
The Last Of Her Kind

A thousand years ago a god created the last of a species of shifters that he named Kitsune who are fox shifters with special abilities. Lotus has lived in the solitude forests all across the world watching over the creatures she was created for for her entire immortal life, she knows nothing about the other supernaturals in the world and not much about the human world making her too naïve for her own good. Damon Light has never saw or even heard of a Kitsune before so when he stumbles upon Lotus fighting in the woods he wants nothing more than to put her under his protection. What happens when Lotus comes across a group of supernatural hunters for the first time? What happens when Damon Light comes to her rescue?

NicoleClouse · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 17

"Is this something normal for her?"

I groggily wake up rubbing my eyes at the sound of the voice. Looking up from my curled up position on the stack of hay I see a dumbfounded Kevin and amused Charlie making me roll my eyes, all Charlie ever does is smirk or look amused especially when it comes to me.

"She likes being with her animals/creatures plus she's not really used to sleeping inside, it's only been a few months that she's had an actual bed and she doesn't even sleep in every night" Charlie nonchalantly answers shrugging his shoulders.

Last night Damon had some urgent business to attend to so I just decided to sleep in the stable with Pegasus and the cub cause more than likely Damon wouldn't come to bed til halfway into the night and I didn't want to sleep by myself. Slowly I uncurl myself from my balled up position and begin picking the hay out of my hair and tails, it's been awhile since I've slept on hay but it's surprisingly comfortable to me. Pegasus whinnies at the two for waking me up and the cub lets out an adorable little growl.

"Looks like her buddies don't like that we woke her up." Kevin muses crossing his thick muscular arms over his chest smirking, is a very very muscular man if someone didn't know better they'd think he's a body builder.

"Fuck that asshole flying horse." Charlie glares at Pegasus who glares back making me groan that they are already picking fights with each other this early.

Kevin raises a brow grinning. "Guess the rumor of you two having bad blood is true."

"The shitty creature thinks he owns Lotus or something." Wrong thing to say, a huge blue wing smacks Charlie with full force sending Charlie flying.

"Ha ha ha! I think I'm really going to like this Pegasus."

Kevin laughs so hard he's clutching his stomach looking at Charlie laying on the ground sprawled out like a start fish. Pegasus whinnies in pride and holds his head up high. Arrogant creature. I get up off the pile of hay stretching my arms and legs out to help me fully wake up. The cub jumps up biting my tails letting me know I still have hay straws stuck in them, shyly I look up at Kevin who raises a brow.

"Um I can't exactly reach all parts of my tails so would you mind getting the hay out."

He tries to stifle a laughter making me turn ten shades of crimson. After getting a grip of himself he comes over picking the straw out and complimenting my soft pretty fur making me act just as arrogant as Pegasus did a minute ago as I also hold my head up in pride. My god had created me to be incredibly beautiful so I can't help it if compliments make me feel arrogant, everything about me was designed to be eye catching, unique, and gorgeous. The first week here half the men just about got themselves killed for staring and some even had the guts to hit on me, Damon, Charlie and Kevin are unbelievably protective, a few people even got bit by the cub and kicked by Pegasus, well Pegasus tends to kick people anyways but those times he did it out of protectiveness. Damon's mouth hit the floor when he stumbled upon a few women flirting with me, he didn't know how to handle situations like those at first then he just decided that when that happens to walk up behind me and grab my ass, kiss my neck or even grab my boobs which earned him quite a few smacks on the side of the head from me, he wanted to show them that I belong to him and only him.

Once Kevin gets all the hay off my tail I turn to thank him til my eyes settle on a group of men with black wings. Fallen angels! I start shaking in fear, looking confused Kevin turns to see what has me so scared. When his back is to me I clutch onto the back of his shirt for dear life and begin whimpering my ears laying flat and tails tucking between my legs, the whimpers of fear were loud enough to catch all the angel's attention. Some had black eyes showing they were kicked out of heaven or fell on their own which freaked me out even more while maybe two had blue eyes showing they were sent from heaven. Charlie finally sits up from his position on the ground and looks towards the angels, his eyes go wide for a moment before he starts cussing under his breath. In a blur he's up and in front of the group explaining that I had a bad experience with their kind and haven't gotten over my fear yet even though I was imprinted on Damon it still took awhile for my fear of him to completely vanish. They all nodded in understanding and even politely apologized for not knowing and unintentionally scaring me, they all gave me a small smile trying to show they meant no harm then walked off.

