
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
119 Chs

Power VS Schemes(Rewrite)

Using Silvana's Black Flames he gave his cards a second fire treatment as he carved the designs he wanted on them. As she helped him in this, they continued to talk about their Blacksmithing experience.

She talked about how every time she forged an armor it would be what she wanted at the time, but not something to carry through her life. The same went for her scythes so he suggested she try to imitate the Death Scythes of Grim Reapers.

She would try, but since she was going to be coming with him on his travels she had time to improve. He quickly managed to finish his 13 playing cards which were of the Diamond suit. Once he finished carving them he stored them in his Spatial Ring as they were useless right now. 

As he got finished he noticed that Serafall managed to get all of the names of the Devils who used the King Piece much to Roygun's shame. She was looking embarrassed as Serafall pulled out her phone.

She had so many phone calls to make now which irritated her. While she did that Roygun could barely look Romonus in the eye. She looked at the ground and placed her hands on her legs.

"I am so sorry Romonus. I lied to you, all of you. I am nothing, but a cheating fraud."

Romonus sighed as he could tell she felt horrible.

"Cheer up Roygun, you were essentially using a removable Sacred Gear. You just used it for a little too long."

Roygun raised her hand as she looked at it.

"Now I am just a dime a dozen High-Class Devil, not even an Ultimate Class. I no longer pass your criteria, do I? Once Serafall gets done I will lose my place as Champion of the Rating Games and Lord."

Silvana gently nudged him as she felt bad for her. Romonus stood up and walked over to Roygun before he picked her up off her chair. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he sat down with her on his lap.

Before she looked away he lowered his head and kissed her cheek before kissing her lips. It was a quick kiss, but still one she enjoyed. She looked quite adorable as she looked up at his face.

"Relax already. The King Piece shows what you can achieve on your own. Just take what you learned from using the King Piece and apply it without it."

Roygun could see the logic.

"You're right. I get that, but it's still an annoying nerf."

He didn't see it that was as a few years of weakness were nothing.

"You got time. More than enough, you aren't getting any older physically."

Roygun sighed.

"That is true. On another note, You are leaving for adventure right?"

"I am. I am leaving in a week, but the first thing I am going to do will be something I need to do myself with just my Peerage. After that though, you can all come with me if you feel like it. Be warned that in some cases my travels will begin to take me to some treacherous places.

You will need to be your best to come along."

Roygun smiled as she looked up at his face.

"In that case when you think it's time, can I go with you? Without my King Piece, I am rather wimpy. I feel I could recover my old power if I test myself."

He was happy she wanted to come along as he rather be around his lovers than away from them.

"Why would I refuse? I would be over the moon to have my lovers with me."

He set her down on the ground and looked at Serafall who was making her phone calls as she told everything to Sirzechs, Ajuka, and Falbium. Things were going to get rough for the Old Devils as the fixing of the Rating Game was going to be revealed early.

Though, the more Chaos and change he caused the better. It reminded him of Rahvdall who got really messed up to grant him the Sparda Bloodline.

'I hope you are doing alright boss.'

Romonus walked back into his room as he had to talk to Miria when she woke up. For now, though he planned to just spend the night with his loved ones. He didn't know when to break it to them about him and his Mother, but Venelana was ok with waiting.

If she was fine with it he would give her the time because they were trying to keep it down low. For the entire night, he just spent it taking it easy with the girls. When morning came around the first one up was Miria.


When she rose out of bed in the morning she had worked the alcohol out of her system fully. She yawned and stretched out a bit causing one of her breasts to pop out from her dress.

"Love the view, babe."

Miria opened her eyes and looked next to her where Romonus was sitting. She grinned as she pulled out the other one for him.

"Like what you see?"

He nodded a few times as he took in her huge breasts.

"They are amazing."

She pulled him toward her with a hand pushing his face between them.

"In that case here they are. All for you."

He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her as she was lying.

"You are so sexy Miria."

She felt fulfilled that he enjoyed them.

"Why don't you do something to them?"

He would if they didn't have young kids here. 

"Come on love, there are children here."

Miria turned around and saw the still-sleeping Shirone, Akeno, and Itsuki. She snarled as she let him go.

"True. Want to take this to another room?"

He raised an eye brow.

"You want to do it now?"

Miria opened her mouth, but it could be better.

"True, let's hold off for now. I do have one thing to say, your body is tough."

He chuckled as everyone always said that his body was made of steel. It had to be because of all the training that Surtr had put him through. Surtr had built him to be indominable, Souji had made him blindingly fast, and MacGregor made him an adept mage.

The Baptism and the Sparda bloodline had come together and perfected it all. He had been crafted into the perfect killing machine and the best part of it all was that he was finally free to use it.

Now that Miria was awake he asked her the question.

