
The Knight Mage

A story where Markus is the first person to beat, The Knights End, without cheats. Which leads him to be force into the game with the knight mage class. Will he be able to figure his way out to get or die playing?

dinow · เกม
6 Chs

Chapter 6, Late Night Talk

Markus sitting at a table talking to Rick, with Daisy in his lap, her gaze fixed on Jelly. 'So, its seems you got a pet, but why it not eating your clothes? It's a slime ain't it?'

'Oh well umm...' Markus trying to think of a way of saying why the acid of the slime can touch his armor and skin with no damage being done. 'Well you see, this ring it can emit light but also gives me a resistance to minor acidity.'

'That pretty handy but it must have cost a bit to get your hands on a item like that.'

'Why.. why would it be hard to get one of this?' Not knowing how valuable the effects would be.

'Those things only drop from slime dungeons and to get items from a rare dungeon is very difficult so, how much did it cost 50, 60, 75 copper?' Ricks eyes sparking at the thought of a money man walking into his inn.

'No, I was out in the green forest that had goo everywhere and found this in a greenish puddle, which stung but once I grabbed it I couldn't feel a thing.' Markus hoping that he would believe his story and not ask anymore questions about it.

'So, where did you say you were from again?' Rick ask in a more serious tone than before.

'I lived deep in the forest with my gramps and once he passed he told me to go out to the nearby town and start to live my life the way I wanted.'

'Oh, so that means that the forest you ran into was the swamp lands, it was over run with slime creature because there used to be active slime dungeon in the middle of it but once people found out they came, looted, and left. It was great few months before the dungeon had fully been cleared, clean of its riches, then every one left. Now only the kids go to practice their sword fighting against the smaller less dangerous slimes that still roam the place. But still it's uncommon for someone to have a pet slime unless you found a creature egg. So how'd you get yours?'

'There was a small strange man who had a tent set up in the market and sold me the slime for the fur vest I was wearing. It was just some rat skin, and a quite ordinary thing but he still traded it, for the slime, so I think I got a good deal for Jelly. Oh and I have a gift for Daisy.' Markus pulls out a small fur coat from his pack and hands it to Daisy.

'That's very nice of you, now Daisy what do we say.' Daisy trying to pull the coat over her head.

'Thanks Mr....'

'Markus, call me Markus, but don't worry about it. The coat I just gave you is made from a fur of a mouse that lives in a corrosive land and its fur is not affected by small types of acid, and since you seem to be curious about Jelly, as long as you to touch him with directly you and him can go play outside while your dad and I chat some more.' Markus not wanting to say that the fur was from a rat and also not wanting to say how he just crafted it from the system with all the rat parts he had, the coat was close to the rat kings vest but with only minor acid immunity.

'Thanks, Mr. Markus.' Daisy not touching Jelly directly picks him up and carries him outside to play.

'Now, Rick I would like to know where the slime dungeon is located, I want to help train my new companion and myself a bit before we continue to the next city over.'

'Its in the forest just a way to the north of the entrance of the village but I would also like to make a request myself if you would listen.' Markus nods in approval. 'You can see it's just Daisy and I, taking care of the inn and the reason be was because when the dungeon was still new, my wife was eager to go a explore the place, since she was a retired ranger. She went in and came out days later looking sick and green, and has been bed ridden the last few weeks with no signs of getting better. I know you have the ring that can help protect from their goo but was wondering when you go to practice, if you could looks for a blue pedal flower with red stem, it can be grinded into a power and with a few more things can cure my wife, so please will you help me?.'

[Quest- The cure of goo

Heal the shops innkeeper's wife by gathering the needed ingredients needed for a antidote.

1 reward box and friendship with the putlock family increase]

[Accept the quest (Y/N)]

'I'll do what I can and will look for the flower to help your wife. I'll set out, first thing in the morning.'

'Thank you. Thank you, very much, if you can save her you may stay here for rent free as long as you need and just to be nice tonight's fee is on us too.' Rick almost in tears and a hopeful mood gets up from the table and calls Daisy back into the inn.

'Well thanks Mr. Markus for letting me play with Jelly and hears your coat back sir.'

'Don't mention it and I said you can keep it as a gift and your welcome to play with Jelly if you ever ask.'

'Thank you sir.' Daisy's eyes sparkling brighter than a star from the gift she was just given.

'Daisy, I think it's getting pretty late, so why don't you head up to your room, say goodnight to your mom and I'll read you a story before bed, okay.' Daisy nodding and heading up the stairs. 'Your room will be on the second floor, room number four.' Handing Markus the key he heads back to the counter and close for the night before heading up stairs and joining Daisy for her night story.

'Well Jelly I hope you had fun with Daisy because tomorrow is going to be a hard day of training.' Jelly making a joyful sound and hops from Markus's shoulder and plops right onto his head before falling asleep. 'We'll head out at first light so get your rest buddy.' Markus heads up to his room and makes few more coats, cuts and places them on the bed so Jelly doesn't destroy it during the night, finally changing into some night clothes lays down, and falls asleep.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and are ready for their first adventure.

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