
Chapter 1

Excruciating Pain coursed through every nerve ending and every vein like i was being electrocuted. The acrid smell of blood clinging heavily to the air mingled with the disgusting scent of scorched hair.

I sat tied up to the hard mattress beneath me. Panting to get through the pain, sweat glistening on my skin as more flames licked at my charring body. I screamed loudly, screeching until my throat went raw and the heavy black cloud of unconsciousness consumed me.

A distant voice screaming at me to wake up..


I woke with a jolt from my afternoon nap. Heaving sporadically as i gasped for air, sweat trickling down my forehead and slicking my hair to the side of my head. i shivered in fear at the haunting memory of the nightmare, its phantom pain still tingling across my skin. The scorching heat of the flames numbing my toes and the faint scent of smoke drifting through the air.

I suffered from a condition the doctors called Parasomnia or nightmare disorder. Monsters and demons haunted my dreams, even as a young child i had seen gruesome visions of death and creatures so appalling no child should of ever been dreaming about.

And my parents hated it, or rather me.

They had been your typical loving parents at one point in time, desperately believing i would outgrow my diagnosis one day. However the years and years of therapy i had ensued had already left me out-casted, tagged as "crazy" or "insane". So my religious, god loving parents gave up on me after years of therapy went down the drain.

i was a lost cause to them, a child who was broken beyond repair.

When i was seven my mother tried to kill me, i had woken her up for the third time that week, screaming from the vivid images that poisoned my mind. I remember her screaming at me with a tired, wild rage in her eyes before the impact of the staircase rattled my brain and split open my skull. Afterwards i just never went back to being the normal, happy-go-lucky child i had once been.

My life of rainbows and butterflies was now filled with rain clouds and moths.

After the "accident" i was sentenced to live in the basement, where my bloody screams wouldn't be heard at night. My parents believed i was being plagued by the devil, even when the doctors had reassured them it was just the trauma from the accident affecting my cognitive bias... my parents even went so far as to believe i was cursed just like everyone else.

Cursed, what a wretched word.

To them i was an utter disgrace. exorcisms, bible camps, therapists, doctors and even drugs did nothing to help get my night terrors under control. It was sickening, to watch the people who are supposed to care for you turn into hollow versions of themselves, distancing themselves from their once seemingly normal daughter.

To them i was just some creature that wore their daughters skin.

Ever since that night i constantly wished to escape my brutal and secluded reality. Always wishing and wondering why i hadn't died that night; especially on nights like tonight.

Tonight was Halloween but it was also my 19th birthday, and although this year was no different then any other year; with my parents vacating the house and the phone silent as usual, i decided to try and allow myself to be a normal young woman for once. No more hiding away from the world with my nose shoved in a book, no more sitting in the lonely woods behind my house and drawing to my hearts content, tonight i was going to the local pub like any other young adult did when they finally turned of age and i would try to enjoy myself.

Besides it was a rite of passage into adulthood right? What harm could it do?

I softly curled my dark auburn waist length hair and pulled on a tight black leather skirt with a black tank top before checking my outfit over once and nodding in approval. I wrote a quick note to my parents explaining where i had gone, knowing fully well they wouldn't care.

They probably wouldn't come home tonight anyways.

I haled a cab and handed the driver the address to one of the new local clubs. I was jittery with excitement and at the same time riddled with anxiety- but something was calling me from the shadows and encouraging me to embrace the light of the moon. My skin was on fire and my soul was restless, tonight it was as though there was magic in the air.

I could feel the hum of music resonating from the bar as i pulled up in front of the grungy styled club. The Neon signs screamed out welcoming invitations to people passing by, enticing them to join in on the mess of sweaty bodies grinding up on each other.

Throwing a twenty to the driver, i got out of the yellow vehicle admiring the humming of energy from outside the club, something inside me trembled with excitement.

Shaking off the overwhelming feeling i walked into the club confidently, blinking as i tried to adjust to the darkness of the room. Rolling slow music thumped from an expensive stereo system as people dressed in costumes slowed down to match their rhythms to the beat.