"Miria, will you join my peerage as my second Rook? I want to keep you at my side forever."

Miria thought about it as she was already a physical juggernaut. Adding a Rook Piece to her was the best choice. Plus she was quite rusty and his travels would be the best time to use it.

"Alright, but if I do we can't stay apart. Take me everywhere with you. I mean it."

Her eyes were starting to glow a bright purple which made him grin.

"Why do you think I want you in my peerage? I have been wanting to have you live with me for a while now."

She grinned back because she was kinda crazy.

"Want me to move here?"

He did not want to stay at the Castle for long.

"No, I think I rather move into your House instead once I return from my travels. Or build my own home in the Bael domain or maybe in the unexplored regions of the Underworld."

Miria smiled as that felt nice.

"One day we will be able to settle down, have kids raise a family. I can hardly wait."

He desired the same thing once his mission was complete. Once he repaid Rahvdall for giving him this life.

"I want the same thing Miria."

She could barely stop smiling as she thought of bringing back her clan.

"True, I got to get in shape again. Come on, get it over with."

Romonus pulled one of his Rooks and sent it toward her. When the purple and red glowing crystal Rook entered her body and soul she felt it's strange effects. Instantly her Demonic Power began to rise as his Evil Pieces were getting stronger as he did.

When her wings emerged from her back they were slowly warping as they grew larger, more muscular, and Demonic. They crackled with Demonic Lightning as her clan trait seemed to get a boost. The transformation was quite quick as Miria began to stretch her arms after retracting her wings.

"Incredible, why didn't I join earlier?"

"You wanted me to prove I cared for you which I do with all my heart. I love all of you."

Miria smiled as she liked to hear those words. However, when she looked to the other girls on the bed the first thing she saw that Silvana's head on a pillow next to her.

That would not have been an issue on its own, but it became an issue because her body was gone. Her eyes were already open and she had been listening the whole time as she didn't need to sleep.

Miria squinted her eyes as she leaned over. 

"How long were you listening?"

Silvana cleared her voice but said it anyways. 

"Since you showed him your boobs."

Miria shrugged.

"Oh well, it's true. Though, where is your body?"

Silvana without skipping a beat answered.

"Taking a bath."

With a bit of Demonic Power, her head began floating for everyone to see.

"Sometimes I take a bath while I leave my head behind or vice versa."

Romonus chuckled as he saw her head floating.

"That is hilarious. You and Kharn should get along."

The Badger jumped off his tree and also started floating as well. He flew over and landed on Romomus' head, but he was careful not to stick Romonus with his crimson claws. Silvana looked at the Badger who grinned in her direction.

He tipped his new favorite hat to her making her blush with joy.

"He is adorable and strong for a regular animal."

That was the truth as it had not been easy to get Kharn this strong. A killer training regiment, expensive elixirs, and constant contact with Romonus' soul through their contract.

"True. He is my pride and joy as Honey Badgers are my favorite animals. Which reminds me, I should get a Wolverine to go along with him like my new fancy cape."

Akeno shuddered as one Kharn was enough.

"Maybe hold off on that. All Mustelids are evil little critters. Wolverines are the worst of the bunch."

Kharn snorted at the notion as no animal was better than the Honey Badger. Just as Romonus was going to speak they all heard a firm knock on Romonus' door. Serafall who was still here squinted her eyes.

"Buckle up, I bet Zekram has an issue with Silvana."

Romonus snarled.

"They better not. I will rip his soul out and torture it for 10,000 years."

Romonus got up and walked to the door with Kharn on his shoulder. When he opened it, he saw an old Devil with ash-white hair. He wore black sunglasses and he had a walking cane in his hand.

Romonus squinted his eyes as this devil was Zekram's butler and Knight. The old man spoke plainly at the sight of Romonus/

"The Ancestor wishes to see you."

'This better not be what I think it is?'


The old Devil turned around while tapping with his sword cane.

"Now if possible. Don't keep him waiting long."

Romonus snorted as he turned to his lovers and peerage.

"I will be right back. Serafall, I think you are right."

Serafall seemed quite bitter.

"Zekram is a blood purist, he won't let this lying down."

By this point, Silvana's body walked out of the shower in a towel

"Should I come?"

Romonus could almost see her nipples through the towel making him look. He already saw Miria's, and now Silvana too? Was he in Heaven now or something?

"No. Stay here as I don't want him to say something to you. I might get pissed off."

She accepted it as she dried herself off and put her clothes back on with magic.

'Damn, I love her skin tone.'

He stepped out with Kharn and teleported into the depths of the Bael Castle. Zekram kept his study and office down in the deepest section of the castle. When Romonus appeared here he saw 2 Devils standing by the door. Each one radiated a Satan Class Aura.

