
Chapter 104: The winners, the losers and the sensor-type shinobi.

-A long time ago-

The rain falls without stopping. The ground is soaked and there are ninjas watching everything. Some have emotionless looks, others simply hide their faces in the face of tragedy.

This is Amegakure, where the pain of its inhabitants has reached its peak. Many have suffered the losses of war, many have been left alone and heartbroken.

"Please don't leave me... please... tou-san... kaa-san..."

The sad and brittle voice of a little girl is heard among all the lifeless bodies gathered in that place. Tears run down her cheeks, her hands tremble and her clothes are stained with blood.

That girl is Ajisai, who has lost her parents to the conflicts between countries, which have led to wars.

"You have to go, we will get rid of the corpses."

One of the ninja with the Amegakure bandana on his forehead looked at Ajisai and ordered her to go away, but she refused to leave her parents. Seeing that the girl was not going to leave, another ninja appeared and took her by the arms, leading her away from the corpses.

"Let go of me! Tou-san! Kaa-san!"

The girl took one last look at the faces of her parents before darkness gripped her heart.


And now, when so many years have passed, Ajisai has found the light in that infinite darkness in which she was locked. A radiant and dangerous light, a crimson red light like blood. She felt warmth in that light, she felt again that she could get out of that abyss in which she found herself.

"I understand your pain. I understand everything you've had to go through. I understand how you feel and that's why I can talk to you. I will change this world for you. So you can live in a place where you can be at peace and the wounds that hurt you can finally heal..."

She looked at that person who radiated a dangerous aura. That person, was a young boy just like her. On his face she could easily see the pain because he has gone through.

Ajisai decided to trust that boy with strange eyes. After all, when she was lost in the darkness, he appeared and illuminated her path. A dangerous and frightening light, which somehow was so warm and comfortable.

-In the present-

"Now that everyone has calmed down, I'm going to explain what you'll have to do in this first test of the chūnin exams."

Speaking through the screen. Shikamaru folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. Temari looked at him and shook her head with a soft smile on her lips.

"This first test will consist of a written exam. You have the exam sheets in front of you. Take an exam sheet each and take a seat while I explain."

The first test consists of a written exam, which has four questions. The first two questions are worth 30 points, the third is worth 40 points and the last one is worth 50 points. Between all the members of each team they must achieve 100 points perfectly, that is, each team member must solve a question together with his teammates, in order to get the perfect score.

An example would be, Player 1 and 2 have solved the first two questions, so now they together have managed to get 60 points, that leaves player 3 with four options, three of them would lead him to have more than 100 points, so that is detrimental if the goal is the score of 100. If he chooses the third question, he will score 40 points. This, together with the points of his teammates, make 100 points, so they pass the test.

"That's all?" said someone among all the assembled genin.

Shikamaru smiles in response, as he seemed to have been waiting for this question.

"No, that's not all. For you will have one last question regardless of the ones you have already solved. I will reveal the last question when the 30 minutes allotted for the test is over. Now, without further ado, begin."

Having listened to Shikamaru, Hinata sighed. This was going to be a bit difficult for her and her team, as in order to have the perfect score she must be able to communicate with her teammates. Because of this, everyone in the different classrooms went into despair, as, they also had the question of how to know which question to answer and which not to answer.

"Neji-onii-sama. I can communicate with my team through Ino, I can also use my Byakugan, but I'm not sure if this is going to work completely."

Listening to this girl speak, Neji couldn't help but remember how Hinata used to be in the past. And now, she has changed so much. Just seeing the serious expression on Hinata's face made Neji remember that day two years ago. The day Toru was named a defector from Konoha.

Not only was Hinata's expression serious, so was her tone of voice. After all, she had undergone very difficult mental and physical training, all in order to achieve what she wanted so badly.

"I already have an idea. I'll use it as soon as everything calms down a bit."

"I see."

Hinata nodded. She looked at the cameras and closed her eyes. 'Byakugan. Veins swelled around Hinata's eyes. At that very moment, she could see everything around her. She could see through the doors and walls. She saw Ino clasping her hands together to perform a jutsu. So it was logical to know that this test was going to be easier with Ino on the team.

-Classroom 1-

Ino analyzed the whole situation and quickly came to a conclusion. If she could execute the plan well, then everything would become easy. That's why that jutsu came to her mind. She decided to use it as quickly as possible, but first she had to make sure she got the right answers and that her teammates could solve the questions.

'The questions are difficult. I will make sure I can answer the 40-point question. Once I get it right, I'll trust Hinata and Sakura to solve the first two.'

-Classroom 3-

About fifteen minutes have passed and everyone has been trying to find a way to communicate with their teammates. Some shouted, others tried to use ninjutsu, but none succeeded.

