
The Last Role

In a conflicted world, a young man with a splitted identity emerges from pain and suffering to find his own path. Death, karma and retribution lurks in the corner as he accepts his dark side.

Antho_kene · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

This day would come!

Anwuanwu eyes wide open in astonishment, staring at the dark figure as it became more apparent.


"Oh yes, it is I, you still have a remarkable memory. Remember I told you this day would come when you left me for dead at the trench with this beautiful scar as a compelling reminder".

Gently stroked through the outline of the visible scar on his face that protrudes a ferocious aspect.

Anwuanwu recalled his old comrade during his time in the Liberation Party. They had been together in the past war, fighting side by side, conducting business with Mercenaries and other supporters of their fight.

He had been a firm believer in the freedom and objective of their cause as a young officer, determined to liberate his people from their struggle.

His impetuous attitude had impaired the intention and inclination of the party, turning into an organization for nefarious activities. His menace had to be put to an end eventually.

Agbala continued...

"We had a mission, to take power and change the course of history as giants of this Nation. Who would have reckoned the great Anwuanwu is nothing but a coward, a reprehensible traitor to his people."

"A mutiny... you and your feeble-minded comrade here set up against me.

Finger, pointing to the headless body drenched in a pool of blood.

"Oh no". Anwuanwu noticed the decapitated head of his best friend Mr. Daniel, eyes and mouth wide open, facing upward towards the horizon.

"What do you want with me, after all these years"?

"You can have me, let my family go," Anwuanwu pleaded, hoping to negotiate the freedom of his beloved family, as he could discern the distressed look and agony on their faces. With another glance, he scanned through the area in search of his son.

His loud hysterical laugh echoed through the building.

"Let your family go, now why would I want to do that?" as he gave off a malicious smirk.

He grabbed hold of the little girl from the mother, moved gingerly to the corner of the building where the water well has been dug and held the child over it.

Series of screams and cries ensued...

"Please! Please!!... let my little girl go" Anwuanwu pleaded.

"Where is it "?, Agbala inquired.

"What are you talking about? Where is what? Anwuanwu retorted ".


He let go of his grip on the little girl as her cries echoed through, and then...


Kevan, concealed from his position, watched at a distance in silence and horror as the entire rumpus unfolded. Unable to move, [what can he do?] holding his hands to his mouth to stop him from making a sound or give out his position.

A tight grip held him from behind with exertion, jerk him forward.

Kevan bundled to the group, could see the horror on the faces of his parents, stunned at his emergence after forgetting all about him amid this nightmare they had to go through in one night.

"Where is it? Agbala started again, this time pointing a gun at the woman.

"White Broad Street "! Anwuwanwu clamored.

"Why did it have to take you so long to answer such a simple question? The unnecessary incident would never have occurred, oh such a poor little child, whose life was cut short because of your cowardice. His smirk was a vicious one.

"Now you have not only wasted my time but provoke me " He pulled the trigger.


Her body fell to the concrete floor at the strike of the bullet. Blood and brain matter spilled.

Kevan is petrified at the terror before his eyes, his beloved mother down on the pavement, his father crying hysterically at the death of his wife, the cries and screams of other bounded tenants as they witness an unending horror.

Anwuanwu quickly composed himself grabbed his son by the hands as he whispered to him...

"726 White Broad Street... Run! "

Horrified and perplexed, with a wide-eyed gaze at his father...wondering what in the world is he talking about, he tried to speak up.

"Run Kevan, run"...!!

The boy took to his heels... He ran into the darkness without caring if he gets caught, collide with an obstacle, or the numerous dangerous incident that could occur. He hid for a while to evade his pursuers while he watched from a distance.

The rebel soldiers chased after him. After a few paces returned cause they went no further into the pitch-black night without any form of lighting. One may get caught in the pit holes or gutters.

"Let him go" Agbala demanded.

He paced himself as one about to give a heartwarming monologue.

"I have the piece of information I need, my master plan all set in motion.

A vital piece of the puzzle as I have it all in my grasp. Probably sad your weak self will never have the privilege to witness my victory as I take power and restore this Nation from its shackles into liberty".

He began in his native local dialect..., the rebel soldiers responded simultaneously.

"Who goes there? He yelled.

"Ya n'eje"[He keeps on moving] the soldiers responded.

"Tipa agba oku " [The truck bursts into flame] he continued...

"Ya n'eje" [He keeps on moving] the soldiers retorted

"Ma puo mma n'ala " [strikes a blade on the floor] displayed this gesture as he spoke.

"Ya n'eje " [He keeps on moving] the soldiers replied again...

"Ashi eri ya " [Despite all]

"Opa mma " [He holds a blade] The soldiers shouted out frantically.

He unlatched his blade (Domingo), gently raising it high above his head, with a treacherous look on his face.

Anwuanwu looked up to the sky and knew it was his time.

His life flashed before his eyes, wondered if his son ever makes it to safety and carries out his command. He thought of his old days in the party when he believed in the cause, fighting for it, and how he had lost everything in one night.

Domingo slashed through... the dismembered head dropped and rolled across the concrete floor.

Agbala stood over the lifeless body of his old comrade, exhibiting his malevolence.

"We are done here. Shoot the rest, burn down the building".

Kevan observing the entire episode unravel took to his heels again at the sound of the unending gunshot. In tears, he ran, replaying the horrible incident, the shout and cries with the horrid expression on the faces of his neighbors. Reliving the loss of his family and everyone he has ever loved lingering in his mind.

The last message his father passed to him took him aghast. What does he mean by 726 White broad street...

Who is his father? he had only known a few stories he shared about the war, but he had never mentioned being a member of a party or playing a vital role in its proceedings.

He did not hear the sound of the speeding vehicle approaching...