They both wore black and golden enchanted Demonic Armor. Not on the level of Archaon, but still mighty. When Romonus appeared here they stepped aside.

"Enter. He expects you."

Romonus and Kharn squinted their eyes as they walked into the office. There, Zekram was sitting behind a magical wooden desk reading through a few papers. He didn't look up when Romonus entered as he kept reading.

Romonus created a large throne of purple diamonds to sit in.

"Zekram, heard you wanted to see me. I think It's about Silvana."

Zekram Bael grabbed a feather from the enchanted ink and began to write on a piece of paper. He didn't even look at Romonus as he continued to write.

"It is about her, Romonus. If you wish to remain as heir you will break off your engagement with the Half breed. You must accept a pure blood of my choosing. Otherwise, I will be forced to disown you from House Bael.

If that happens you won't even be able to return to House Gremory."

When he finished writing, the ink dried and started to glow. He pushed the paper forward to Romonus who picked it up and saw it was a decree to break his engagement.

It just needed to be signed. Romonus expected this, but it did not mean he was pleased.

'This motherfucker.'

Zekram handed the feather over to Romonus.

"Sign it. With that, your engagement will be broken and I will find a suitable replacement. One without that ghastly blue skin. I can get one from House Bael if you like. I know you and Venelana are involved sexually. Take a girl from House Bael or even from Ageres. If that is what you're into I can get you 10 of the purest Bael girls just for you.

Just sign that and this shame will be forgotten."

Romonus wanted to laugh at the sheer audacity. He looked up at Zekram with an unamused expression.

"First of all, her blue skin is sexy as hell. Second of all, you should know already that I don't like being told what to do."

Zekram didn't care.

"In that case, keep her if you want as your mistress or sex slave. She just can't ever be your official fiance. If you are to become the King of Devils, you must abide by the rules. Half Breeds are disgusting, the blood of House Bael must be pure.

Otherwise, we are no better than the commoners. Much less an undead of a foreign mythology."

Romonus leaned back on his throne before he started laughing.

"Hahahahahaha, you think so, don't you? Vespera was right about you."

Zekram's face went red at that name.

"How do you know that name?"

Romonus burned the paper in his hands with a burst of his Demonic Mana.

"She told me herself and I don't like what you did to her. Much less this attitude you are giving me."

Romonus had kept it secret, but because of Archaon and The Baptism he had reached the limit of the Satan Class. He just needed a push to enter the Super Devil or Transcendental Devil Rank and he released it. A vast purple aura burst from his body pushing down on Zekram's soul and bloodline.

For the first time in his 10,000 years, Zekram didn't feel in control. Romonus stood up with Kharn already snarling.

"I had some respect for you Zekram, had. You made one mistake though. I am not a Devil. I am not a transcendent Devil or a Super Devil. I am a Demon, a higher tier of creature than a mere Devil. I might as well be a God to you Devils."

Romonus grabbed the desk before pushing it out of the way. Zekram was stuck in place and so were his guards. The bloodline suppression of being in front of his natural ruler made them feel like they were in front of a god.

They may as well be as Sparda was worshiped as a god and Romonus had his bloodline.

"You may have political power Zekram. You may have the power to rival the original Satans. You may even have the support of most of the Pillars as the first Devil made.

But all of that ceases to matter when you consider me. I am not my brother afraid to use my power. I am above that. Hearing all that, what does that make you."

Just then Zekram's Lord Ring activated and snapped him out of it. The enchantments lining his coat activated letting him control himself. Once he had control, Zekram smiled.

That unsettled Romonus as Zekram once he got over the bloodline suppression relaxed himself

"I seem to have made a mistake. How did you even become a Demon?"

Romonus frowned as he sat back down.

"Natural evolution. I will guarantee you this. I won't kill you. Let's agree on one thing Zekram. You matter to our species, me killing you would cause a Civil War and I don't need the trouble. Let us compromise for the sake of the Clan and Devils. You let me keep my engagement and I will accept your request."

Zekram fixed his tie as knowing Romonus was another outlier like Sirzechs and Ajuka changed things. Romonus was right and his power was a powerful card. Zekram would need to find a middle ground for his sake and his Clan.

In all honesty, he did not want to disown Romonus. He would lead House Bael to glory with his might so he could compromise.

"Fine. Keep your engagement to the Half breed. My point still stands, you need a pure-blood wife if you want to be Lord Bael. I will disown you if you do not. I will die before I let you rule House Bael without that. And in case of my death, I already have this conversation recorded. It will reach every Lord and Clan instantly. 

Can you possibly risk that? A second Devil Civil War will start once more and it will be your fault." 

