
The Knight of Seirin

After the departure of star player Taiga Kagami to the United States and the sidelining of Teppei Kiyoshi due to injury, Seirin High's basketball team faces a significant challenge. Coach Riko Aida, tasked with rebuilding the team's strength, urgently searches for new talent to fill the void left by these key players. During this crucial period, Riko discovers Ryo Kiro, a standout soccer player at Seirin High, known for his exceptional athleticism and prowess on the field. Intrigued by his potential, Riko approaches Ryo with a bold proposition: switch from soccer to basketball and help lift the basketball team to new heights. Initially hesitant and loyal to soccer, the sport he has always known, Ryo is nonetheless captivated by the challenge and the possibility of competing at a higher level in a different sport. As he participates in basketball matches and training sessions, Ryo's innate talent and adaptability shine through, impressing both the team and Coach Riko. Ryo finds himself at a pivotal point, torn between the familiar realm of soccer and the exciting, unexplored potential of basketball. With Riko's persuasive encouragement and the growing bond with the basketball team members, Ryo contemplates a decision that could dramatically alter his path as an athlete and shape the future of Seirin High's basketball team in this post-Kagami and post-Teppei era.

Orrlex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs


On the last day of the camp, as the afternoon sun filtered through the windows of the beach house, casting a warm glow over the interior, the mood among the Seirin team was a mix of relaxation and anticipation. Tomoya, lounging comfortably on the sofa, couldn't help but remark, "I've never seen the coach cook before." His observation was punctuated by the sound of Riko humming happily as she busied herself in the kitchen.

Satoshi, looking visibly worried, chimed in, "She hasn't done it in a while, damn it. Where are Kagami and Ryo? They're the ones who usually cook."

Kuroko, ever calm and observant, noted, "They're training with Alex."

Satoshi's concern deepened. "We're doomed."

Tomoya, tilting his head in confusion, asked, "What are you talking about?"

In a hushed tone, laden with dread, Satoshi whispered, "The coach... she cooks horribly."

Tomoya, skeptical, responded, "I doubt it's that bad."

The conversation shifted as Satoshi, nerves getting the better of him, cautiously approached Riko. "Coach, wouldn't it be better to wait for Kagami and Ryo?" he suggested, hoping to steer clear of the impending culinary disaster.

Riko, without missing a beat and still smiling, replied, "They're training, so the least I can do is feed Ryo."

Satoshi, perplexed, corrected her, "Ryo? Isn't the food for everyone?"

Riko, continues "After all, I need to practice if I want to be a good wife." Realizing what she had just said, she covered her face with her hands, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "Oh, what did I just say? How embarrassing."

Satoshi and Tomoya, now thoroughly confused, echoed, "Wife?"

Kuroko, putting the pieces together, suggested, "I think her attitude has to do with her having kissed Ryo."

Satoshi, shocked, spun around. "WHAT?? RYO KISSED THE COACH?"

Tomoya, feeling a mix of betrayal and envy, exclaimed, "THAT JERK, HOW DARE HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND BEFORE US."

Kuroko, with a hint of amusement, pointed out, "Well, he is popular."

Tomoya and Satoshi dramatically collapsed onto the floor, their lament echoing through the room, "Why, God, remember we deserve love too."

In the fading light of the day, the beach park's basketball court became the stage for an intensive training session. Kagami, Alex, and Ryo stood on the worn surface of the court, surrounded by the rhythmic sound of waves crashing nearby. Alex, with years of experience under her belt, was ready to impart a crucial skill to Ryo: maneuvering the ball in tight spaces.

"Ryo, you've got speed and power, but basketball isn't always about open courts and long sprints," Alex began, her gaze assessing the young athlete in front of her. "It's about control, finesse, and making the most of every inch of space you've got."

Ryo nodded, his expression a mix of determination and curiosity. Kagami, ever the competitor, was eager to see how Ryo would adapt to this new challenge.

To illustrate her point, Alex set up a scenario. "Let's see you take Kagami on a one-on-one from the other side of the court. Use your speed."

