Alek Gusev is a high-level scientific researcher who created one of mankind's greatest inventions. However, as fate would have it, this very creation destroyed everything he knew, killing him in the process. Now he has been reincarnated in Shinobi World without his memories. What will happen in the new life of our protagonist? Vol. 1-3 : The whole story of Naruto. Vol. 4 : Fate/Zero Vol. 5 : Lord El-Melloi II Case Files Vol. 6 : Fate Stay Night (Coming Soon) Vol. 7 : NieR:Automata (Coming Soon)
The sound of the pencil stroking the paper made Hinata look at the boy next to her. His black hair swayed as the wind blew, his gray eyes just staring at the notebook without paying attention to what was going on around him.
Hinata watched Toru carefully, as she wondered why are you so different? In the past two years that she had been watching Toru she could not find an answer. Even if she gathered the courage to ask Toru, Toru would only avoid the question by inviting her to lunch or taking her to his house.
"It won't be long before we can enter the ninja academy."
Without looking away from the notebook, Toru spoke, causing Hinata to jump back a little from the fright Toru gave her by speaking so suddenly.
"Uh... yeah, I guess. I'd really like it if we were in the same room."
A slight blush appeared on Hinata's face as she finished speaking. For some reason unknown to her, she wanted to be next to Toru. Whenever she was next to him she felt at peace, she could feel the worries regarding her family disappear.
"Toru-kun... Can I ask you something?"
Hinata looked Toru in the eyes, and he only replied with a slight nod of his head.
"Why do you want to become a ninja?"
Toru kept silent for a few seconds, closed the notebook and looked at Hinata with a neutral expression.
"It's none of your business."
Having said that, Toru opened the notebook again and continued writing. After asking, and receiving an answer, Hinata ducked her head sadly, even going so far as to think that she was meddling too much in Toru's life.
"I'm sorry..."
"You don't have to apologize, it's just that my motivations are personal."
Sighing, Toru continued to drag the pencil over the sheet of paper, every line the pencil drew was perfectly crafted, every intersection and every curve came together to form what appeared to be the blueprints for a strange contraption in the shape of a glove, it had strange metal plates on the knuckles, every part of the glove had a carving explanation. One example would be the wires that connected the metal knuckles to some sort of battery, in the description it said: electric shock generator - Upon hitting a target the wires will contract, releasing the chakra accumulated in the battery, the chakra can take the form the user grants it, either the element of lightning or fire.
"Do you always do that sort of thing?"
Toru hadn't noticed that Hinata was only two centimeters away from him, but that didn't bother him at all, so he replied in a neutral tone of voice.
"It's what I do, the only thing I can do."
Hinata didn't quite understand Toru's words, but still pretended to have understood. However, from where she was she couldn't see very well what Toru was drawing in the notebook, so she moved even closer, making her chest touch Toru's back.
"You're really good at drawing."
Hinata still didn't realize what she was doing, on the other hand, Toru could only ignore the white-eyed girl.
(Smells like flowers)
Toru closed his eyes for a moment, the scent Hinata had was pleasant, it was like being in a field of flowers, only the flowers had a much nicer scent than normal flowers.
After a moment, when Toru stopped moving the pencil, that's when Hinata realized the position she was in, so quickly and with a blush on her face, Hinata separated from Toru.
"I'm really sorry, Toru-kun. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
Hinata hid her face in her hands, so Toru wouldn't look at the expression she was making at that moment.
"It doesn't matter."
But Toru replied as if what had just happened was no big deal, in fact, what had just happened was nothing to Toru.
"It doesn't matter?"
"Not at all, but you should at least ask permission before invading people's personal space."
Hinata looked down at the ground with a blush on her face, she was completely embarrassed by what she had done, but somehow Toru's back felt good.
(Ha~ What am I thinking about?)
Taking a breath of air, Hinata watched the sun setting on the horizon, quickly the night took over, and the lights in the houses began to turn on.
-Asahi clan-
With great agility, the mysterious man moved through the trees. The serious expression on his face only screamed trouble.
"The time has come..."
Positioning himself on the roof of the Asahi clan, the moonlight illuminated his face, revealing the man's face, the face of Uchiha Itachi. His eyes glowed brightly in the darkness of the night, the glow of crimson red belonging to the Sharingan, a Sharingan of two Tomoe.
Itachi took a few seconds before acting. He knew that what he would do that night would have no one's forgiveness. But he was still willing to do it, for Konohagakure and for his brother.
