
The Knight Mage

A story where Markus is the first person to beat, The Knights End, without cheats. Which leads him to be force into the game with the knight mage class. Will he be able to figure his way out to get or die playing?

dinow · เกม
6 Chs

Chapter 4, The Rat King

Markus walks into a room shaped like a huge rusty broken down dome with the steel gate doors closing behind him and the room lighting up with, what seemed to be green sludge dripping from the wall. 'That's cool but the smell makes it so less. Where's the boss of the room? Did it just forget it to come to work or is its off day?' Right after he finishes his sentence he hears a roar powerful enough to shake the room. 'It can bark but can it bite?' Just after he see a huge shadow the size of a t-rex pop out from an pipe hidden by the darkness. 'I had to talk.' Markus getting ready for the fight sees a screen pop up in front of him.

[Mission: Defeat the rat king

Finish in under 10 minutes to receive extra reward]

'Okay, big guy seems like I get a special gift if I can kill you in a special amount of time so, prepare to get... WAHHH' Markus is flung into the air by the rats huge tail and is bashed into the wall behind him. 'Ow, that really hurt ya bastard' Markus say as he tries to regain his balance and shanking of the ruble on him. 'System put 3 skill points toward agility'

[3 skill points have been put towards agility]

'Nice, now I know that works, it will be handy in the future. Come at me dude.' The rat king now charging towards him, dodges punching the rat's side a few times before dodging the rat's tail attack and doing the same on it other. 'So punching doesn't work how about my blade.' Markus now with the dagger in his hand, slicing the rats body but only able make little scratches on it. 'I don't have anything else that can hurt him.' Remembering the dagger's special ability makes a fireball in the hand holding the dagger . 'I hope this works.' A screen popping up in front of him.

[You have filled you dagger's flame 1/63 do you want to continue to fill your dagger through contact or have system fill automatically]

'I don't know what the system means by that, so I'll just fill it by hand. System can you hide the screen so it doesn't pop up every time?'

[Hiding transfer screen for <Elemental dagger>]

'Okay, now let's deal with this rodent.' Markus now remembering that this was the game he knew, he ask the system a question while charging with the dagger and successfully dodging the rat's attacks. 'I wonder if the system can give me an interface. System interface.'

[Would the user like the basic interface screen shown permanently. (Y/N)]

'Yes, this is going to be super useful, now I just have to kill the rat and get out of here.' Markus now fully focused on the fight and being able to see the basic interface in the top right corner of his vision showing his hp, mp, and current mission.

[-hp 12/65

-mp 16/25

-Kill the rat king 3:27 left]

'Okay lets just stay on my feet while the dagger can be filled.' Markus continuing to dodge and slice the rat until he sees his mp reach 10 and stopped casting fireball and tried to figure out how to use the dagger. 'So how does this work do I just say flame.' As soon as he said flame the daggers blade was engulfed in a light red, bright yellow flame. 'Okay. Stop flame. I have to preserve as much as I can since I only had 15 seconds in it and I guess now 14.' Markus still dodging the rat attacks jumps onto the rats back and climbs to its head. 'I just have to get to its neck and should be able to kill him.' Once getting to the rat's head Markus sends out a fireball right on top of the rats face to blind it and shoots two more at its neck before activating the flame on the dagger once more and repetitively cutting and burning the rat's flesh hearing the screeching and crying. After the blade has made big enough gap, that Markus could fit his hand in, he cast two more fireballs into the rats exposed flesh leaving a half burn lifeless rat body. After getting off the rats body see a screen pop up.

[You have leveled up]

[You have gained access to the store]

[Congrats user you have beaten your first F- rank boss

You have gained a full heal up, and a reward box

You have also defeated the boss in the time to get an extra reward box]

'Okay so that was a worth two reward boxes and a level up so I'll call you throwing me around even.' As he gets healed from the system Markus searches around the rat to see what it had dropped.

[You have found a rat king tooth, tail , and vest made from the fur of the rat king]

'Let's see what the vest can do'

[Rat King fur vest rank F

endurance: +3

Help fight against minor types of acid]

'Guess since it lives in a sewer the acid part makes since and I'll helps me take a few more hits so I guess its pretty useful.' After checking around the rat and seeing if he missed anything Markus opens both reward boxes.

[You have obtained a ring of light

A ring that can produce a small area of light around the user]

[You have obtained an holy spell point]

'Cool so a portable flashlight and an extra spell point, so some useful things.' Sitting down in a less slimy place he makes sure he's ready to leave 'Let me check my stats before I say goodbye.'


class: knight Mage

title: Rat killer

Level: 5

Exp till next lv: 500

Strength: 8 - endurance: 8

agility: 11 - intelligence: 7

luck: 6 - ???: 4

Skill points: 3

'Ok, so it seems I get a spell point every 5 levels and my luck and unknown skill go up too, so that good to know. I should also equip the vest and ring ' After a bit of thinking Markus puts the points he just got to uses.


class: knight Mage

title: Rat killer

Level: 5

Exp till next lv: 500

Strength: 10 - endurance: 8 (+3)

agility: 11 - intelligence: 8

luck: 6 - ???: 4

Skill points: 0

Items: (elemental dagger lv 4)(minor ring of light)(Rat King's vest)

hp: 70/70

mp: 30/30

abilities- (Vital Stab-lv 1)


fireball: 1 - toxic gas: 0

shadow dance: 0 - ice spikes: 0

Lighting strike: 0 - holy light: 1

spell points: 1]

[You have unlocked <holy light> you may exchange 1 mp to restore 1 hp]

'It looks like holy light will be helpful no matter what the situation is and just save the other spell point when it's needed.' After getting back on his feet he does what got him to the dungeon and went threw the hole rat king came from. After walking through the sewer pipe filled with more green guck and smelly water, Markus see a light at the end of the tunnel, one much brighter than the one his ring was illuminating and rushes towards it. After a minute of adjusting to the outside light, Markus sees himself in the middle of a trash dump with the pipe he came from disappearing and a small village in the distance.

Hope you enjoy this fight scene and the story so far. Again I try to go over the chapter but do still miss things, so if you find any mistakes just put it in the comments and I'll go fix it as fast as possible. Thanks for reading.

dinowcreators' thoughts