With a burst of energy, Ryo accepted the challenge. The ball was in his hands, and with a glance towards Kagami, he exploded forward. His strides were long, his speed undeniable. Kagami, taken aback by Ryo's initial burst, struggled to keep up. Ryo's approach was straightforward, relying on his physical prowess to overpower his opponent. As he neared the hoop, Kagami was just a step behind. With a final push, Ryo soared up, laying the ball into the basket just out of Kagami's reach. The play was a testament to Ryo's natural athletic ability, a display of raw power and speed.

Applause came from Alex, but it was short-lived. "Now, let's start from the three-point line," she suggested, setting up a more challenging scenario.

This time, the dynamics shifted. The space was constricted, the court's boundaries closer, leaving Ryo with little room to leverage his speed. As they initiated the play, Kagami's defense was tight, his presence unyielding. Ryo attempted to dash past him, but Kagami's footwork was precise, his body a barrier Ryo couldn't simply outrun. Attempt after attempt to break free resulted in Kagami's steady defense shutting Ryo down. The lack of space stifled Ryo's speed, his main advantage rendered nearly useless. Kagami, with a well-timed steal, showcased the importance of defense in tight spaces.

Breathing heavily, Ryo stepped back, the lesson clear.

"See, Ryo? It's not just about speed. In tight spaces, it's your dribbling and quick decision-making that count," Alex explained, moving to stand beside him. "Let me show you some drills."

The following hour was a blur of activity. Alex demonstrated a series of drills designed to improve ball handling and agility. Ryo was tasked with navigating through a maze of cones, each step and dribble a challenge to his control and precision. The drills were relentless, each repetition pushing Ryo to his limits, forcing him to adapt and learn.

"Keep your dribbles low, and your eyes up. Anticipate your defender's moves," Alex instructed, her voice firm but encouraging.

Ryo's progress was palpable. With each drill, his movements became more confident, his control of the ball more refined. The tight spaces that had once stifled him now became opportunities, his mind racing to find paths where none seemed to exist.

As the training session came to a close, the court bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, Ryo, Kagami, and Alex gathered their breaths. The sound of the ocean provided a calming backdrop to the intensity of their efforts.

"Thanks, Alex. I've got a lot to work on, but I feel like I've already improved," Ryo admitted, a genuine smile of gratitude on his face.

Kagami, clapping Ryo on the back, added, "You did good, man. But don't think this means I'll go easy on you next time."

Alex, observing the camaraderie between the two, couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "You two are going to do great things. Just remember, basketball is as much about the mind as it is about the body."

As the training session wound down, Kagami

turned to Ryo, a competitive spark in his eyes. "How about a one-on-one? First to ten points," he proposed, bouncing the basketball lightly on the court's faded surface.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the beach park basketball court, Kagami and Ryo positioned themselves at the starting line of what was to be a monumental showdown. The air was thick with anticipation, the competitive tension palpable between the two athletes.

"First to 10 points wins," Kagami declared, his voice steady and confident. Ryo nodded, his eyes burning with determination, ready to prove his worth.

The game commenced with Kagami taking the first possession. His experience was evident in his fluid movements, dribbling with precision and faking left before making a swift break to the right, sinking a smooth jumper. The ball swished through the net, marking the first points of the game.

Ryo, undeterred, responded with his signature explosiveness. Taking advantage of his remarkable speed, he charged past Kagami in a blur, leaping high and finishing with a powerful slam dunk that resonated with force. The score was tied, setting the tone for the intense battle ahead.

Back and forth they went, each point a testament to their skills and determination. Kagami utilized his refined shooting technique, landing a series of mid-range shots that showcased his reliability and basketball IQ. Ryo, on the other hand, capitalized on his athleticism, breaking through Kagami's defense with bursts of speed and agility, each drive to the basket punctuated by his formidable strength.

The turning point came when Ryo, trailing by a narrow margin, positioned himself beyond the three-point line. With Kagami closing in, Ryo executed a feint that bought him just enough space to launch a deep shot. The ball arced beautifully against the backdrop of the setting sun, swishing through the net for a three-pointer, the only one of the game, bringing him within striking distance of victory.

But Kagami was not to be outdone. Drawing from his wealth of experience and skill, he answered with a series of calculated plays, weaving through Ryo's defenses with expert dribbling before finishing with either a precise jump shot or a cunning layup. Each basket was a display of Kagami's versatility and understanding of the game.

