
The Last Of Her Kind

A thousand years ago a god created the last of a species of shifters that he named Kitsune who are fox shifters with special abilities. Lotus has lived in the solitude forests all across the world watching over the creatures she was created for for her entire immortal life, she knows nothing about the other supernaturals in the world and not much about the human world making her too naïve for her own good. Damon Light has never saw or even heard of a Kitsune before so when he stumbles upon Lotus fighting in the woods he wants nothing more than to put her under his protection. What happens when Lotus comes across a group of supernatural hunters for the first time? What happens when Damon Light comes to her rescue?

NicoleClouse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 18

Damon decided it was for the best to have an artificial habitat for the cub to stay in for the time being til I get more used to the fallen angels I just realized are here. He is afraid that the angels are now scared of the cub wondering towards one of them and me going into defense mode and trying to hurt one of them, as a fox I really can't do much damage but in my true form I could easily kill them unless they defended themselves by using angel fire which would kill me and that was a scenario that was taken into consideration in the decision. I'm not too keen on the artificial habitat because I won't get to see the cub as much as I'd like but I guess it is a good idea, I can't exactly run around the place attacking any fallen angels that may be too close for my liking to the cub.

"Lotus get your ass down here right now!" Kevin shouts as he runs around panicking.

I found out that Pegasus is allowed to run around and graze in the small field next to the stable as long as he is under my supervision. Right now I'm sitting on the roof of the three story stable trying to read while also keeping an eye on Pegasus but it's a little hard to read when Kevin is freaking out about me being up here. He had begged Nick to try to fly up here and bring me down but since we only met yesterday and we are both terrified of each other he shook his head no like a mad man and almost took off running. Kevin can't even figure out how I got up here since there are no openings to the roof or any way to climb up, nobody here knows I know how to do teleportation spells since I haven't teleported since I've came here and didn't feel the need to tell them about it. To tease Kevin and freak him out even more I make myself levitate five feet in the air in my sitting position, I chuckle as his face morphs into one of terror.

"Oh my gods if this keeps going on she'll fall off the stable roof and get hurt! Damon will kill me and I also don't want her to get hurt." His arms start flailing around making him look like a chicken.

Slowly I descend back down on the roof in a standing position making him relax a little but he's still panicking. Smirking and feeling playful I walk to the edge of the roof and stand with my toes dangerously hanging off, keeping myself being held up only by the heel of my stilettos. This makes even Nick look terrified for my safety. Both of them know I'm immortal and have managed to live for a thousand years so I have no idea why being over thirty foot high makes them so afraid, if I was to fall I wouldn't die, at most I would maybe break a bone or two which would heal in a day. Taking a step back just enough for my toes to no longer hang off the edge, I jump off the roof watching as both Kevin's and Nick's faces turn to pure horror. Laughing I do a series of flips as I fall loving the air whooshing around me then land gracefully onto the ground. Standing up straight I smirk at the two men who look like they just had heart attacks and still slightly frozen in terror.

"Dammit my heels are stuck in the ground." I complain as I try to take a step forward, the only thing I absolutely hate about stilettos is how easily the heal sinks into the ground.

"Wonder what Kevin would do if he saw you riding Pegasus high enough that you almost touch the clouds." Charlie is leaning against the stable with his arms crossed not the least bit phased by my stunt he just witnessed.

Kevin and Nick snap out of their stupor jerking their heads towards Charlie who has been silently watching the entire time. "She rides that moody beast?" Nick shrieks. Riding a Pegasus is considered a huge honor, they obviously aren't the nicest of creatures so riding one is a near impossible feat because you have to have their permission to ride.

"Of course she does, little kitty isn't as fragile as you think she is."

"Kitty?" Nick and Kevin say in unison looking confused at the nickname.

"Yep that's my nickname for her, she purrs all the fucking time just like a damn cat not to mention she curls up in a little ball when someone pets her ears and ends up falling asleep just like a pet cat would do." Charlie says as he casually walks over to me bending down helping me get my stilettos unstuck without breaking them. "If you're going to pull stupid stunts then start wearing different shoes and watch you attire, if Damon saw what you did wearing that short kimono he would snap everyone's neck here because you're panties were showing the whole time."