Without waiting any longer, Itachi unsheathed his katana. He slowly approached the entrance to the right garden, the place where Kyoko usually admired the sky.
*Clang, clang*
The sound of two metallic objects came, the sound that was caused by the clash of Itachi's katana and two shuriken. Itachi looked at the shuriken that fell to the ground, the two were imbued with different elements, fire and ice.
"An Uchiha? Why are you here?"
Watching Itachi's Sharingan, one of the attackers came out of the darkness, he had a white mask covering his entire face.
"I asked a question, answer it before we have to kill you."
Itachi didn't answer, he just looked silently at the white masked man. For a second his katana trembled, he didn't know if he was really doing the right thing, but he had already made his decision.
In the blink of an eye, the katana slashed, causing blood to stick to his face. Itachi's look, for a moment, was the look of a depressed man, but quickly the neutral expression on his face returned.
After appreciating the lifeless bodies of the people he had killed, Itachi shook the katana, wiping the blood that had been left on it. Seconds later he opened the paper door, encountering more of the Asahi clan.
One after another, blood was splattered on the paper walls. Scarlet red began to decorate the walls with the smell of death.
Women, children, elderly and middle-aged men, all were slaughtered without exception.
Only five minutes had passed, but Itachi had already killed almost everyone in the Asahi clan, only three people remained.
The sound caused by two metal objects colliding with each other was heard in the place.
*Clang, clang, clang*.
Sparks caused by the katana and daggers momentarily illuminated the room.
"You've killed everyone."
As they exchanged blows, Kenji spoke, there was no expression on his face just like Itachi. He just held the daggers in his hands tightly so as not to lose them.
"You're not going to respond, huh."
Leaping backwards, Kenji covered his face with his arms, he was ready to fight Itachi.
(I can't waste my time)
The Tomoe in Itachi's Sharingan began to spin, changing the environment completely, now the sky was completely red, there were dead trees and crows looking at Kenji.
"Where am I!"
Kenji tried to find an answer to what was happening, but that answer came too late. In his last seconds of life, he could only feel the edge of the katana piercing his neck, and the hard ground his head fell on making a thudding noise.
Having killed the leader of the Asahi clan, Itachi paused for a moment to think. There were only two people left that he had to kill, after that he would have to go to his own clan and finish them all off just like he did with the Asahi clan.
(Only two left...)
Itachi hurried to the last remaining room. When he opened the door he could see a beautiful woman with long black hair.
"I didn't think this day would come so fast."
Itachi looked at the woman who stood looking at him with a sad smile on her face. His katana trembled once again, he couldn't kill this woman though.
"Forgive me, Kyoko..."
Itachi moved closer to Kyoko, he held the katana tightly, but before ending the woman's life, Itachi waited a few seconds to hear Kyoko's last words.
"I still remember when you were a kid.... Mikoto and I used to take you everywhere."
"I remember that too..."
Itachi looked at the ground helplessly, he didn't want to kill Kyoko, to him, she was like a second mother.
"Please... don't hurt Toru."
Tears began to flow from Kyoko's tears, she just wanted to see her son grow up, she wanted to give him a happy and peaceful life, but apparently that can never happen.
Itachi watched this as she bit her lip hard, causing blood to start pouring out of her mouth. He knew she wasn't to blame for anything, but he still had to take down everyone in the Asahi clan.
After stretching the moment too long, Itachi appeared behind Kyoko's back, raised the katana in the air and with a perfect cut, Kyoko died.
Blood began to spill on the ground, while Kyoko's tears mingled with it.
Itachi just contemplated this in silence, as his gaze turned somber.
(I just need to... finish this job...)
Itachi's body flickered for a second, before disappearing into the shadows.
-Hyuga clan-
The sky had darkened completely and the lights of the houses illuminated the night. At this moment Toru was in front of Hinata's house, also known as Hyuga clan.
"I had so much fun..."
Hinata looked at the ground as she spoke, her expression looked nervous, but Toru gave an answer that reassured her.
"I had fun too" Toru said as he looked Hinata in the eyes.
Toru's gray eyes shone for a moment before he was interrupted by someone.
"Hinata, where have you been?"
It was the voice of a grown man. Hearing the voice, Hinata's face showed an expression of worry and fear.
"I... I..."
The door opened revealing a man with black hair and white eyes, eyes just like Hinata's.
"You always disappear without saying anything, you will receive a punishment commensurate with your actions."
Toru looked at the man from head to toe, clearly it was Hinata's father, because of this Toru didn't want to add to the trouble, so he kept silent.
