
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
119 Chs

Unleashed Legions

Once Romonus created his Legion through the entire Capital of Lucifade with ten above Super Devil Greater Demons and 100 Super Devil-level Demon Princes. That was not counting the Ten Thousand Satan Class Demon Knights. It was such a large gathering of power that would have exhausted anyone else other than Romonus.

Thanks to his Divine Sparda bloodline, his recovery abilities were transcendent. Valerie's modifications had been used directly with his body, bloodline, and soul allowing him to do things of this.

He took a few short moments to recover his condition and felt his Vitality, soul essence and Divine Energy recover in real time. With a grin he glanced up at his Legion.

This small Legion would be enough to carve a bloody path through this world. He crossed his arms as he turned to the ten Greater Demons. The titanic Demons lowered themselves to their knees followed by the Demon Princes and Knights.

"Prepare for war, you ten and your Demon Prince body Guards will lead 1,000 Demon Knights each. That means there will be ten attack groups. In this world, we will only stay for the better part of a month.

We will fight against the Pantheons of the world. It doesn't matter who it is, we will fight them. I want very simple things. Gods that have Divinities that share in my Domains. Battle, Magic, Destruction Void, or Space will work, and battle or war. As long as they match those, they will be my targets.

Right now, your first targets are the current Satans. Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Leviathan. Get to it, whoever brings them will receive a reward from me."

As soon as he finished speaking he teleported to Lucifer's Throne Room leaving his Legion alone. The Ten Greater Demons glanced at each other with squinted eyes before leaping to their feet. There were three Satans meaning only three would get a reward. The Ten Demons lunged for the Castles like their lives depended on it.

As they flew toward the Castles followed by their Battalions, the Satans were already aware. It was hard to not notice the creation of Ten Thousand powerful forces in their city. 

At first, they suspected these were the creations of Lucifer, but hearing Romonus speak showed that was not the case. Each of the three Satans in their castles rose to their feet from their thrones as they were already aware of what was going on. 

Even worse was that while he was not trying, Romonus' Divine Aura was pressing down on each Devil in the city. These were the first Devils as they were those that sided with Lucifer in his rebellion. 

When they had been cast out of Heaven, God himself cursed Lucifer and these former Angels. Rather than becoming Fallen Angels, they were turned into foul creatures, the first Devils. 

As a superior species and a God, just his aura crushed down their souls and will to fight. Even so, these were fighters who declared war against God himself and they would not be slayed without mounting a resistance. 

Romonus who was watching all of this from his taken throne saw this in a better light. They would make fine Shadows which had received an upgrade because of his Death Domain. He waited patiently for the slaughter to end. 

As for Leviathan, Beelzebub, and Asmodeus, they rose from their thrones preparing to join the resistance. Leviathan, a tall woman of exceptional beauty. Her face though was cold with only ambition. 

'If you can hear me, my brothers, prepare to die fighting.' 

Beelzebub, a middle-aged man with dark brown hair and a beard reaching his stomach also answered the call. 

"Agreed. Asmodeus?" 

In his throne room, Asmodeus, an elf-looking man with long black hair cascaded past his shoulders. He twirled one of the locks of his hair in his fingers as he looked outside his castle. 

One of the Greater Demons had locked onto him. He gazed at the Demon's back before rising to his feet. 

"Your appearance appalls me." 

He could feel his own body and energy want to kneel, but his will was stronger than that. He raised a hand as he drew on his innate ability. Starsend Moment, as it was called, from his hand a wave of what appeared to be stars blasted toward the three Greater Demons outside. 

The Demons did not move out of the way as they were engulfed in a flash of stary energy. Asmodeus' haughty face changed when a giant hand lunged through his blast and gripped his body. 


Before the thought could be finished, he felt his spine and all the bones in his body snap. His veins burst open and his organs all liquified into a soup. Before death could claim him, he felt the Demon surge just enough energy to keep him 'alive'. 

The lucky Greater Demon wanted to laugh at its fellows because it would get the reward. The other two Demons glared at the lucky one that began to approach Lucifer's castle. 

Similar actions were occurring in the other two castles. Beelzebub drew on his ability, Lord of Flies and he created massive swarms large enough to blot out the sun. These flies were toxic enough to melt metal and even explode in eruptions of Demonic Power. 

However, against the biological metal armor of the Greater Demons, these flies were nowhere near enough. Beelzebub with a roar tried to defend himself as two Greater Demons grabbed him. 