Fuyo, who is sitting on the left side by the window, sighs and is amused by the desperation of the great powers.

'I can't believe those guys come from the same village as Toru-sama. They're really dumb, I don't understand how they got this far. Still, that shouldn't matter to me. I'll watch carefully and wait for Suiren to do something.'

As expected, Fuyo trusts Ajisai and Suiren a lot, because to her these two girls are great friends. They are her teammates and are something she must cherish until the day the flame of life is extinguished in her hands.

Thirty seconds later, Fuyo clasped her hands together and opened her eyes. 'I understand, Ajisai. As expected, she had already found the solution so quickly.'

Boom...! Boom...! Boom...! Boom...! Boom...!

Loud banging began to be heard on the walls.

Using her perception, as a sensor-type ninja, Fuyo observed the first classroom. She saw three people banging on the wall. This was obviously a way to communicate with everyone else, so now the test had become easy for many teams.

Still, Fuyo has already finished the exam, after all, thanks to Ajisai's leadership and Suiren's persistence, who kept raising her hand with three fingers for five minutes, they managed to solve the exam faster than anyone else.

Ajisai solved the 40-point question. Suiren and Fuyo solved the 30-point questions, making it 100 points.

'Now that's teamwork, hehe.'

-Classroom 2-

Hinata and Sakura listened to Ino directly inside their minds. She, using a large amount of chakra, communicated with both girls at the same time and together they came to an agreement. They finished the exam as quickly as possible, with ten minutes to spare.

"Now I just have to wait..."

Hinata looked at Neji, who was kicking one of the walls along with another ninja. She knew that this is Neji's plan, so it's easy to know that many will take this plan and take advantage of it, in the end, many teams will be able to qualify to the next test.


The thirty minutes have passed and Shikamaru speaks again through the speaker and the screen.

"Time is up. It's time for the next question. Use the back of the test sheet, you will have ten minutes to solve it. Temari..."

"Yes, whatever you say. The question is as follows."

Your team is in a situation of extreme danger. They can only escape by sacrificing one of their teammates. Who will you sacrifice?

Hinata narrowed her eyes at this question.

Ajisai, on the other hand, imagined the situation of extreme danger and tried to choose Fuyo or Suiren. However, this decision was difficult.

"That's it. The ten minutes have begun."

The display turns off and after that the stopwatch restarts, showing ten minutes on the screen.

Ajisai looked out the window. She thought carefully about this. In a hypothetical situation, she will have to sacrifice one of her teammates. Still, it was hard to think of something like that, for Ajisai is very fond of Fuyo and Suiren. They are friends, teammates, they are girls who understand her pain.

Ajisai considers Fuyo and Suiren as if they were her family. She remembers everything they have experienced so far since the day they met and then the image of a certain moment in her life came to her mind.

In that memory, there was Ajisai, Fuyo and Suiren, but there was also someone else. That mysterious person wears the Akatsuki cloak, has silver eyes and an expressionless face, a face that somehow showed Ajisai a beautiful sad smile.

Ajisai smiles as he remembers this.

'I already know the answer...'

-Classroom 1-

Ino sighs heavily. She is trying to think of the sacrifice, but it is extremely difficult to decide.

'If Toru were still by my side, it's more than obvious that he would choose me as the sacrifice. After everything I did to him, I'm not sure he felt anything special for me. But...'

Bringing her hand to her chest, in that place where her heart beats softly, Ino felt pain. She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists as she remembered that rainy night.

It's too late.

There are no more options. Toru won't come back.

My feelings won't bring him back.

I regret not talking to him sooner.

That lonely and gloomy boy. A kid that everyone ignored just because he was weird. That kid had really bad grades, a horrible attitude that made anyone who came near him uncomfortable, and that sad soulless expression.

Ino imagined what would have happened if she had been next to that lonely boy.

Her eyes open softly and you can see that her eyes are a little moist from the held back tears. At that very second, Ino smacked her cheeks and shook her head, as she was letting her feelings out in front of everyone. This is something Ino never wanted to do again, as she cried in front of Yamato and Hinata that day.

"I... I already have the answer. I'm sure Hinata has it too. I just hope Sakura can figure it out too."

With that sad smile, Ino looked out the window and wondered where that boy she loves so much will be.

-Training camp, Ninja Academy-

The test is over and now everyone is gathered in one place.

Shikamaru and Temari looked at the participants. After a few seconds of silence, Shikamaru says that everyone who left the sheet blank and those who answered the question with a simple "I won't sacrifice anyone" move on to the next test. Meanwhile, those who named one of their classmates are disqualified.