I teetered on my heels towards the bar for a drink watching cautiously as gorgeous men and women eyed me up and down suspiciously, not saying a word. Sitting down on an open stool, I gazed around the room in fascination. The space was too dark to see much but the electric blue spot lights filtered around the area creating a sexy, mysterious atmosphere. It was like i had stepped into a new darker reality without meaning too.

"What can I get for ya?" An Irish lisp interrupted my curious gaze of the dance floor.

Turning around i came face to face with the bartender dressed in leather pants and a leather vest. His blonde hair was up in messy spikes and he had a hooped nose ring, He raised a thick eyebrow expectantly as I opened and closed my mouth in disarray.

This guy was extremely attractive.

"Um sorry, this is my first time here.. what would you suggest?" I asked him intrigued by the strange green hues of his eyes lined with heavy black eyeliner.

A smile crossed his face before he leaned forward motioning for me to move in closer to him.

"I can tell, its not often we get new faces in here sweetheart.. tell me what's your name?" his warm breath tickled my ear causing me to blush furiously before he quickly pulled away.

"My names Aurelia" I smiled flirtatiously.

"Well Aurelia how about that drink? I'll whip up something special for you? Whadda ya say?" He grinned before spinning around and grabbing bottles from behind the counter.

Nodding my head I sat back and watched the bartender skillfully maneuver his way around the bar, grabbing random bottles from the shelves before producing a beautiful flaming purple cocktail in a gleaming martini glass.

"Oh it looks delicious!" I smiled clasping my hands happily before tasting the fruity concoction. The sharp burn of alcohol was quickly chased away by the sweetness of the juice it had been mixed with.

"What is this? Its so good!"

The bartender smiled leaning back against the counter again "i call it the maldición, it means cursed in Spanish"

I choked and sputtered in surprise at the new revelation, he couldn't know could he?

"W..why is it called that?" I asked timidly pushing my half empty glass away from me.

"Who knows all the drinks in this bar have to have some sort of relation to the club name; The Mausoleum" he shrugged and pointed to the neon green sign hanging above the bar before turning to help another inebriated customer.

A sudden uneasiness twisted in my gut as i grabbed my drink and walked away from the bar towards the dance floor. I didn't mind the weird coincidence but something about the situation was throwing me off or maybe it was just this place?

Choosing to shake off the unnerving feeling i took a deep breath and marched myself down to the crowded floor, grateful that i had inherited my mothers softly curved hips.

"Well, it's now or never."

Swallowing the rest of my drink then leaving my empty glass on one of the tables I stepped onto the rhythmic dance floor, swaying and rolling my hips in tune with the slow beat, all the while i could feel those intense green eyes watching me from across the room.

I didn't care though, the liquid courage torpefyied all worries I had at the back of my mind.

For once in my life all i wanted to feel is carefree.


By the time I was ready to go home I was already a few drinks deep and my feet were screaming in pain from my heeled boots.

I rounded towards the washroom to freshen up before I heading back home. Squeezing my way through throngs of people crowding around the dance floor, I eventually made it to the ladies room without getting trampled to death.

Feeling a tiny passing of nausea I quickly slipped into the second stall, sighing at the unexpected cool air from the AC.

A wave of dizziness washed over me again, causing me to stumble momentarily before catching my footing but breaking my heel in the process.

Stupid boots, i grumbled feeling light headed.

Perhaps i should splash some water on my face, that might help.

Leaving the confines of the bathroom stall i teetered towards the sinks, the urgent relief of cool water calling out to me.

Twisting open the tap a rush of clear water came bursting out from the spout, eagerly i cupped some of the liquid and splashed it joyously on my heated face, dissipating the slight headache i had forming .

briefly i had looked up at my reflection in the mirror, screaming when i saw someone else's reflection behind me. Whipping around I came face to face with the male bartender from earlier, his cheerful green eyes looking suddenly quite perplexed.

"Um I'm sorry, is this not the ladies room?" I stammered, quickly trying to step towards the exit only to have him copy my movements and block me from my escape.

"Look I don't want any trouble, I'm sorry if i did something to offend you" I pleaded before i stumbled forward once again only to be caught between this guys defined arms and the bathroom counter top.

