
The King of Fate

Ryouto is reincarnated in a mysterious world as the Son of The Demon King, Ryouto Has no memories of his past, but he has a Fate system (Gacha) Follow Ryo and his servants in a Journey to Conquer and Rule the World ---------------------- Fate Grail war, Kingdom Building, and Great Waifus + GACHA HELL ---------------------- Everything is Original Except the Fate Servant's And Ability's Even the World is an original world Hope you Like It XD ----------------------- if you have never heard or watched the Fate series than don't worry I explain pretty much everything, and don't forget the World is Original so no one knows what happens Next... Except me Fuhahahahaha ------------------------ Support me on Patroon patreon.com/Riadooo

Gilgamesh9669 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
98 Chs

Interruption !

Yay A 2450 Words Chapter ! Woho !

Well next week there are going to be FIGHTS ! So If you wish to read ahead than check out my Patréon on Patréon.com/Riadooo

3 Chapters ahead of the Scheduled for 3$


6 Chapters Ahead of the Scheduled for 5$

Enjoy the Chapter !!!


The worms In Sakura's body were connected to her nerves, they suck up all the magical power inside of her, and due to the dependence that grew with her, they demanded more and more, and since Ryo was removing them, they are acting up, which made Sakura incredibly aroused, the magical energy can be transferred sexually, as semen is the best way to carry it, Sakura has been trying to hold out, but she couldn't stop, this wouldn't have been a problem, as Ryo can just force her in her place, but due to the way Gluttony worked, the worms weren't dying, they were being placed inside Ryo instead, and after an hour since the process started, he too started getting effected by the worms, which made him aroused as well, the worms were not a curse, so he has no immunity toward them, due to his regenerative body, they easily adapted, which made Ryo's regeneration work against them and kill them, but it couldn't do that unless he has them all inside of him which meant that the Curse will not stop unless he sexually pleasures himself

Sakura was a girl he met today, he didn't want to force himself on her, so Ryo was trying his hardest to stop himself, but his body couldn't handle more

His left hand moved to grab her large breasts, but before he could grab them, another large pair of breasts hugged him from behind

This was of course medusa, who knew the way Sakura's worms worked, so she quickly understood the pain that Ryo was going through

Medusa started to kiss Ryo's neck, she then teared his shirt, so he doesn't stop sucking the worms from Sakura's body

She placed her hands on his chest, and kept on kissing him, she then removed his pants, and started to give him a hand job, grabbing his member, she stroked it slowly up and down, while he continued the process

Ryo [Th- Thank you, I almost lost myself there, I am sorry that you had to do this.. agh, I'm going to…]

While Ryo started to ejaculate, Medusa got closer to his ears and said

Medusa [I told you I will do anything for Sakura, besides, you aren't that bad yourself]

Regaining his sense of self Ryo continued to devour the worms from Sakura, while simultaneously replacing her Crest with his own energy, after another hour the Matou family crest in her womb was replaced by his own, it was the same shape as his command spells, and when he was done, Sakura became normal again, as the arousal that was plaguing her went away

Sakura [Thank you King Ryouto, I am sorry that I showed you my disgraceful form]

Ryo [No need to, I did the same, oh, you said that you aren't worthy of being in my presence because you are defiled, well then I am defiled as well now, so you are welcome to be in my presence whenever you want, and Sakura, don't undermine yourself, I may be a King, but I am a person as well, I can never look at a beautiful girl like you as a defiled person, so from now on, you have the right to call me Ryo, okay ]

Sakura's eyes teared up as she nodded and said

Sakura [Thank you Ryo, Thank you for being here for me]

Ryo [The goes to you as well Medusa, thank you for the help earlier, and can we keep that between us, I don't think Rin would like to know what happened here]

Medusa [I will do so, Ryo]

Ryo [Good, then shall we go down, Sakura, get dressed, I don't want the girls to get some weird ideas]

Sakura smiled and said

Sakura [I don't mind if they do, fufufu]

Ryo [Fuhahahaha, I see that you have started to act like yourself now, come let us go down, Oh and I like you this way more]

Sakura blushed, and then smiled and started to dress

Rin [If he does something to Sakura, than you can kill him Artoria]

Artoria [affirmative, I will release the full power of my noble phantasm if he does something perverted]

Semiramis [hmph, you both are worried for nothing, master only has his eyes on me]

Rin [Hahaha, he is already engaged good luck with getting him to be yours]

Semiramis [Feeling jealous of me are you ? I can easily tell you know, it is surprising though... for both a master and a servant to have feeling for the same person fufufu]

Rin blushed after hearing Semiramis' words and said

Rin [That's not true, I couldn't care less about who that idiot loves]

Semiramis [Whatever you say to yourself, fufufu, and what about you King of knights]

Artoria [Me and Ryo respect each other, it isn't romantic feelings]

Semiramis [I saw you train this morning, he was flirting with you openly and all you did was respond the same, don't call it respect, you are in love, well I don't care for either of you, Master will only have eyes on me in the end, as I will be the one to ascend as his True Queen]

Rin [Since when did you start developing feelings for him anyway ? you met him yesterday!]