[You must never abandon a comrade, no matter if you have to break the rules. If you abandon a comrade, you will only be the worst trash in this world]

Hinata couldn't help but smile as she remembered Yamato's words during that first day in team 11. Ino also remembered those words, so she looked at Hinata with a smile. However, Sakura looked at this scene feeling a little uncomfortable, as she felt out of place in this team.

A little further away from that place, stands Ajisai, who is proud of her teammates, as they too decided not to sacrifice anyone. This only strengthened the bond these girls had.

"Good. Now that the losers have been named, I have to say something" Shikamaru folded his arms. "The next test will be held in Sunagakure. The road from here to reach the wind country takes three days at full speed with no rest."

Everyone kept silent and waited for more words from Shikamaru.

"Hm...what are you waiting for, why don't you all just get the hell out of here already? You all only have three days to get to Suna. Get off your butts at once, the teams that arrive last will also be disqualified. So you'd better hurry up!"

Everyone in the place didn't know how to respond to this. It took them five seconds to react, only to start running with all their might in the direction of Suna a second later. Ajisai, who was together with her team, quickly ran in the direction of the exit. Meanwhile, Hinata's team took a little while to react, but they also ran as fast as they could in the direction of the exit of the village.

The other teams did the same.

"I'm going first!"

Running at a frightening speed, a brown-skinned, green-haired girl ran past Ajisai, jumping and laughing, as if the test was just a simple child's game to her.

"Fuu! Wait!"

"Where are you going! Wait!"

Running after Fuu (The girl with green hair and brown skin) two ninjas desperately tried to catch up with her, but it was almost impossible, that girl was too fast.

"Let's see who gets there first! Hahaha!"

Fuu continued running and jumping between the roofs of the houses to finally enter the forest after leaving the village.

Ajisai and her team had to witness this comedy fest, which for some reason is not funny.

"The time has come. Fuyo, Suiren."

The two girls understood what Ajisai is about to do, so they got pretty close to her and jumped in the air.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

Ajisai bit her finger and dropped the blood. A circular black seal formed under her feet and immediately a large cloud of smoke appeared. Fuyo and Suiren were swallowed by the smoke screen. And then...

Near that place, only a few meters away, Ino's eyes widened as she saw a gigantic black and white furred wolf appear. On the wolf's back are three girls.

"Okaminaru-sama, please take us to Sunagakure. We only have three days to get there."

"I see. I was bored without being able to train, so this is better than nothing. Hold on tight."

With this strange scene, Ino's team watching a giant wolf appear out of nowhere, Fuu's team being at the head of this race and Ajisai's team riding a giant wolf, this chūnin test is just getting started.

-Hokage Mansion-

Tsunade looked through the window. She looked at the genin running in the direction of Sunagakure and sighed lightly.


Someone appeared behind Tsunade. His voice was familiar to her, so she turned around and took a seat. She crossed her arms making her breasts look bigger and then looked up.

"You arrived earlier than planned, Yamato, are you bringing new information?"

Yamato kneeled before Tsunade and ducked his head. He had the ANBU organization's mask on, and his uniform had changed. Though he would soon return to wearing the same uniform as always, due to the fact that his research mission was about to end.

"Yes, I have information" Looking up, Yamato's face showed a serious expression under the mask. "From the beginning, it was difficult to follow the trail. So far, we've found all the hideouts he's been taking refuge in, but they're all somehow always destroyed. The last trail we could find is on the border between Sunagakure and Amegakure. After that, even though I investigated for months, I haven't found anything. It's as if the earth swallowed it up."

Tsunade clicked her tongue after hearing this. The information was always the same, there was nothing she can do about it and that's what made her feel angry.

"But, despite this, I have more information" Yamato stood up and took off his mask. "Recently, the organization that has been talked about and that Jiraiya-sama has been investigating, Akatsuki, has started to move. I discovered that there is one of its members visiting villages and kidnapping adult ninja of Jounin rank. The description I was given, is that of a young man wearing a black cloak with red clouds and a hat covering his face. They say he wears a red scarf with the Konoha emblem crossed out..."

Tsunade rises from her seat abruptly and slams her hands on the table.

"Are you saying that..."

"Although it's slim, there's a chance that that Akatsuki member is Toru..."

Tsunade shook her head.

"I don't think that's possible. We've been trying to search for Orochimaru, so it's impossible for Toru to be in Akatsuki. But, still..."

"I know what you mean, Hokage-sama. For the time being, I will continue to investigate. I will also have the information about Danzo for you in the next few days. After all, just like you, I think Toru was not capable of betraying us. That's all, I'll be going."

After this quick exchange of words, Yamato disappeared leaving Tsunade pensive.

"Toru in Akatsuki... that's impossible."

Shaking her head, Tsunade left the office and continued with her own investigation of Toru and Danzo.


Last chapter of the week. I hope you have a nice Sunday, I'm going to watch Jojo's.