As the score reached 9-8 in Kagami's favor, the final point loomed large. The air was charged with a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline as they faced off once more. Kagami, with possession, eyed the basket, then Ryo, calculating his final move. With a sudden burst, he dribbled left, then right, creating just enough separation to take a step back and release a fadeaway jumper.

Ryo, in a desperate attempt to block it, leaped with all his might, his hand inches from the ball. But Kagami's shot was true, arching gracefully over Ryo's outstretched arm and sinking into the net, clinching the victory.

As the ball hit the ground, a momentary silence enveloped the court, broken only by the sound of their heavy breathing. Kagami extended a hand to Ryo, pulling him up from where he had landed in his leap. "Great game," Kagami said, his respect for Ryo evident in his gaze.

Ryo, despite the sting of defeat, couldn't help but smile. "Next time, I'll win," he promised, a spark of anticipation for their future battles lighting up his eyes.

Ryo returned to the beach house, his body still pulsing with the adrenaline from the intense one-on-one battle with Kagami. As he entered, the atmosphere was lively, filled with the sounds of his teammates enjoying their meal. The tantalizing aroma of food filled the air, drawing him towards the dining area with a mixture of hunger and curiosity.

Fukuda, noticing Ryo's arrival, attempted a subtle warning, his eyes wide as he mouthed, "Riko cooked." However, Kawahara, sitting across the table with a mischievous grin, quickly intervened. "Don't listen to him. Ryo is a traitor," he joked, referencing Ryo's earlier training session with Alex instead of helping with the meal.

Riko, with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, turned to serve Ryo a generous portion of the meal she had prepared. "Here, try this," she said, her voice laced with a challenge.

Ryo, still oblivious to the culinary minefield he was about to step into, eagerly took a bite, only to immediately regret it. His reaction was instantaneous; he spat out the food and exclaimed, "What is this? It's the worst thing I've ever tasted!" Despite the situation, he couldn't help but laugh, turning to Kuroko and Tomoya in search of the culprit. "Did you cook this, Tetsu? Or was it Tomoya?"

The table erupted in laughter, except for Riko, who, though trying to maintain her composure, couldn't hide the flicker of annoyance at Ryo's reaction. Without a word, she reached over and gave Ryo's ear a firm tug, her voice firm. "It was me," she declared, her tone a mix of irritation and embarrassment.

Ryo, caught off guard by Riko's admission and the unexpected pain in his ear, turned to her with wide eyes. "You? But why?" he asked, genuinely confused, the laughter dying down as everyone's attention shifted to their exchange.

Riko released his ear, sitting back with a huff. "I thought it would be nice to do something for everyone after the training. Besides," she added, her voice softening, "I wanted to do something special for you."

The room fell silent, the earlier mirth replaced by a warm understanding of Riko's intentions. Ryo, feeling a mix of guilt and affection, reached for her hand. "I'm sorry, Riko. I didn't mean to make fun. It's the thought that counts, right?" he said, his tone sincere.

Riko, looking into Ryo's eyes, found it hard to stay mad at him. "Yes, but next time, maybe just stick to basketball," she joked, a smile finally breaking through her earlier frustration.

The mood at the table lightened once more, with teammates exchanging glances and soft chuckles. The meal continued, the food perhaps not gourmet, but the company more than made up for it. As they ate, talked, and laughed together, it was clear that these moments were about more than just basketball. They were about building bonds, creating memories, and learning from each other, both on and off the court.

That evening, as Ryo helped Riko clean up after the meal, offering to cook the next time, the beach house felt like more than just a temporary residence. It felt like a home, a place where rivalry turned into friendship, challenges into growth, and where even the worst meals could lead to the best memories.


In the shared bedroom, the air was thick with anticipation as the boys gathered around, eager to tease Ryo about his earlier apology to Riko. The room was a cacophony of laughter and mock apologies, each member trying to outdo the other with exaggerated renditions of Ryo's earnest plea for forgiveness.

Ryo, caught in the crossfire, could only roll his eyes and defend his actions. "If I hadn't apologized, Riko would have hung me out to dry," he protested, trying to sound indignant but failing to hide the amusement in his voice.

This only fueled the laughter further, the boys roaring with glee at the image of Ryo at Riko's mercy. "Looks like Ryo walked straight into the lion's den," Fukuda chortled, his laughter echoing off the walls.

