
The Legend of Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto knew he was different from others. At a very young age , he could see the difference between him and others. He questioned his treatment only to be ruthlessly shut down. He grit his teeth as his conviction and ambition grew. Though a meeting with a certain being seemed to answer his question. A/n: This is going to be slow paced fabric with irregular updates.It is insipered from other fanfic and theories. It is my first fanfic so please bare with it. Also the personality of MC will be different from cannon. So let's see the journey of a naive little kid together.

retropanda · Anime & Comics
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Ch.2 Kyuubi No Kitsune Kurama

The Kyuubi no Kitsune, otherwise known as Kurama has been angry for a long time; around a thousand years or take.

For as long as the giant, red furred, nine tailed fox could remember, he had been hated and vilified,either for his appearance or for his immense strength, so like any other sentient creature, he hated right back.

Kurama decided if the world did'nt want him then it wouldn't have him and that decision had worked out for the most part, until Uchiha Madara came into his cave and use that Kami awful Sharingan that his father's son down.

He hated being controlled, he was one of strongest creatures in existence and there he was bring controlled as a puppet. He hated that Uchiha and by extension every other Uchiha who possessed those fucking eyes but in the end, he hated Senju Hashirama and his wife Uzumaki Mito more.

At least that red eyed bastard didn't pretend he was doing the right thing but those two acted like there was no other chance but to seal him and use him along with his brothers and sisters like weapons, like they didn't have minds and lives of his own.

Being trapped, imprisoned inside a human who pretended like he was such a burden and how heroic it was that he/she would live a good life unlike him.

Being trapped within Mito, how he hated her with his all of being, how he hated humanity with all of his being. Uzumaki Kushina, his next container was no better.She treated him as prisoner and herself a the warden. What was Kurama's crime exactly? Existing.

Those two red haired bitches liked to pretend they were heroes and he was the villain they protecting the world against.

He was just animal to them.

When he felt his second jailer, the red haired woman with violet eyes named Kushina was pregnant he knew he had another chance to escape and to be free,the first time in a hundred years.

But as soon as the seal broke, he was under mind controlling Genjutsu. Something he had only been once by another Uchiha bastard and no matter how he raged, he couldn't break free.

When it finally did break and Kurama's mind was his own again, that bitch Kushina had him chained up like a fucking animal once more and when he saw her husband blonde hair leaning over that fucking baby, the red furred fox knew he was going to be sealed again and so he raged and pulled and pushed and finally, he broke free from his chain.

The Kyuubi was going to kill that infant, he wasn't going to be trapped again but before his clawed hand could reach it, those two idiots got in his way, holding him off and then suddenly half of his essence was ripped away from him; one half sealed inside the blonde idiot and rest of him sealed within the newborn child.

While he was sealed in the kid, he thought about how to manipulate the child so that he can be free again.But he scrapped that idea away for a while.

Due to boredom, he started to watch over his new warden's life.

Pfftt...He was laughing his ass off at the parent's decision, they thought that their child will be treated as a 'hero'.

But Hell no! He was treated worse than the garbage. The old farts of village especially the crippled o e hated their child. Since Kurama have a brain and some knowledge about this 'shinobi shit' of his own,he deducted that that he(Danzo)was the one who spread the rumors that his container is the reincarnation of the infamous nine tails who destroyed their village and kill their relatives.

-Fools! These shitty human thought that I destroyed their families. Fine I admit that I did it, but what about the mistreatment given to his family?Who can amend to him and his siblings!

He thought that while sensing the negative emotions from the village.

But he also thought that the old man third was also fault at the mistreatment given to his container.

-Man!He was the hokage!The village leader itself. How can't he tell to these villagers that these rumors are false and so.

While being sealed in Uzumaki Mito, the red haired bitch he hated the most. He also saw that clanmates of her husband were disappearing and being killed in missions.He thought how the Senjus,one of the most influential clan in the history of this fucking village gets disappeared during a decade or so.

But he shrugged off at first,thinking that these humans trapped his family, he doesn't care about their sufferings.

But after watching treatment given to his third container, he deducted that these old farts are the reason of disappearance of Senju clan also.

But he doesn't care about that stuff.So he just watches his container and sleeps at rest of the time.

While watching treatment given to him(Naruto).He thought if he became the Hokage, then he will get back at all the villagers.But he thought how he , a six year old can became the strongest ninja of village.

Then Kurama suddenly thought that "It's time to manipulate this little shit and be free again."

He then said to the red haired brat.

"I can help you to became strong, no the strongest brat."


Phew! That was hard to write.

So guys this is the second chapter of 'THE LEGEND OF NARUTO UZUMAKI'. It was very hard to write. I also wanted to write from Kurama POV.

And about Senju clan disappearance and Third hokage participation.


Like come on! He was a sly fox. He could stop the Uchiha clan riot.But he couldn't,instead he thought of massacring the whole clan. You will say that Danzo manipulate him, but he is also at his own fault but not that much. And also death of Hizashi Hyuga. Like for what to maintain peace and stop happening another war. For fuck sake dude. You could prove that Hyuga Hiashi was innocent by using Yamanaka clan jutsu and stuff.You could use several methods.

He could also adopt Naruto but he left a fucking four year old orphan to live alone where everyone hates him. And he also blindly trust Danzo who also tried to assassinate him for his hokage seat. Sakumo Hatake's death could also be avoided, but he didn't do it IMO because of political instability.Sorry I went overboard.


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