Romonus squinted his eyes with his mouth starting to be split in a grin. He stood up from the throne he had formed and in a quick moment he was in front of Zekram. He lunged out with one hand and grabbed the Bael Ancestor by the throat. 

Zekram gasped as Romonus had seemed calm before this. He had just said he would not kill him, but he never said anything about not hurting him. 

"Listen to me well you senile fuck, no one tells me what to do. Not the Devil counsel, not the gods, and not you. I said I would listen to your request, not that I would honor it. Now, tell me one reason I should not choke the life out of you." 

In that same movement, Romonus reached out with his other hand and gripped tight around Zekram's neck. Romonus smashed Zekram against the wall causing the First Generation Bael to grab Romonus' face.

"LET, ME, GO!" 

In Zekram's palm, a concentrated Orb of Power of Destruction enveloped Romonus' head. Even a normal Bael would have probably died, but Romonus was not normal. His Sparda bloodline had enhanced his clan's abilities and it made him nearly immune to them. 

With his head still enveloped in the power of Destruction, he pulled his head back and head-butted Zekram breaking his nose. This broke his focus on the orb on his head showing Romonus was unharmed.

For a second, Zekram was full of horror, but that horror turned to pain when Romonus headbutted him again. Then again, and again, and again, and again. Each time Romonus hit him with more force and speed. 

Each time Romonus hit Zekram, more and more blood spilled covering him in it. Only Zekram's Satan Class strength and his blood purity kept him not only alive but conscious. 

After the 30th headbutt, Romonus' face and clothes were soaked with blood. Zekram was wheezing as blood spilled from his broken nose, split lips, and busted face. 

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Romonus set the still-living Zekram in his chair. He pulled his desk back allowing Zekram to fall onto it. He then sat back down in the chair he conjured while still soaked in Zekram's blood. 

Taking another deep breath, Romonus licked his lips cleaning them off blood. 

"I feel a lot better, I hope you learned something about this, Zekram. You can't intimidate me, you can't manipulate me. Show all the Clan Lords this, I don't care. A Second Civil War? Let it start, I will win it." 

Zekram pushed himself off his desk spitting out a few of his broken teeth. He reached up and touched his broken nose. No, he could feel several of the bones in his skull were broken. 

Romonus' bones were extremely strong thanks to the Baptism and the Sparda Bloodline. Zekram grit his teeth that he still had before sitting up. 

"You are crazy." 

Romonus snorted as Kharn started to lick the blood off his face. 

"Better crazy than arrogant. Now, what were you saying about Silvana?" 

Zekram stood up and poured himself a drink before chugging it down for the pain. He knew Romonus would not let him heal. 

"Keep your engagement, keep your status as Lord, keep all of it." 

Romonus chuckled. 

"That wasn't so hard, now then, let me hear it. Who did you have in mind?" 

Zekram fell into his chair knowing several more of his teeth would fall out unless he did something. He was not in the mood, but he wanted to preserve even a modicum of pride.

"Seekvaira Ageres. She is the heir, but her Father owes me more favors than he can count. One word from me and he will be forced to engage her to you. She is more than good enough and I am sure she is up to your tastes.

She is your age, but she is becoming quite an attractive girl. Just like the women you are involved with."

Romonus tapped his fingers against his throne as he thought of Seekvaira. She was up to his standards and he did not think Latia would mind. 

"You know Zekram, you could have just suggested her from the start. No need to start this dick-measuring contest with me. Look how that turned out." 

Romonus reached out and picked up one of the broken teeth on the table. 

Zekram snarled as he saw that. He was about to instinctively say, that Romonus would regret this, but the truth was he would regret it more. 

"Do you agree to Seekvaira?" 

Romonus shrugged. 

"Seems fair." 

He said so with a totally serious face as he saw nothing wrong with this. That just made Zekram grith his broken teeth. 

"Get out of my sight." 

Romonus stood back up and leaned over Zekram. 

"Watch yourself Zekram? You should know who is in charge now. One more outburst and I won't end with a few broken teeth." 

Zekram nodded as he wiped his face with his sleeve. 

"Let us just agree to this so I can stop looking at you. I rather not half this conversation again if I can help it. That bloodline suppression is awful to experience."

Romonus chuckled. 

"And the head butts too right?" 

Romonus was happy, as it worked out in the end for him. Romonus held his hand out and shook Zekram's hand. The contract was now binding for both of them. Zekram could not move against his engagement to Silvana or his position as heir.

The price was that Romonus would have to accept the engagement to Seekvaira. In the end, only Romonus won while Zekram just lost. The only thing he would gain was having Romonus marry a pure blood. 

At the cost, his pride had been shattered. Vespera who was watching the whole thing was more than pleased. Seeing Romonus head butt Zekram a bunch of times was more than pleasing. If only Romonus had killed him, but there was always next time.