
The Last City Standing: A Tale of the Undead Apocalypse

The world as we know it has been destroyed by a virus that turns people into zombies. The survivors must band together to fight for survival, find a safe haven, and rebuild their lives.

Sashank_Krovvidi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

New Threats 1

The morning sun slowly peeked over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the empty streets. The group had been on the move for weeks, constantly searching for a safe place to settle down. They had been lucky enough to avoid any major encounters with the undead, but they knew it was only a matter of time before they would have to fight.

As they walked, the sound of shuffling footsteps echoed down the street. The group immediately ducked into a nearby alleyway, peering out from behind the cover of a large dumpster. A small herd of zombies was slowly making their way towards them.

The group quickly assessed the situation. They were outnumbered and outmatched, but they couldn't afford to stay hidden for long. They had to keep moving.

One of the members, a young woman named Emily, suggested they try to sneak past the zombies. The group agreed, and they slowly made their way through the maze of alleyways.

As they crept along, the zombies suddenly began to pick up the pace, sensing their prey. The group quickened their pace, but it was no use. The zombies were getting closer.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and one of the zombies fell to the ground. The group turned to see a lone survivor standing on a nearby rooftop, wielding a rifle.

"Come on up!" the survivor yelled, motioning towards the fire escape.

The group hesitated for a moment, but they knew they had no other choice. They quickly scrambled up the ladder, the sound of the zombies growing louder by the second.

They reached the rooftop, breathing heavily. The survivor introduced himself as Tom, a former soldier who had been surviving on his own for months. He offered to help the group find a safe place to settle down, and they gratefully accepted.

As they watched the zombies below, the group knew that they had been given a second chance. They had found a new ally in Tom and were one step closer to finding a safe haven in this apocalyptic world.

John had been keeping an eye on the group of survivors for a few days now. He had seen them moving through the city, always staying alert and keeping their distance from the infected. They seemed like they knew what they were doing, and he was curious to know more about them.

He followed them from a safe distance until they reached an old warehouse on the outskirts of the city. He watched as they carefully cleared the area of any infected before entering the building. John knew that this was his chance to finally make contact with them.

He cautiously made his way towards the warehouse, taking care not to alert any nearby infected. As he got closer, he saw that the group had set up a small camp inside the warehouse, complete with a fire and a few makeshift beds.

John approached the entrance to the warehouse and called out to the group. "Hello?" he said, his voice echoing through the empty building. "Is anyone there?"

A few moments later, a woman appeared in the doorway. She held a rifle in her hands and looked at John with suspicion. "Who are you?" she asked.

"I'm John," he said, raising his hands to show that he meant no harm. "I've been watching you for a few days now. I saw you clearing out the area around here, and I just wanted to offer my help."

The woman studied John for a few moments before lowering her weapon. "Fine," she said. "But we don't need any more mouths to feed. If you're going to stay here, you'll have to pull your weight."

John nodded, grateful for the chance to join the group. He knew that he had a lot to prove, but he was determined to earn his place among them.