"More like the wolf's mouth," Satoshi added, doubling over with laughter as he clutched his stomach.

Amid the teasing, Kuroko, always the voice of calm, interjected with a simple observation. "At least he has a girlfriend," he noted, his tone neutral but his words cutting through the noise like a knife.

The room fell silent for a moment, the laughter dying down as the reality of Kuroko's statement sunk in. The other boys exchanged glances, a mix of envy and resignation in their eyes, as they contemplated their own relationship statuses.

Meanwhile, Kagami, seemingly oblivious to the commotion, continued to eat the remnants of Riko's cooking with an intensity that bordered on reverence. His ability to consume such vast quantities, especially of a dish that had been universally deemed inedible, was a marvel to behold.

Kawahara, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, blurted out, "Kagami, how can you keep eating that?" His voice was a mixture of awe and disgust, his eyes wide as he stared at Kagami's plate.

Kagami, pausing mid-chew, looked up, his expression one of genuine confusion. "What? It's not that bad once you get past the first few bites," he replied, shrugging nonchalantly as he shoveled another spoonful into his mouth.

The boys watched in mixed horror and fascination as Kagami continued to eat, his stoic acceptance of Riko's culinary efforts a stark contrast to their own reactions. Ryo, catching Kagami's eye, couldn't help but laugh, the earlier teasing forgotten in the face of Kagami's inexplicable tolerance.

In the dimly lit room, the hushed tones of conspiracy filled the air as the boys huddled together, plotting their next move with mischievous grins. The target of their scheme was none other than Ryo, whose recent relationship status had branded him a "traitor" in the eyes of his single teammates.

"Okay, so here's the plan," Satoshi began, his voice barely above a whisper. "We wait until Ryo falls asleep, then we carry him out to the beach and toss him into the sea. That'll teach him for being such a traitor with a girlfriend."

Tomoya, nodding in agreement, added, "Yeah, and for being so smug about it. Can't let the engreido get away with it."

From his bed, Ryo, who had been pretending to be absorbed in his phone, couldn't help but interject. "You know I can hear you, right?" he said, his tone laced with amusement.

The conspirators paused for a moment, exchanging glances, before Fukuda waved a hand dismissively. "Ignore him. He's just trying to scare us off. We'll proceed as planned."

Kawahara chimed in, "Yeah, let's see how he likes being woken up by a nice, cold swim."

Ryo sighed, shaking his head at his teammates' relentless plotting. "Fine, keep planning. I'll just try to get some sleep since we're heading back home tomorrow," he declared, making a show of settling into his bed and closing his eyes.

As the night deepened, Ryo found himself drifting into a restless sleep, his mind replaying the pivotal game against Kaijo where he had faced defeat. In his dream, he was back on the court, the sound of the ball echoing ominously as it bounced off the hardwood floor. His movements were sluggish, each attempt to score thwarted by an impenetrable defense. Sweat beaded on his forehead, frustration boiling within him as he cursed under his breath, lamenting his inability to turn the tide of the game. "Why can't I be better?" he muttered, his dream-self consumed by a sense of inadequacy and despair.

Suddenly, the harsh reality of morning light assaulted his eyes, pulling him from the throes of his nightmare. Ryo blinked against the brightness, confusion clouding his mind as he slowly came to terms with his surroundings. He was lying on the sand, the gentle lapping of waves nearby a stark contrast to the intensity of his dreams. "These idiots really wanted to throw me into the sea," he mumbled to himself, a hint of annoyance in his voice, still half-convinced his teammates had followed through with their playful threat.

However, Kuroko's calm voice came from beside him, dispelling his suspicions. "You're mistaken. They moved you out of the room because you snore too much," Tetsu informed him, his expression neutral as always.

Ryo sat up abruptly, sand clinging to his hair and clothes, his face flushing with embarrassment. "I do not snore," he protested, his denial quick and vehement, though the sheepish look in his eyes betrayed his uncertainty.

Kuroko simply shrugged, his gaze drifting back to the serene morning sea. "Believe what you want, but it was quite loud," he added, the slightest hint of amusement flickering across his features.

Ryo, still processing this revelation, looked around, realizing the others must have decided a night of uninterrupted sleep was worth relocating him to the beach. Despite the initial shock and his bruised pride, he couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, awakened from a nightmare of failure, only to find himself ousted for something as mundane as snoring.