Maybe changing shoes when I decide to do this stuff is a good idea it's ridiculous how many pairs I ruin jumping off stuff. As I ponder about it Charlie whispers low enough for only me to hear a great idea to really freak Kevin out. I laugh my ass off imaging his reaction to the stunt, he would probably drop dead with worry. Charlie turns towards the two men and tells them to close their eyes, hesitantly they do as he says. Making two clones of myself I quickly do the teleportation spell to teleport onto the stable roof again, I send one clone to the top of the huge house, and the other onto Pegasus who begins flying knowing what I have planned. Pegasus is a mischevious beast who loves joining in on my games.

"You can open your eyes now." Charlie states making both men pop their eyes open.

Kevin's eyes meet the fake me riding Pegasus making him panic once again as the beast flies higher and higher acting way too reckless for someone to ride him. Nick on the other hand glues his eyes to the fake me on top of the huge house his eyes wide as saucers mouth dropping open. All three of me giggle at the same making the two men look back and forth at all three figures in shock, confusion and of course panic not having any idea what is going on. Realizing all three figures are high up and not knowing why there is three of me Kevin starts running around freaking out hard core while Nick just looks between the figures squinting his eyes trying to figure out which is the real me. I did put a hint as to which is the real me, all three have different colored shoes so it's up to them to figure it out. Charlie is laughing his ass off at the whole situation. I make all three figures jump up high in the air and do a back flip, since a clone is on Pegasus it just makes it seem a lot more deadly, I giggle again then do a teleportation spell making all three switch places. Standing on top of Pegasus he quietly snorts knowing it's the real me. Hearing Kevin's shouting Damon frantically runs outside afraid something happened to me, instead of freaking out he rolls his eyes but keeps an eye on the real me riding Pegasus just in case I'm not a clone. His face has worry evident but he says nothing not wanting to disturb my fun but I can already tell I'm going to get a good scolding from him later.

"Damon! What do we do?! She's going to get herself killed! Fly up and grab all three of her." Kevin basically screams making Damon sigh, Nick stays calm and composed the entire time looking carefully at me.

"It's a game, two are clones and she wants us to figure out which is the real one." Nick narrows his eyes even more at the figures, he'll definitely figure out which one I am before Kevin.

I have Pegasus fly around in a circle picking up the two clones and the three of us switch places on the flying horse's back. Damon does a quick glance immediately knowing which one is me and chuckles that the two men haven't figured it out yet. Messing with them some more I make myself change into a kid form which is a hell of a lot more terrifying to on lookers.

"Come on which is real, I even left a hint that you have yet to notice or maybe you have noticed and just pay less attention to me than I thought." I mock in a child like voice matching my appearance.

After about ten more minutes of tormenting them doing crazier stunts and switching forms Nick finally pipes up. "I can't believe it took me this long to figure out which is the real you." He grins at me on top of the house, I just growl back.

"Alright I don't think Kevin is going to figure it out so let's make things a little more interesting." Charlie pulls two newly sharpened lethal daggers out of his pocket, then takes a lighter out of his other pocket breaking it in half and pouring the fluid evenly onto both daggers. Damon makes a ball of angel fire appear lighting the daggers on fire. Kevin stares in horror and shock because if he picks the wrong me I would die but that won't happen because Charlie won't throw one of those at me. Nick's eyes widen knowing just how dangerous this is and for all he knows Charlie could think I'm actually one of the clones.

"The clock is ticking." Charlie muses at a frantic Kevin. "Ugh! too slow." A dagger goes flying towards the clone on Pegasus and it immediately bursts into flames and I make the clone imitate me screaming out in pain until it vanishes.

"Two left, better choose carefully Kevin, my mate's life is in your hands." Damon nonchalantly teases.

"Uh Uh....Oh gods! I'm going to get her killed!" Poor Kevin is on the verge of tears. I have Pegasus come over and pick me and my clone up on his back and ride him around, he lowers himself and flies slower knowing this is way too dangerous.

