

I had seen the bright, blinding white lights before i heard the horrific sound of screeching tires on wet pavement.

I heard the sounds of glass shattering and a horn blaring before pain rippled through my body rattling the air from my lungs.

The ringing in my ears did nothing to aid the skull crushing pain in my head from smashing my scalp against the passenger side window.

The tires of the other car spun around and around in the air like a suspended Ferris wheel, the hood of the car crumpled up like a wrinkled piece of paper.

I blinked trying to focus on the distorted image in front of me but the car alarms going off left me dizzy.

Disoriented I blinked again, slower this time fighting to hold onto the consciousness that was slowly being ripped away from me.

I could just let go and the tremendous amount of pain I was in, would disappear. I could just stop fighting and end my own self suffering. Why fight when the only other people around for miles were dead in the street too?

i choked out a gurgled sigh as blood bubbled up from my lungs. The metallic taste coating my mouth and annexing all my other senses.

I gazed up at the silver moon, my body riddled with convulsions. Her empyrean halo flooding me with a sense of tranquility as I slipped further away from reality. I prayed for her to ease my pain, to end my suffering and welcome me home with open arms.

The barely audible sound of boots crunching over broken glass pulled me momentarily from oblivion. A tall shadowy figure stood over my mangled form before pulling my body from the wreck and holding me tighter to their chest.

" I've got you now mi amore, donec mors ex parte." The voice hushed as i slipped into the darkness.