"And you... Who are you and why are you with my daughter?"
The white-eyed man looked at Toru with an annoyed face, obviously that was too much trouble, so Toru had no choice but to answer truthfully.
"Excuse my insolence, my name is Asahi Toru, I am from the Asahi clan. I saw your daughter wandering alone, so I accompanied her back home."
Although there wasn't much truth in his words, that was enough for the man to lessen the punishment Hinata was about to receive.
"Hm... I understand. So you're Kenji's son..."
Remembering a certain prodigious shinobi, the man closed his eyes for a second, before speaking again.
"I thank you..."
Having said that, the man took Hinata's hand and forced her back home, leaving Toru staring at the door with a neutral look on his face.
"Then I should go back too."
Toru turned around and walked back home. As he walked, the streets looked strangely empty, but that was something Toru didn't mind, indeed, the streets being empty was something Toru was grateful for, as he didn't feel the overwhelm he felt when he was surrounded by people.
(I'm sure I'm going to be scolded for hours. Okaa-sama always exaggerates things).
A sigh left Toru's lips, just remembering his mother's childish attitude made him feel stressed. She was always overprotective of Toru, no matter the situation, no matter if she made a fool out of him, she was always there for him.
(Although annoying at times, I always thought there was no kinder and more radiant person than her.)
Toru's steps were slow and relaxed, he knew that when he returned home he would be scolded by that woman, after all he was already used to being the spoiled child of the main Asahi family.
It wasn't long before Toru arrived home. Before entering he took a slight breath, but as he did that his eyes would widen at the smell in the air.
Toru's hands shook for a second, he didn't know what was going on, but the smell of blood coming from the place was too strong.
Toru didn't let his nerves get the better of him, so he opened the door, but that only made the smell of blood intensify.
He slowly walked through the halls of his house, it didn't take him long to find the first corpse.
"This is..."
Toru's eyes looked at the corpse seriously, he moved a little closer to examine the body, and he could see the perfect cut the corpse had right in the stomach.
"What's going on here?"
Toru started to walk around the house, all the walls were stained with blood, lifeless bodies adorned every corner, some had weapons in their hands, showing that they put up resistance in the face of the attack.
Toru ran off in the direction of his mother's room, and on the way, he came across the decapitated head of his father. Seeing the corpse of his progenitor, Toru's breathing began to feel heavy.
Toru clenched his fists and kept running in the direction of his mother's room, the closer he got he could see more and more blood splattered on the walls, lifeless bodies of the sentries and weapons lying on the floor.
After a few seconds, the door to Kyoko's room appeared before Toru. The entrance was open and blood was spilling down the stairs.
Slowly Toru approached entering the room in the process.
"Okaa... sama..."
Kyoko was lying on the floor, she had a large cut on her back that was leaking blood.
Toru looked at this without saying anything... he couldn't process what was happening.
"Okaa-sama... aren't you going to scold me for being late?"
Toru ducked his gaze.
"Okaa-sama... you're not going to get mad at me.... are you?"
A tear came out of Toru's right tear duct, falling to the ground and mixing with the blood.
Tears began to flow from Toru's tear ducts, but his face showed no expression.
-Three days later-
His scarf was swaying to the rhythm of the wind as were his clothes. Toru at that moment was in front of his mother's grave. His gaze was lost in the tombstone in front of him.
"It's a pity..."
Among the people who had attended the site was Hyuga Hiashi, Hinata's father and leader of the Hyuga clan. The man looked at Toru with regret, the little boy had lost everyone, he had been given to himself.
The same happened with the little Uchiha Sasuke, tears slid down his cheeks, just like Toru he had lost his entire family.
(Why, Nii-san)
Again and again, Sasuke tried to find an explanation for what Itachi had done three days ago, but he couldn't find anything. All he could think of was that his brother was a traitor.
(Toru... him too)
Remembering his childhood friend, Sasuke looked at Toru, who was already leaving the place. Seeing this, Sasuke caught up to him as fast as he could, which was easy since Toru was walking slow.
"Toru, I..."
Sasuke's eyes widened in disbelief, Toru walked past him ignoring him completely. It was as if Toru had obliterated the existence of everyone around him.
Watching his friend walk away without looking at anyone, Sasuke looked at the ground while clenching his fists.
(I swear I'm going to get revenge, for my family... and for yours, Toru).
Sasuke looked up, his eyes showing the anger and hatred that had been born in his heart.
And as Toru walked away, Sasuke swore that he would be the one to avenge the death of their families, he would take revenge by killing the man who caused all this.