"You can quit hiding now, do you mind telling me why you are so scared of them?" Kevin questions as he looks over his shoulder at me.

Meekly I release his shirt stepping out from behind him, staring down at the ground I answer him. "Um I was almost killed by one, and my only weakness is angel fire so they can kill me easily. It may seem silly to you and everyone else that I'm so scared of them but with my avoiding all creatures the angel I ran into was pretty much the first serious supernatural confrontation I had and I was in fox form, not having the change to shift the angel blasted me with a ball of angel fire. Instead of just burning me the fire completely engulfed my body, fortunately a nymph came and saved me when I was only minutes if not seconds away from death." I shiver at horrid the memory.

Kevin nods his head. "I understand, but remember nobody here will hurt you, we all are protecting you and it's our job to protect all creatures so we aren't to be feared. There's no need to be afraid of those angels they are all nice guys, since they live here you'll have to face your fears being around them and even talking to them." I just shakily nod my head at him not liking the idea of being around those beings. "Now come on, lets go watch a movie. I heard you were keen on watching movies about foxes so I bought a few, if I understand foxes better then maybe I'll understand you even better." Squealing I jump up and down in happiness.

Immediately Kevin and Charlie get dragged into the house by me, Kevin laughs at my enthusiasm while Charlie grumbles about having to watch another movie about foxes. If Kevin was as fast as me I would sprint into the house but sadly I'm twice as fast as him so I have to go at a slow pace to match him, bursting through the doors I head straight to the main living room only to stop dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me. The group of angels had moved from outside to sit in the main living room to talk, hearing us approaching they all look up. Seeing my terrified expression in unison they all begin to get up to leave. Kevin however holds up his hand halting their movement.

"I know she is scared of your kind but she is going to have to get over that fear so I would really appreciate it if you all stayed here and continued your conversation, but it might ease her a little if you would kindly put your wings up."

They look at each other uncertainly then retract their wings into their back and sit back down. Charlie and Kevin try to tug me forward but I use all my strength to keep myself in place as I dig my heels into the floor. They grunt as they pull as hard as they can earning a few chuckles from the angels who are watching in amusement, guess it's not often two high rank members aren't strong enough to move such a tiny being. Suddenly I'm lifted up by a pair of arms that I know belongs to Damon, his presence gives me a little comfort. The abrupt movement causes Kevin and Charlie to fall down making everyone in the room except me bust out laughing. I'm held like a child being tucked under one of Damon's arms and carried to a couch that has only one angel sitting on it, keeping a tight grip on me so I can't run away Damon sits down shifting me comfortably onto his lap. The angel next to us gives me a reassuring smile noticing how stiff I am from being so close, Damon pets my ears while Kevin puts in a DVD about foxes announcing that the angels can keep talking all they want but are welcome to watch the 'terrible and boring' movie if they want to understand me a little better, this pikes their interest so they all shut up and glue their eyes to the enormous TV. Charlie sits on the other side of me petting my tails to help calm me down even more, Kevin even decides to sit on the floor in front of me so I'll feel safer, it's obvious the fallen next to Damon and I wants to move somewhere else but decides against it after Damon reminding him I needed to get used to fallen angels.

"Kevin you bastard if you had to watch just as many of these fucking movies and documentaries as Damon and I have you wouldn't even consider watching another one." Charlie grumbles making everyone snicker and me growl.

"Well I want to see what about these animals is so alluring to her even when she was human a thousand years ago she liked them, the cub is naughty but cute so I'd like to learn more about them plus I think Damon and Lotus would appreciate me learning what I can."

Charlie just rolls his eyes slumping in his seat while still petting my nine tails. All through out the two hour long movie nobody said a word or even left the room, they all kept their eyes glued to the TV like it was the most interesting thing in the world. As soon as the movie was over Charlie shot up out of his seat like a rocket leaving the room in a blur not wanting to endure one more second of watching anything fox related. Kevin gladly took his spot on the couch after putting in another DVD. Damon stops petting my ears.

