hokage's office undetected. I was extremely sensitive to chakra signatures,therefore I could easily evade those patrolling.

Ofcourse , I kept that to myself. I trusted no one , not even the hokage. In a village filled with shinobi, as well as village where 90% of its people held hostility towards me, how can I not?

I was so used to being ignored, dared or mocked that I grew indifferent of their petty actions.

But at the same time it made my blood boil thinking of all the villagers praising me. Listening of my order, my rules, but I could not do that without power. Hokage?!

Since they are all so hostile towards me dispite doing nothing to them, then I'll take title for myself. I will be above them all!

Those that mocked me shall be under my heel.

I , Uzumaki Naruto swear of this!

But first I needed strength afterall how could a six year old can beat a elite veteran shinobi?!

But how can I get strength?

I mean, I am only 6 years old who is dispised by everyone in this village,neither I am from a clan who can be trained early by their elders nor I can randomly ask any random ninja for some tips.Pfft..

If there was any random civilian orphan, then they can ask. But for me it is very impossible.

I can't even buy things from this village openly except Ichiraku Ramen, a place owned by old man Teuchi and his daughter Ayame, who doesn't dispised me as I can say that they gave some delicious ramen for free and even at very low rate. They are my only help for surviving in this village except Third Hokage.

Even if they weren't there , I have to survive by eating fishes and fruits that I find in the village and live in a cave.

I did get a monthly salary but I didn't use them because most of it will be used to pay my bills.

I know that hokage was kind enough to let me stay at the apartment. He will pay for me until I turn Ten, but somehow the other old farts by his side protested towards him saying he shouldn't pick favourites and let me pay for it.

Worthless. From what I heared from some civilians that they are the advisers of village and old teammates of Hokage. I was shocked when I know that 3rd and other old farts were under the guidence of 1st and 2nd.

Those three village advisor especially the criplled one, with one arm and one eye. Everytime when he glances at me, I also feel a shiver through my spine. Yet when they were arguing about my place of residence after the 'good' folks at the orphanage kicked me out, he was the one who remained silent.

I am also envious towards the other kids of my age. Even other orphans, they were at least pitied and maybe some passing civillians would sometimes give them food or spare change. All I got were items thrown my direction when I try to approach street vendors.

The things they throw aren't even good! Spoiled food! Rotten eggs! Atleast throw me something not past its due date.

Honestly, when I become hokage. I'll rub it in their faces, pass by the market in my hokake robes, amd when they greet and fawn over me

like when the brings me on the walks. I'll greet them back and as they fawn over me saying how good of a hokage I was, I'll mention to them when they treated me worse than a beggar.

I can picture it now.

Call me petty, but I won't care for anyone's opinion of me. Did they go through what I went through? I scoff at when some children I see get moody because their father ignores them. What a joke, at least they have a home. There are others who are struggling, yet you have the feel like the world is against you because your dad isn't spending enough time with you!

Bah! If I ever met that kid again, I'll spit on his face. Tch, if I ever growup and my son does that, I'll disown the sad excuse of my bloodline.

But now I think of being the hokage, I have to be strong.

So how can I become strong.

When Naruto was thinking of how to being strong, suddenly he hears a very cold voice.

"I can help you to became strong , no the strongest brat."


This is the first chapter of my first Naruto fanfic. I just wanted you to know that this Naruto has different personality from canon counterpart. As you see he's a bit moody in the inside, but on the outside he will remain a clueless person. Just expect him to be cursing rude comments in his mind.

As you can tell his dreams are quite similar to og but with different reason.

Though he'll be change after meeting and bonding with the main cast , but right now he feels that world is against him. That is the reason for his behavior.

Just wanted you to know that this fanfic is inspired by other fictions and theories. So if you feel like that this fiction is kinda similar to other ones that you have read, gimme some suggestions and ideas with constructed criticism. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


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Peace out!

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