
The Last Role

In a conflicted world, a young man with a splitted identity emerges from pain and suffering to find his own path. Death, karma and retribution lurks in the corner as he accepts his dark side.

Antho_kene · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Lost in the world

"Is he still alive?"

The three men looked over the body they had just knocked down at high velocity.

Kevan had come running out onto the highway. Without looking or checking, the van came out of nowhere, hitting him at full impact, face colliding with the windshield, and finally landing on the concrete.

"He looks so young, probably seventeen-eighteen years of age. But where in heavens sake is He running to at this late hour?" Bala inquired, looking flustered as he watched over his shoulder to see whether anyone was coming after the boy.

"I bet if you had listened to my warning, this shouldn't have been our problem," Jeku replied, scanning and moving over the body like a crime scene detective accessing its victim, with so much curiosity written over his face.

Lungu crept behind the other two and muttered. "He's either running away or towards something. I prefer we waste no further time debating over this and get the hell out of here before someone sees us."

"We just can't leave him out here like this. What if he's still alive? It's already dark! I doubt anyone would get to him in time before the break of dawn."

"You make a good point there, Bala. I suggest we take him to Benson, who is in a better position at dealing with this."

"What if someone comes searching for him?" Lungu inquired while grabbing his leg, about to lift it.

"Any boy out at this time of the night will definitely not be missed."

The men grabbed hold of his legs and arms as they lifted him onto their scrappy, black-colored cargo van.

"Be careful with his head, you fool, and watch your step."

"Why did you have to call me that, you moron?" Lungu and Bala bickered.

"Shut up, you two! Jeku reprimanded. Bad enough this poor kid got knocked down by us. Keep your voice down! Before we end up getting caught."

The men got into their van and drove off.


Agbala and his rebel soldiers arrived back at their camp at the break of dawn.

Soldiers dancing and chanting in victory, gunshots fired in salute of their commander, who had led them thus far.

The thrill and excitement filled the remote forest area, where Agbala and his men had built camps of TEMPER tent as their command base. Soldiers on guard duty mounted at different strategic points. Young boys of about fifteen-seventeen of age making their early morning lap rounds.

Captain Leroy stood in salute as his commander strolled in majestically into the operations tent. Other young soldiers followed suit.

"Commander Agbala, I presume the mission was a success."

"Definitely, Captain Leroy, at ease!"

Captain Leroy is a French man who grew up in Rouen, a northern French region of Normandy. He was distinctively skilled in intelligence gathering and technological advancement with a brief military experience. He went on exile after being dishonorably discharged from the army for selling state secrets.

After a few years gallivanting the continents, hacking state facilities, and selling intel to the highest bidder. He came across Agbala on one of his innumerable dealings turned sour, in which Agbala posed as an opposing bidder. The other bidder surmising some foul play took both men captive, exposed to series of inhumane activities.

Both men escaped at great peril. Surviving weeks together on the arid desert and treacherous terrains, of long nights and days without food or water, skin burns and blisters broke out due to their exposure to the scorching sun and hostile weather.

The two had become close friends. After discovering their inclination to the same ideologies and principles. A love for the revolutionist and a disdain for authority.

Captain Leroy inquired. "What's the location, Sir?"

Agbala gleefully dumped his body on a seat, stretching forth his legs on the table as he does. Grabbing a glass, he quickly poured himself some whiskey and slowly brought it to his nose as he took a whiff of its sweet blended aromatic and butterscotch flavor.

"White Broad Street!"

"Anwuanwu gave up the location without a struggle...well, after a bit of persuasion from me."

Captain Leroy looked intrigued and wondered what persuasive methods his commander had used on his old colleague and friend. Knowing the kind of character he is, he thought no further. It can only be disastrous and menacing as one could ever think of.

He evenly spread out on the center of a large table. A rolled bond paper containing blueprints was pinned to the desk as he gazed at his commander with a stern look.

"Sir, from the intel, gathered, the location is somewhere on the island of Lagos. I believe it is a bank avenue, one of the most heavily guarded government facilities in the state. It has a heavy military presence, equipped with massive artillery, a top-of-the-line surveillance system, and a backup Action Respond Squad."

Captain Leroy continued, "this would require a two-three months planning and reconnaissance operation to effectively and sufficiently carry this out with minimal risk and casualty. I have already selected a group of trusted and brilliant officers to team up and prepped in full detail for this mission."

"And who is leading this surveillance operation?" Agbala inquired.

Captain Leroy responded, standing at an upright position, with his chin up.

"Officer Ronald!..Sir."

Agbala expressed his delight. "Impressive!... Ronald is a proficient agent. He better deliver brilliantly, or I will be forced to replace him effectively."

He stared at his blade[Domingo] while caressing it with his left arm as he strode with intensity out of the tent.


The police arrived at the location at about noon.

The neighborhood marched out in massive numbers to the scene of the previous night's incident.

They had heard the explosion and chaos that followed. But were fear-ridden. For safety precautions, all stayed locked up at home. Doors and windows shut and hoped the situation never extends to their vicinity.

They gathered gossiping and murmuring amongst themselves, sharing in detail what they might have heard throughout the incident. Most of the women wailing hysterically at the sight of such a dreadful occurrence.

Officer Kojo examined the horrifying scene, hand on his mouth as if to stop himself from regurgitating.

"What kind of inhumane display is this?" Looking over at his partner, who seems to be in total shock and bewilderment. Walking around and analyzing the scene.

"I am dazzled at the horror these victims must have gone through" He gestured the crucifix walking back to his car.

Officer Kojo sat in his car, an eye fixed at the disembarking residents from his rearview mirror, with an apprehensive look on his face. He dipped his hands into the breast pocket of his jacket, picked out a rolled joint, lit it up with a match stick, and turned to his partner...

"There are no credible witnesses as this happened in the late hour of the night, also no surviving victims to corroborate any of the stories. We have nothing to work on here. This is one nightmare I wish to wake up from as soon as possible."

"We have absolutely nothing here to investigate, just burnt debris and corpses."

His partner peered at him in astonishment as he started the car and declared.

"Another day, another life in the ghetto!"