"Lotus, this angel next to me is Nick, he has been a Protector for two hundred years and is very trustworthy he's someone I would trust with my life." He introduces the fallen angel who gives me a small unsure smile.

"Hi Lotus, that movie was interesting, I kind of see why you love foxes so much now. Your little cub running around has already grown on all of us beings, watching that movie and seeing how they normally act is fascinating." Nick awkwardly says, he has no idea what to say to me so he just blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

I bury my head into Damon's chest keeping one eye warily focused on the angel. Damon lets out a defeated sigh knowing that getting me to warm up to these guys is going to be a lot harder than he originally thought. Kevin sits straight up in his seat, I can see the gears turning in his head at a thought he's just had.

"You know how either Charlie or I is always by her side and guarding her?" Damon nods. "Well what if we add Nick into the mix?" Kevin's eyes shine at his idea.

"That's a great idea but for right now til her fear is eased he should be with one of you instead of being with her alone and make sure Pegasus is nowhere near him. That wild beast already kicks the shit out of everyone except you, Lotus and I and I would hate to see how he would act around anyone that she's afraid of."

"You should've seen earlier when Pegasus hit Charlie with one of his wings for insulting him, Charlie went flying through the air." Kevin laughs. "An asshole and a arrogant beast don't exactly mix but it sure is entertaining to watch."

This makes Damon groan and lean his head back against the couch. "He needs to stay at least twenty feet away from Pegasus at all times or try to run when he sees a hoof or wing coming towards him."

I giggle and Nick's face slightly pales. "Is a Pegasus really that bad?"

Kevin snorts. "You have no idea, all of them are an arrogant pain in the ass that pretty much hate everyone but somehow Lotus managed to tame this one to where he's protective of her, it's amazing really. I'm glad those beasts don't have any powers if they did we would all be screwed."

A loud gulp sounds from Nick making the rest of the fallen angels snicker. Damon glares at them. "If you all think it's funny why don't you go try to feed him or clean out his stall? There's a reason why it's either Lotus or me doing it."

Simultaneously they all shake their heads so fast I'm surprised they didn't break their necks, guess after a week the wild beast has already made quite a name for himself here. I mentally roll my eyes thinking of his daily antics of basically bullying everyone except Damon and I, I'm pretty sure the only reason he doesn't try anything with Damon is because he knows I'd be mad at him. Tuning out the long ass conversation about my flying friend/pet I focus my attention on the fox documentary trying to hide my resurfacing fear of the angels filling the room and try ignoring their presence which is impossible to do. Instead of petting my ears again to calm me Damon unfurls his wings putting them on each side of me in an attempt to block out my view of the scary angels making me relax slightly but I'm still on edge. As if on cue my cub comes running in barking and yipping going straight to my leg wanting to be picked up, spoiled little guy. Picking him up the angels are soon forgotten as I play with him baring my canines and lowly growling at him making him playfully do the same, out of the corner of my eyes I see Damon's black wings around me slowly lower til they are retracted back into his back. Dammit now I remember the angels, every single one of them is intently watching my interaction with the cub flickering their attention to the fox documentary for short periods of time but mainly staying focused on me. Becoming too uncomfortable I shift into my white fox the room fills with gasps at seeing my form making Damon sigh rubbing a hand over his face knowing I shifted because I was too scared and uncomfortable. I pick the cub up by the scruff of his neck and hop off the couch onto the floor, I drop the cub under the coffee table deciding it's slightly safer here. We paw at each other, growl, bark, bite, yip and roll around on the floor taking turns pouncing on each other til the documentary is over.

A mouth watering smell fills the room, sticking my head up in the air sniffing I see Charlie standing next to the couch smirking at my reaction. It's close to lunch time so he must've brought some food to me and the cub since I don't like eating in the dinning room all that much because I still get weird looks and hear murmuring about me, you'd think by now everyone would be used to seeing me around but nope. Facing Charlie I bark and wag my tail in happiness knowing that plate is filled with berries and meat which makes me super excited since I missed out on breakfast. His smirk gets even bigger as he raises a brow at me, I tilt my head in confusion wondering why his expression is like that and why he hasn't set the plate down yet.

