
The Last City Standing: A Tale of the Undead Apocalypse

The world as we know it has been destroyed by a virus that turns people into zombies. The survivors must band together to fight for survival, find a safe haven, and rebuild their lives.

Sashank_Krovvidi · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

New Threats 2

Emily had been staring at the same spot on the wall for hours. She had been lost in thought since she had heard the news. Her sister, who lived across town, had just called to tell her that she was infected.

Emily had always known that the virus was lurking and waiting to strike. But she never thought that it would hit so close to home. She had been living in her small apartment, alone, for weeks now, hoping that she wouldn't become one of the infected. But now, with the news of her sister, everything had changed.

She got up from the couch and paced around the small living room. What was she going to do? She knew that she couldn't just sit around and wait for the virus to find her. She had to do something. She grabbed her phone and started making calls. She called her friends, her neighbors, and anyone she could think of who might be able to help her.

After several calls, she finally got through to her friend Mark. He had always been the type to take charge in a crisis. She explained the situation to him and he immediately sprang into action. He told her to pack a bag and meet him outside her building in twenty minutes.

Emily rushed to pack a bag with the essentials: food, water, a first aid kit, and a weapon. She had never owned a weapon before but knew she needed one now. She found an old baseball bat in her closet and decided that it would have to do.

As she walked out of her apartment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. She didn't know what awaited her outside, but she knew she couldn't stay inside anymore. She had to face the new world head-on.

Jasmine sat on the roof of the abandoned building and stared out at the desolate streets. She had been on watch duty for three hours and was relieved that her shift was almost over. She couldn't wait to get back to the safety of their shelter, a makeshift fortress built from whatever materials they could scavenge.

As she scanned the streets, her eyes caught a movement in the distance. At first, she thought it was just a lone zombie wandering, but then she saw it was different. It moved more purposefully and seemed to be searching for something.

Jasmine quickly reached for her binoculars and zoomed in. What she saw made her heart race with excitement and fear. It was a group of survivors, at least five of them, armed and moving quickly.

She radioed into the rest of the group and alerted them of the approaching danger. They quickly sprang into action, gathering their weapons and taking their positions.

Jasmine watched as the group drew closer, their weapons at the ready. As they came into view, she saw that they were battle-hardened and experienced. They moved with precision, their eyes scanning every inch of the surroundings.

When they finally reached the building, Jasmine cautiously descended the stairs to greet them. She hoped they were friendly, but she was prepared to fight if necessary.

As she got closer, she saw that they were a mix of men and women, all with determined looks on their faces. The leader of the group stepped forward and introduced himself as Jack. He explained that they were a band of survivors, searching for a safe haven.

Jasmine listened carefully as Jack spoke. She knew that they needed to be cautious, but she also knew that they needed all the help they could get if they were going to survive the apocalypse.