With a sigh, Ryo stood, brushing the sand from his clothes as he contemplated the irony. "Well, I guess I owe you one for not actually throwing me into the sea," he said to Kuroko, offering a grateful smile.

Kuroko, standing up as well, simply nodded. "Let's head back. They're probably wondering if the prank went too far by now."

As they made their way back to the beach house, the conversation between Ryo and Kuroko took a more serious turn. Kuroko mentioned, almost offhandedly, "Kagami will be going back to the United States soon."

Ryo, undeterred by the distance that would soon separate him from a formidable teammate and rival, responded with optimism, "Someday, I'll go there too. And I hope to play against him in the NBA." His words were filled with determination, a clear vision of his future shining in his eyes.

Kuroko, always grounded in the present, redirected the conversation towards a more immediate challenge. "We should focus on the Winter Cup first. We'll be playing without the seniors, without Riko, without Kagami." His tone was matter-of-fact, highlighting the reality of their situation and the difficulties they would face.

Ryo, ever confident, didn't miss a beat. "I can take on the Generation of Miracles," he declared, his confidence bordering on bravado.

Kuroko, with his typical dry wit, replied, "A watermelon sounds more believable." His comment, though lighthearted, served as a gentle reminder of the monumental task they faced. The Generation of Miracles were not just any opponents; they were legends in the making, each with skills that seemed to defy reality.

Ryo, momentarily taken aback by Kuroko's analogy, couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong, then," he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. The challenge of facing such formidable opponents only fueled his determination.

As they entered the beach house, greeted by the smells of breakfast and the sounds of their teammates' laughter, Ryo felt a surge of gratitude for the family he had found in Seirin. The path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he knew they would face them together, as a team.

Kuroko's reminder about the Winter Cup had grounded Ryo, bringing him back to the immediate goals they shared. The dream of the NBA could wait. For now, their sights were set on conquering the Winter Cup, proving themselves against the best high school teams in Japan, and perhaps, just perhaps, making a little miracle of their own.


Yuno sat in his spacious, meticulously organized office atop one of Tokyo's towering skyscrapers, his gaze fixed on the bustling city below. The room was a testament to his success, adorned with sleek, modern furnishings and awards that spoke of a career built on determination and a no-nonsense approach to business. However, the atmosphere shifted as his phone rang, breaking the silence and pulling him away from his work.

Picking up the receiver, Yuno's voice was curt, the embodiment of efficiency. "Yuno speaking."

On the other end of the line was his brother, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Yuno, I'll be coming to Japan on business, but my son doesn't want to fall behind in basketball. Do you know of a high school with a strong team?"

Yuno, his expression unchanging, replied, "I can look into it." His words were measured, betraying none of his personal feelings.

The conversation took a turn as his brother, unable to resist a jab, chuckled. "I heard Ryo switched from soccer to basketball. Is that true?"

"Yes," Yuno confirmed, his voice flat, the topic clearly not one he found worth elaborating on.

His brother laughed heartily, the sound echoing through the phone. "My son will demolish Ryo on the court. It'll prove why I was the one destined to lead the company and why my bloodline is superior."

Yuno's patience thinned. "I don't have time for your foolishness," he stated coldly, a clear indication of the conversation's end. Without waiting for a response, he hung up, the click of the receiver a definitive conclusion to the exchange.

Turning his attention back to his work, Yuno's gaze inadvertently fell on a photograph that stood out amidst the corporate awards and accolades. It was a picture of Kenshi and Ryo as children, both donning Real Madrid jerseys, their arms around each other in a moment of innocent camaraderie. The photo, a rare display of personal life in Yuno's professional domain, seemed to soften the hard edges of his demeanor.

For a moment, Yuno allowed himself to reflect on the image, the memories it evoked clashing with the persona he presented to the world. "Ryo, you better give it your all," he murmured, the words more of a silent wish than a command.

Ryo's return home was met with an unexpected sight. As he pushed open the door, the familiar comfort of his house was disrupted by the presence of a stranger, a man he had never seen before, lounging casually on the sofa. Confusion and a hint of irritation flickered across Ryo's face as he asked, "Who are you?"

Before the man could respond, the sound of footsteps announced the arrival of Ryo's mother, descending the stairs with an expression of annoyance. "You're home early," she remarked, her tone sharp, clearly not pleased with the timing of her son's return.