"Oh do want all these super delicious smelling berries? Ya know I haven't tried any yet, I wonder if they taste incredibly good seeing as how much you like them." He teasingly gets a berry off the plate and pops it into his mouth.

I begin growling at him and hunkering down ready to attack if he tries to eat anymore of them. "Charlie you know better than to tease her, stop it before she gets violent with you." Damon says exasperated.

"What is a little helpless fox going to do?" Charlie mocks me seriously pissing me off, I hear Damon groan at his antics.

This time I bare my razor sharp teeth snarling trying to look as vicious as possible, besides Charlie and I's interaction the entire room is so silent you could hear a pin drop. Kevin leans forward genuinely interested in what's going to happen, the rest of the angels do the same. Damon just closes his eyes leaning his head back on the couch pinching the bridge of his nose not bothering to try to stop either of us. Charlie then smiles at me and begins lowering the plate, happy I wag my tail and start to trot towards him, til he made the dick move of jerking the plate high up out of my reach and laughing loud. That's it! I snarl then jump onto his leg sinking teeth deep into his leg, he yelps in surprise and pain causing him to drop the plate. Even though the berries and meat are now spread out across the floor I don't let go of Charlie, I take my teeth out of his leg then grab his pants leg biting hard shaking my head back and forth til his pants are shredded up to the knee. He stares at me in shock, I give him a fox version of a smirk then trot of towards the plate on the floor, Kevin and Damon start picking up the berries and meat on the floor placing them onto the plate for me. The cub sits in front of the plate and waits for me to start eating before he does since I'm technically the leader of his pack, before I take a bite I push part of the food towards him distinctly dividing the food so knows what he can eat and what he can't, he tends to eat more than he needs so I limit what I give him. Biting into a berry I howl in happiness then the cub starts digging in along with me.

"I told you not to tease her." Damon says to Charlie who is uttering a long string of swear words saying something about me ruining his favorite pair of pants.

"So it's best if we don't tease her and give her what she wants?" Nick and Kevin say in unison.

Damon sighs. "Just don't tease her when it comes to food, Pegasus and especially foxes. Other than that I think you'll be fine but if you make her snarl then I would back off and shut up or stop doing whatever."

"Think we'll be fine?" Nick questions looking slightly afraid.

"Well so far those are the only things I've saw her get pissed off about and get semi violent, oh but as you've probably already heard she'll literally kill when it comes to a fox so be careful around the cub and til she trusts I wouldn't recommend going anywhere near it."

Nick visibly gulps and Kevin chuckles. "Lucky for me she for some reason trusted me right away so I don't have to worry about her wrath nearly as much as you. She's the perfect creature to be paired up with our leader, not very trusting, violent when need be, powerful and loving towards all beasts and animals, not so much to all beings since she's scared shitless of you angels."

"Excuse me Damon but do you think it's a good idea for me to be around her?" Nick uneasily fidgets.

"It is a good idea but also a terrible one, good to help her fear but bad cause your safety isn't 100% guaranteed but I can promise she won't try to kill you, she'd probably run away from you instead."

Damon's answer was definitely not what Nick wanted to hear, he now looks almost terrified of me. The rest of the angels look scared for Nick whispering about how they are glad they didn't get picked for the job. The cub finishes eating and wonders near an angel sitting in a chair being the curious little thing he is, immediately I growl and the angel jumps up in the chair so he's standing on it looking at the cub like it has the plague. Wish they were as scared of me as I was of them, I'm only acting like I'm not terrified of them at the moment so the cub won't see me as weak or become scared himself. Everyone excuses themselves to go to the dinning hall to eat lunch except Kevin who now has a tight hold on Nick not letting him run off, a maid came in and brought everyone left in the room food. Picking up the cub as usual I walk up to Kevin and whine, knowing what I want he takes the cub out of my mouth placing him on the couch so I can jump up on it myself. I scoot as close to Kevin as possible eying the fallen angel out of the corner of my eye internally shaking while pretending to watch another fox movie someone put in before leaving the room. The cub quickly falls asleep next to me and I let my fear show as my ears lay flat, tail curling around me trying to push myself into the small gap between the back of the couch and Kevin's back. Nick looks a little sad that I'm acting that way but he's smart enough to not attempt to come near or comfort me cause I would bite his hand off and claw his eyes out.