One by the legs the other by his arms. The two Demons pulled him down the middle in a brutal display. Beelzebub spat bile and organs as the Demon with his upper half kept him alive. The first time since before the Rebellion he begged his Father to save him. 

Unfortunately, there was no salvation for him as he was dragged off and cut in half in the palm of a titanic Demon. As for Leviathan when she felt what happened to her brothers she paled as she looked at the towering forms of the Greater Demons. 

Four of them began to tear into her castle with their bare hands to get to her. With eyes showing pure horror, she raised her hands in surrender.


Once the roof of her castle was removed the Greater Demons glanced at each other. One of them looked back down before speaking. 

"So you wish to surrender to our God?" 

Leviathan nodded getting on her knees. She meant every word. 


The Demons went back to looking at each other. One of them reached down and with threads formed of Infernal Divine Energy captured her without pain. As she was dragged off to Lucifer's castle the rest of the Devils in the city began to be purged.

Lucifer's Rebellion had been a mere 100 years before and they were still recovering from that. When they fell, their armies had been depleted, but not destroyed. The City of Lucifade had no civilian population because it was formed from those of the Rebellion.

That was the reason for Lucifer creating the Devils. The Satans had worked alongside him to create them through Lilith to rebuild a stronger army. That would no longer happen in this world as Romonus was here. 

Demon Knights rushed through the city starting a brutal campaign of slaughter. The Warriors of Lucifer's Rebellion began to fight back. However, their defenses were not enough as scores of 5-meter-tall Demon Knights tracked them down by tracking their souls.

One of these former Angels cursed and watched as teams of Demon Knights slaughtered his men. He saw his companions being cut down by giant greatswords. He grit his teeth as he sees his friend, a former Angel with three wings torn in half by Demons. 

'Fuck this.' 

He rushed at one of the Knights.


Without sparing a glance, the Demon spun around and struck him with an elbow. The sheer force pulverized him and the building behind him. With him dead, the others began a futile attempt to resist.

The Devils began to cast their Magics only for the Demon Knights to reach for their hips. They took hold of their whip swords before surging their Divine Energy through the weapons.

Romonus had used his Godly Soul, Vitality, and Energy to form this Legion. They were not gods but could be considered Demon Demigods. With a Crack, the Demons Whipswords launched waves of energy ripping through Lucifade and the Demons through it. This pattern continued as they made short work of the first Cursed Devils.

As for Romonus who was sitting on Lucifer's throne, with Nisselred and Lilith standing near him. All around him, Devil souls rushed toward him which he turned into new empowered Shadows. 

He began to go through his current Shadows which were a mere 1,000. Most of them were cultivators, a few were part of his Vampire collection as he didn't use them much. As an attempt to reduce the numbers. 

He collected the thousands of Devil souls rushing toward him which he began to merge into stronger Shadows. He could feel around 250,000 Devils in the city which was quite small all things considered. 

However, it made sense because they had been from Heaven and 1/3 of the Angels joined Lucifer. He began to think about what he wanted before he had an idea. Rather than have a bunch of weak Shadows, he decided to use all of his gathered souls to create a small group of powerful ones. 

He had to wait for his Knights to finish their slaughter, but that was undergoing quickly enough. As he was waiting, he saw large portals open in the throne room. The shrunken Greater Demons that had acquired the Satans entered now much smaller. 

Lilith covered her mouth in disgust at the sight of the torn halves of Beelzebub and the state of Asmodeus. Nisselred didn't seem bothered as she patiently waited by Romonus' side. 

He frowned as he looked at the two Demons that had the halves of Beelzebub. 


The one holding the legs looked at his prize. 

"The legs are important." 

The other shook his head. 

"My Lord, I have the head and soul." 

Romonus sighed. 

"You did win, but I will still give you something for your efforts in bringing the legs." 

Both Demons fell to their knees as they dropped off their offerings. The other dropped the mangled still living body of Asmodeus at Romonus' feet. The last Demon walked forward and pushed forward the still-living and unharmed Leviathan. 

"She surrendered, my Lord." 

He looked at the woman, the mother or grandmother of Tsufamme Leviathan, who killed Miria's Father. She was beautiful, but that didn't exactly motivate Romonus much. 

"I have much to say to you Leviathan, but I will hold off. Well done you four, as for your rewards, accept this." 