Semiramis [A master and Servant are destined to be together, I simply realized it faster, goes to show the difference between us, I am a Queen and you are a peasant, I am always ahead in the race]

Ryo [What Race ?]

Ryo came down from the stairs, and he heard Semiramis mention a race so he was interested

The worms in his body have already started to die, as they couldn't defeat his body cells that could regenerate infinitely

Semiramis [Nothing master, just woman talk come sit, you seem tired]

Ryo [Yeah, I am, Rin can I take an hour for a break before we attack ? I am exhausted]

Rin [Why? what the hell did you do to my sister ?]

Sakura [I'm fine Rin, Ryo just helped me with something private, don't worry about it, I will tell you when am comfortable with it]

Rin/Artoria/Semiramis [Ryo ?!!]

Medusa, came down as well and sat close to Ryo, he was squished in the middle between both Medusa and Semiramis, while Rin and Artoria sat with Sakura

Ryo [Ahh, I will lay here in the couch for few minutes and then we will go]

Semiramis [Here come master, I will give you a lap pillow]

Ryo [No thanks, you might poison me again]

Medusa [You can sleep in my lap, Ryo]

Rin/Artoria [she called him Ryo too !!!]

Ryo toke medusa's offer and slept on her Lap

Semiramis [How can you trust someone you met today, Master, you have no sense of danger!]

Ryo [At least she didn't try to poison me when I saved her life, now be silent I want to sleep]

Semiramis [I was Scared! Idiot master hmph]

1 hour later

At Ryuudou Temple

Following Ryo's little break, the group decided to go to the Ryuudou Temple, where Caster is expected to be, due to not wanting to make a lot of noise and attention, Medusa, Sakura and Semiramis stayed back home, and although Ryo suggested that Rin Does the same, she obviously refused because of her pride as a master, and if were not for Ryo convincing Medusa to stay by telling her to protect Sakura, she would have come as well, Semiramis did not care, because of her arrogance she believed that it was expected of her not to fight a "lowly caster"

So right now the group was going up a large number of stairs until they reached the top, the Temple, they saw the temple in ruins as everything was destroyed

Rin [a lots of people used to live here, hurry up, maybe something happened to them]

Ryo [Don't worry about it, there is only one body inside, and it belongs to a servant]

Artoria [Caster?]

Ryo walked inside the temple and saw the body of a man, he had his entire guts opened up, and his heart was missing

Upon seeing the body Rin instantly threw up

Rin [Nghh]

Ryo [Is this your first time seeing a body Rin ?]

Rin [Yeah *coughs* sorry about that]

Ryo [I did the same when if first saw bodies so don't worry about it]

Artoria [Who would do something like this, this is disgraceful to a heroic spirit]

Ryo [The one who did this is already dead, it was Zouken Matou, this was an assassin servant, he doesn't seem complete, so I assume that Zouken killed this man to summon the assassin that tried to catch me of guard

But you are Right, this is very disgraceful, I have never seen this man before, but I could tell that he was talented in the ways of the sword, perhaps, better than me and you, it's a shame, but he had no magical power, so he never stood a chance]

While talking Ryo sensed magical spells somewhere very far

Ryo obviously Placed a copy of himself close to the Church, and that is where the spells was

Ryo [Rin, Artoria, Change of plans, Caster is in the Church, she is fighting Lancer, let's go]

Rin [The Church is too far away, how are we supposed to go there now]

Ryo [I Suppose now is as good as any,

Come Out


My Fortress.

The King's Palace that flies through the Heavens.

The Throne of the God King.