Even though my head was screaming at me to get away from him, I was mesmerized by his beauty.

How could someone look so attractive but so inhuman?

Nervously giggling, I looked down at his arms trapping me. A heavy black tattoo twisting around his forearm to form a viper crushing a crown made of bone. Intrigued I Traced the patterned viper softly on his lower arm distracting myself from his piercing eyes and pink lips.

God I must be drunk.

"You know when I was told the Regina Mortuis has been reincarnated, I never expected you to show up at my club the exact same night, fate must be so cruel to you" the green eyed man mused, gripping my chin in his hand while inspecting my face closely "its really such a shame, such a waste of beauty and potential.... perhaps i can have just a small taste before i have to kill you" he hummed in my ear, the tension in the room thickening.

I shivered with pleasure as his tongue trailed down my neck, unknowing of the danger i was in. Turning my neck to the side willingly, almost begging him to place his plush lips on mine, i moaned softly . Shifting i adjusted my head to give him better access to my neck as he worked his lips down to the soft meaty part of my collarbone before i re-thought his heavy threat.

"Wait kill me?!" The last bit of his sentence broke me from my trance and sent my heart into a panic as i struggled to get free from his grasp. Clawing his arms off of me i stumbled to the side before he caught me in his arms again, a predatory look in his eye as he glanced down at my supple cleavage.

"Oh the fun we used to have together" he mumbled before he opened his mouth wide revealing two sharp pearly white fangs.


The loud cawing of a bird interrupted the heady suspense that was growing as i paused, confused and waited for my captor to make a move.


Peering over Mr. green eyes shoulder i acknowledged the abnormally large raven sitting in the window. It held my terrified gaze for a moment as if it could sense my growing terror.

It turned its head again to watch the green eyed man intently before cawing once again, louder and more demanding.


"Alright, alright you win this time" the guy muttered under his breath before releasing me from his hold. "Well princess it looks like its your lucky day, it seems I have better things to do then bide my time with you"

I sighed in relief, momentarily closing my eyes to steady my racing heart beat. When i re-opened them i was alone. No green eyed assailant or freakishly large Crow. Nothing.

Was I hallucinating? -No i could of sworn that there was actually a raven in the window and the bartender...

Maybe.. I think.. I drank too much. I should head home before anything weirder happens.

Shaking my head at myself, I stumbled out of the bathroom back into the chaotic mess of people and blaring music. The room suddenly seemed too ominous and dark, the atmosphere heavy with impending doom and my nerves rattling with panic.

I needed to get out of here.

"Hey Look! It's that freak!" Someone shouted loudly enough that a few heads turned my way.

FREAK! FREAK! FREAK! The gathering crowd slowly started to chant one after another.

No not tonight..

I groaned inwardly, I should have guessed something like this would end up happening. It was just my luck that a couple of the local kids I went to school with decided to check out the new bar, and of course lady misfortune was always there sitting on my right shoulder.

"Why are you even here loser?".......

"I heard she's cursed".......

"Too bad she's cursed, id hit it!".......

The laughing voices and opinions of people felt like knives digging into my heart.

"Hey loser its Halloween you should learn how to wear a costume!!" Someone yelled before a sticky sweet drink got tossed at my head and a rippling laughter erupted from the crowd.

"Hey is it true your parents tried to kill you?" Someone else yelled out causing the crowd to laugh out loud once again.

no-shut up!

Shut up!

Leave me alone! I ground out through clenched teeth. I had never done anyone wrong so why are they so cruel to me?

I whipped around looking for someone to help end the onslaught of insults, feeling tears brimming the corners of my eyes. I searched around the jibing crowd only to come face to face with cold green eyes. I looked at him for help, pleading with him to stop the threats and harassment, but he just shook his head in amusement and turned away. Why would he bother helping me? Hadn't he just threatened to kill me anyways?

Tears streamed down my face as people taunted and teased me further, occasionally throwing miscellaneous objects at me as I ran towards the nearest exit.

How could i have been so stupid to think turning 20 would of changed anything?

I was born cursed and i will die cursed.