Ryo, trying to defuse the situation, explained, "I came back because a friend needed to catch a flight." His words were met with a dismissive wave from his mother.

Without addressing Ryo's explanation, his mother made her intentions clear. "I need you to leave the house for a while. I want to spend some time with my new boyfriend." Her words, blunt and devoid of consideration, hung heavily in the air.

Ryo's initial confusion turned to disbelief, then to frustration. He let out a sigh, his emotions a tangled mess of hurt and anger. Without another word, he turned on his heel and exited the house, the door closing behind him with a soft click that seemed too gentle for the turmoil brewing inside him.

As he started to walk, the quiet of the neighborhood enveloping him, Ryo couldn't help but voice his frustrations. "Great, just great. Get kicked out of my own house because of her new boyfriend. What's next?" His words, spoken to no one, were a mix of sarcasm and genuine pain.

The further he walked, the more his thoughts spiraled. "It's like I don't even matter. First, Dad's always on my case about not living up to Kenshi, and now this. Can't even feel welcome in my own home." Ryo's voice cracked slightly, the weight of his family's dynamics pressing down on him.

He kicked at a stray pebble, watching as it skittered down the street. "Maybe I should just stay at Tetsu's place more often. At least there I don't feel like I'm intruding on someone's date." The thought, half-serious, was a testament to the sense of displacement Ryo felt, a young man caught between the expectations of his family and his own search for identity.

The evening air was cooling, a slight breeze carrying away the remnants of the day's heat. Ryo wrapped his arms around himself, not just for warmth, but as a meager attempt at comfort. "All I wanted was to come home, maybe talk about the camp, the training, anything..." he muttered, his voice trailing off.

Lost in his thoughts, Ryo continued to wander the streets, the setting sun casting long shadows that mirrored the loneliness he felt. Home was supposed to be a refuge, a place of understanding and support. Yet, for Ryo, it seemed more like another battleground, where he had to fight just to be acknowledged.

As Ryo wandered aimlessly through the quiet streets, lost in his thoughts and frustrations, a familiar voice called out to him, breaking through his reverie. "I was actually heading to your place. How about we go on a date right now?" It was Riko, her timing impeccable as always.

Ryo's mood lifted instantly at the sight of her, a genuine smile spreading across his face. He approached her, and they instinctively took each other's hands, a comfortable warmth spreading between them. "So, what do you want to do?" Ryo asked, his spirits buoyed by her presence.

Riko, with a mischievous glint in her eye, responded, "I need to buy a few things."

Ryo raised an eyebrow, a playful accusation in his tone. "So, it was a trap to go shopping?"

"Maybe," Riko admitted with a laugh. "I need some muscle for this mission."

Ryo chuckled, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "Well, you'll have it. I'm at your service."

Their light-hearted banter was suddenly interrupted by a voice that seemed to materialize out of thin air. "Can I help?" It was Kuroko, appearing so suddenly and quietly that both Ryo and Riko jumped, startled by his sudden presence.

Ryo, recovering from the surprise, playfully scolded him, "Kuroko, you've got to stop appearing like that. You scared us."

The three of them, now a team on this impromptu mission, made their way to the mall. As they walked, Ryo found himself reflecting on the turn of events. What had started as a day filled with frustration and a sense of displacement was now shaping into something entirely different. Surrounded by friends, or more accurately, by people who cared about him, Ryo felt a sense of belonging that he realized was what he had been seeking all along.

Walking beside Riko, with Kuroko in tow, Ryo couldn't help but think that maybe this was exactly what he needed—a reminder that family wasn't just about blood relations but about the connections we choose to nurture and the people who stand by us through thick and thin.

"So, Riko, what's on the shopping list that requires my 'muscles'?" Ryo asked, his tone light, ready to tackle whatever task was at hand.

Riko squeezed his hand, leading the way with a sense of purpose. "You'll see. But I promise it's nothing you can't handle."

As they entered the bustling mall, Ryo felt a sense of contentment wash over him. This impromptu date, though born out of a need for distraction, was turning out to be a much-needed reminder of the joys of simple companionship. In that moment, Ryo knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, with Riko by his side and friends like Kuroko, he was never truly alone.