Vimana was a White and Cyan fortress that contained a Palace inside of it, it was a grand flying fortress in Indian Mythology, and now it is owned by Ryouto, after using 20 FP to get Secace, due to the restrictions on it, Ryo gained another noble Phantasm that wasn't Combat related, which was

{Vimana, the Throne of the God King}

one would say, that Ryo's EX-luck stats is at work here as instead of one, he got Two Noble Phantasms ! (A/N Basterd, I wasted my Saved up 60SQ on Kingprotea and SHE DIDN'T COME HOME ! WHY GOD ? WHY?)

Floating in the Skies, Vimana deployed its six cyan wings and waited for its King to sit on his rightful throne

Although it was not as large as The Hanging Gardens its size was pretty larger which drew the attention of almost all servants in Fuyuki, however they were surprised more, when an object of that size disappeared

That was Ryo activating Vimana's Stealth mode

Both Rin and Artoria were gob smacked at how large and beautiful Vimana looked in the skies, but Rin quickly recovered and said

Rin [Hey where were you hiding this ? and isn't it too large ?]

Artoria [beautiful, what a great structure, is this your work Ryouto ?]

Ryo [No it isn't, its the work of the Hindu Pantheon, But its mine now, There was no need for it before, but now I need it, it is a Noble Phantasm, Fit for me, come let's go inside, Caster and Lancer won't wait for us]

Ryo hugged Rin closer to him and jumped onto Vimana, Artoria followed him and did the same

After getting in, There was a Large Room inside with a Throne in the middle Back of The room, Ryo put Rin down and walked to his throne, while listening to Rin ramble about how he had caught her by surprise

Rin [You Idiot ! don't do that again or at least warn me next time !]

Ryo [You didn't seem to be resisting, so I thought that…]

Rin [Of course I didn't resist, we were in the sky !]

Ryo [My bad, anyway get ready we are going to move]

Ryo sat on the throne and the ship started to move, one of the special things about Vimana, is its ability to move with the power of thought, the faster someone's brain could process information the faster it went

Both Rin and Artoria sat beside his throne, in the left and right in that order as they flew to the church

Due the speed of Ryo's thinking, since he already memorized the map of Fuyuki, it only took 17 seconds before they reached the top of the Church, when usually even with a servant's speed it would take him 4-5 Minutes !

Ryo Could see lancer trying to attack Caster, while she flew away and firing magical spells, at him, but they both stopped when they sensed the ship above them

Ryo then looked at Rin and said

Ryo [Would you like to be a Queen?]

Rin instantly blushed and said

Rin [What?! you can't just propose like this, we haven't even... !]

Ryo [I mean would you like to take control of Vimana]

Rin [You IDIOT!]

Ryo [Fuahahaha, Here this is how to shoot magical energy, don't worry it will use mine…]

After explaining the way to control Vimana, Ryo dropped down with Artoria

Inside the church he could see the Priest Kirei Kotomine and the Master of Caster were facing each other, but due to his arrival, both of them rejoined their servants

Ryo [Looks like we interrupted the party, Yo, My name is Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, Demon King, I would like to participate, who will be my opponent?]

Lancer [Although I Don't like the way you interrupted my fight, that flashy entrance of yours makes me want to wipe that smug of your Face]

Ryo [Hnn that would be good, Artoria you fight caster and her master, while I face my Senpai and His master]

Artoria [Senpai! is he ?]

Ryo [No, I told you I had two masters]

Artoria Went to the left to face both Caster and her master while Ryo went to the right to face Lancer and his master

Lancer [Oii, Why did you call me Senpai, did you perhaps ?]

Ryouto [Shishou Sends her regards, to honor her teaching, I won't use my magic or my ability to regenerate]

Lancer got pissed of after hearing Ryo's words and said

Lancer [Are you underestimating me ? Blondie!]

Ryo [No, I wish to test myself, I wish to know who is the best spear man between us, now tell me, Cú Chulainn will your master be joining us ?]

Lancer [No, this is between us, Come Blondie, Time to see who is the best student is, Let Shishou be our witness, Aghh]

And just like that the battle between two Students that want to prove their worth to Shishou was about to Start !



Name: Cú Chulainn

Age: Unknown

Race: Heroic Spirit 100%

Gender: Male

Class: Lancer

Affection: 50% Rival/Anger

World Class: Hero 55%


Strength: B++

Agility: A+

Endurance: C+

Luck: E

Mana: C+



Name: Medea

Age: Unknown

Race: Heroic Spirit 100%

Gender: Female

Class: Caster

Affection: 50% Enemy

World Class: Demon Noble 98%


Strength: E

Agility: C++

Endurance: D+

Luck: B

Mana: A++



We are 112th In the Ranking ,Lets go HIGHER !



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