"Well I'm not sure which one is real and since you can't figure it out I guess I'll just take a guess." Charlie lies then smirks as Kevin starts towards him to get the dagger out of his hand. Before he can reach Charlie the dagger cuts through the air piercing my clone that screams out writhing in pain before it vanishes leaving me sitting on the Pegasus. Quickly I take my shoes off and leap off Pegasus who is only about fifty foot in the air, instead of doing any flips I just land with a tuck and roll so I won't sprain an ankle. Damon is pissed that I let myself become that close to angel fire, if Charlie's aim was the least bit off I would've died. Damon is staring at me with clenched fists and nostrils flaring holding himself back from not yelling at me right now.

"Is everyday with her like this?!" Nick shrieks.

"Not really but she does quite a bit of stupid stuff, Damon used to get anxious and panic but he's used to it now and knows what she can and can't handle." Charlie shrugs.

"Dear gods! I thought you were going to die!" Kevin sobs making us all laugh. He is a enormous man so seeing him cry is funny.

Later that night I did get a huge scolding and got punished by Damon for being that close to a angel fire flaming dagger, no Pegasus, fox movies, pizza or ice cream plus he took my witch supplies until the next full moon. I've been sucking up to Damon as much as possible and being super affectionate but he hasn't given in to me about lifting the punishment even though I know it secretly kills him because he wants me to always be happy, the past week though I've just been sulking and pouting around him making him want to cave in even more. Lately I'm finally starting to warm up to Nick, we have conversations now and I'm willing to get close to him but he still isn't allowed anywhere near the cub. Time has been passing by here quicker than I thought mostly because I have four people that genuinely care about me and spend plenty of time with me. It's been a month since I came here, most of the supernaturals don't give me weird looks and whisper about me anymore the novelty of the unique being has worn off. The human's that have been taking care of the ranch occasionally send us videos of all my foxes to show me they are all doing ok, apparently Damon is still having foxes sent there so it's pretty much turning into a fox sanctuary.

"She's fucking dying!" Kevin shouts as I begin writhing in pain on top of the stable. It's the full moon and the first time Kevin and Nick have saw me transform but there's something horribly wrong. Trying to get up onto my knees and yell for Damon I end up rolling causing me to fall off the stable with a loud thud. Kevin and Nick rush to me worry and fear etched on their faces. Uncontrollable screams leave me as my body heats up feeling like fire is flowing through my veins, I feel Damon's presence as he runs towards me and kneels down next to my thrashing form. Soon I begin coughing up large amounts of thick blood with each cough, blood runs down my arm that's covering my mouth pooling onto ground. Transforming on the full moon is so much more painful this time than usual and I'm coughing up a lot more blood than I should. As the pain and coughing intensifies I feel warmth trickle down my face, I must be crying. Damon's eyes widen at the display he reaches out a hand to wipe my cheeks and it's not tears rolling down my face, blood is flowing out of my eyes and I can feel it start to come out of my nose as well. I begin panicking as I scream even louder my back arching as I lay in a heap on the ground, my heart beats start slowing down as if I'm dying. Not being able to stand the searing pain in my body and the blood loss I let darkness take over.

"Why the fuck was she screaming like that and there's so much more blood than usual, the other times she transformed it wasn't this bad especially bleeding from her fucking eyes!" A voice laced with worry shouts pulling me out of the darkness, I think it's Charlie.

"I know but there's no possible way to figure out what the fuck just happened because she is an unknown creature and no other kitsunes are alive to ask about this. It was fucking torture seeing this happen." Is Damon crying? I think as I recognize his voice and just how broken and unsteady it is.

"One of you tell us what you mean by transformation?!" Kevin shouts earning a growl from Damon.

"This is what happens every full moon when she turns into a human, but usually her pain isn't as bad as it just was and she doesn't bleed from her nose and eyes. The couching up blood is normal but this time there was much more than usual" I can imagine Charlie pacing back and forth running a hand through his blonde hair.

Remembering what happened with my transformation my eyes pop open. "Look she's already awake!" Nick yells out as relief washes over him.

"How long was I out?" I groan, my entire body is completely sore making me feel like I was hit by a semi truck.

"Babe you passed out for about an hour til you completely transformed which isn't normal, you usually only take a few minutes to transform but this was a full hour, I had a doctor give you a pain shot while you were out so if you woke up and was still feeling transformation pains then it would tremendously help ease the burning sensation you get in your body." My head is now on Damon's lap and I can feel the grass underneath me letting me know I'm still in the same place on the ground next to the stable and haven't been moved.