Romonus raised his hand and in his palm, he concentrated some more of his Infernal Divinity before using it to enhance the power of these Four Demons. Of course, the Demon who brought him legs received the least power, while the one who brought Leviathan got the most out of the ordeal. 

When the enhancement was complete, the Four Demons bowed to Romonus before leaving the throne room. When they were gone and the slaughter kept going outside, he looked down at Leviathan. 

He crossed one of his legs over the other before resting his chin on his knuckle. 

"So this is what you looked like? Appealing." 

As Leviathan looked up at Romonus, her blood refused to allow her to do anything. Just his aura was bad enough, but being in his presence was soul-crushing. Nisselred opened her eyes as she saw what was going on. 

"Master, I believe she is being pressured by your Divine presence." 

"I believe the same." 

Romonus for the first time in a while, fully retracted his aura causing Leviathan to gasp for air. Feeling the release she bent over as she almost puked in horror. She managed to fight back against it as she looked back up at him. 

"I surrender, I submit. I swear. Just don't kill me."

Romonus squinted his eyes causing the Eight Pointed Stars in the middle to glow with a deeper intensity. 

"You see, I could just consume you to try to take your bloodline ability, but I won't. I could give you to my lover, to give her your ability, but what is the point? I don't have much use for you, Leviathan." 

Leviathan lowered her head. 

"I can be useful, I will fight for you, I swear it on my honor." 

Romonus snorted. 

"Honor? Do you speak of honor despite your betrayal? Foolish, but I detect no lie in your words. Seems I will have a use for you yet." 

Romonus pointed at the still-living bodies of Beelzebub and Asmodeus. He snapped his fingers as he took the legs of Beelzebub and tore off the legs of Asmodeus. Both pairs of legs burst into a bloody mist as he drew out the bloodline abilities of the two Satans. 

Above his palm, a small orb of purified blood containing both Lord of Flies and Starsend Moment abilities floated. He sent it toward Leviathan's mouth causing her to feel both of the abilities of her brothers fuse with her own seemlessly. 

Romonus took what remained and devoured them himself to give himself a higher concentration of their abilities. Romonus held his hand out and he focused on his home reality before connecting to Latia. 

When she felt the connection form, she answered it causing a magic display of the both of them to appear. From the look of it, she was in her underground forge, directing the movements of hundreds of Necrons who forged several tons of molten metal. 

Drawing on the geothermal and pure mana from the core, her forge blazed with an intense heat. Behind her, the towering shape of a Demon Warlord Titan was nearly completed.

Latia squinted her eyes when she saw him. 

"Romonus, where the hell are you at?" 

Romonus' face calmed and became much happier as he gazed at his lover. 

"I am in an alternative reality." 

Latia paused as she gazed around her forge where several Demon Engines were being constructed. She didn't get to have nearly enough fun since her Uncle did nearly everything. 

"An alternative reality you say? Sounds interesting. Multiverse?" 

Romonus nodded. 

"Yes, my love. I even killed a version of me." 

Latia pondered on that. 

"How did he look like?" 

"Crimson hair, blue eyes, 5'11, wore a kimono, used a katana."

Latia shook her head. 

"So this version took his Gremory genes while you took the Bael. Was he strong?" 

"Not at all." 

Latia smirked. 

"That is to be expected. On another note, I am almost ready to activate my Titan. I would like to test out some of these Demon Engines. It is quite sad to have my babies here without a war to fight. If you catch my drift?" 

He could see it in her eyes, a hunger to see her War Machines on the move. With a smile, he promised her one thing. 

"Consider your wish done, and I swear I will take you to 40k itself." 

Hearing that, her face pulled back into an expression of Desire. She licked her lips at the technological terrors of that universe. Grimaldus The Wolverine was effectively a Titan compressed down. There were other things she wanted. 

"If we do, we have to talk to Perturabo. We can save him and recruit him. He is my favorite Primarch and a like-minded individual." 

Romonus nodded. 

"Of course, as for me, I would like nothing more than to tear the head of Fulgrim."

Latia nodded. 

"Same, now open the portal because The Pride of Damnation is ready to be activated." 

Behind her, the towering 40-meter-tall mech covered in weapons was flowing with Demonic Power. Latia smiled to herself as the hundreds of criminal Devils trapped in the hull were being tortured. 

'Just like a Psytitan, only better.' 

Romonus grinned as he did as she ordered and began to craft a gate for her to bring her Mechanical armies over. He hadn't had a date with Latia in a while and this was a good way to do it. 