"You just completed transforming and even unconscious you were somehow screaming we were all scared you were going to die especially when your heart and breathing almost stopped." Charlie croaks out like he's trying to hold back tears.

"Do you know what could have caused this? If you know you need to tell us." Damon runs a hand through my long hair. Staring into his sad sky blue eyes my eyes fill with tears as I shake my head no.

"It was so scary!" I start sobbing forcing my sore arms to wrap around Damon's waist.

"Shhh shhh. We'll figure out what happened, I know you're sore and probably completely exhausted since that was such a hard transformation. It's best for us to go to bed and worry about this tomorrow."

He kisses me on top of the head then gently lifts my blood covered body onto his lap and carefully stands up shifting me so he's holding me bridal style. Kevin, Nick and Charlie all look sad, worried and panicked as they watch Damon walk off with me unfurling his wings and wrapping them around me shielding me from view so nobody sees me crying and covered in blood. The vampires are going to be upset smelling the blood and actually seeing it would make it harder for them to control themselves. I can feel all eyes turning to Damon who has my blood on him and keeping me out of everyone's view, some supernaturals are sniffing trying to figure out who's blood is all over him and dripping off me onto the floor leaving a trail behind us.

"Someone clean up this blood immediately in case any of the vampires are thirsty and become restless at the smell." Damon instructs.

"Excuse me sir, but is she alright?" A male voice asks.

Damon's sad eyes meet mine. "Honestly I don't know, her transformation to human was different than usual and we have no idea why."

At his words I can feel the room fill with sadness from all the supernaturals, guess I'm cared about more than I previously thought. Silently we make our way down the hall into the bedroom, Damon shifted me slightly to open the door, once in the room he kicks the door closed. I'm carried into the bathroom and placed on the toilet lid, I watch Damon leave in a blur returning in a few seconds holding two sets of clean clothes, he turns on the water in the bath tub letting it fill up. His attention goes to my blood soaked clothes which he carefully takes off me trying to not hurt my aching body, once my clothes are off he strips his off. Picking me up he places me into the hot water in the bathtub, turning the water off he gets in the tub behind me because I'm too worn out and sore to wash myself. Very gently he scrubs the blood off me with my body poof making sure to get every inch of my skin, he rinses me off then shampoos my hair massaging my scalp which feels wonderful making me sigh. When he's satisfied I'm clean enough he quickly washes himself then gets out of the tub lifting me out and wrapping a fluffy towel around me drying my body. Damon hands me a pair of my panties which I slip on myself and a over sized t-shirt belonging to him is put over my head, Damon slides it over my arms and head letting it fall mid thigh. Dressing himself as fast as possible he picks me up to carry me back into the bed room. Before we make it to the bed I catch my reflection in the full length mirror. I struggle out of Damon's hold and manage to make my sore body run to the mirror.

"What the fuck happened?" I whisper in horror as I take in my human appearance.

As a human my hair is black, tan skin, tails and ears gone, and my protector tattoos are gone. I'm slightly horrified at what I look like right now because it's not right. I'm almost identical to my true form, white hair, milky white pale skin, but my ears and tails are gone, one fox protector tattoo remains on one of my upper arms. This isn't right, I've transformed thousands of times and nothing like this has ever happened something is seriously wrong and it scares me, right now I look like mix of the two forms. None of my fellow kitsune ever told me about something like this happening, does this mean it's never happened before? Curious about this anomaly I try out my powers, focusing on my ancient bow and quiver of arrows I watch as they manifest in front of me, I let them fall to the floor as I summon fox fire which appears.

"Damon I'm scared." I turn facing him, he looks just as scared as I feel.

"You look and smell human no trace of anything supernatural so I have no idea how it's even possible for you to use powers because you are 100% human right now." His voice is shaky.

Tears stream down my face, dropping my head into my hands I uncontrollably sob. Damon wraps his wings around me whispering sweet words trying his best to soothe me, once I cry myself out he places me on the bed then slides under the blankets next to me giving me a short love filled kiss. Smiling sadly up at him he pulls me into his chest holding me close. Our sleep was haunted with nightmares of the worst possibilities that is wrong with me.