
Family Reunion


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Ryo Looked at the Girl that just called out to him and, as if time stopped, he just kept staring at her, a young woman with violet hair, which she styles with a red-pink ribbon on the left side, and violet eyes, but it wasn't her beautiful appearance that captured his attention, it was what was under her body, a normal mage wouldn't be able to sense it, but due to his connection to magic, he can always sense it, in any form, even in the form that this girl's magic took

Rider who was in the ground immediately jumped to protect the girl

Ryo noticing this stopped caring about Shinji and said

Ryo [Who are you?]

Rin [Her name is Sakura Matou, the real heir of the Matou family]

Noticing the weird look Sakura had, Ryo used his Appraisal to see who she was


Name: Sakura (Matou) Tohsaka

Age: 16

Race: Human 100% (Corrupted 70%)

Gender: Female

Class: None

Affection: 50% neutral

World Class: Level 8


Strength: E

Agility: E

Endurance: E

Mana: EX


Ryo didn't mind the EX Mana rank and looked at her name, she was a Tohsaka, or at least she was one

Ryo [Sakura Tohsaka, You two are sisters?]

Rin [How did y…]

Shinji [Rider, Save me now !]

Annoyed by Shinji, Ryo kicked him in the guts and told him to shut up

Sakura[Stop, Please don't hurt him]

Ryo [Why? Why are you defending this vile creature ?]

Sakura [He is my brother]

Ryo [That isn't an excuse]

Sakura [I know! but if you hurt him, than he will harm you]

Ryo [Who? the old man that has been creeping around here?]

Hearing Ryo mention the old man that made her life hell, Sakura gasped and watched as a Group of bugs formed an image of an old man until he actually manifested, cane in hand

The old man [Khkhkh, Arrogant servant, it's a surprise that the Tohsaka heir

Has managed to summon two servants, Khkhkh, Well that is unfortunate for you, you will die , NOW ASSASSIN]

From a Shadow behind Ryo a Clocked figure with a White mask attacked Ryo with a shining Red hand, and Although Artoria tried to rush and help Ryo, it was Too late as the man's Hand pierced Ryo's heart and crushed it

Assassin {★Zabaniya★}

Ryo bled from his mouth as he looked shocked at the old man, the old man came close to Ryo's body and poked it with his cane

The old man [Khkhkh, Servants always underestimate, people from our era, khkhkh]


Rin [Ryouto!]

Shinji [You get what you fucking deserve you filthy shitty Servant !]

Artoria tried to attack Assassin, but before she could do anything, she and everyone in the vicinity was shocked

Ryo Turned around and grabbed Assassin from the head and slammed him to the ground so hard that assassin's head cracked, and he simply vanished dying in a mere second

He then looked at the old man and said

Ryo [Zouken Matou, you made a mistake, you should have stayed hidden]

Ryo looked at the wound in his chest and noticed that it has started to regenerate

Shinji [He.... he is a Monster, his heart is fixing itself]

Zouken tried to turn into a bunch of bugs to escape but Ryo simply used a magic spell most efficient against bugs

Ryo {Burn in hell, you filthy old man


Using a Level 12 fire Grimoire Ryo attacked Zouken with a Black flame, instead of a flame it is better to call it a curse as this flame burns infinitely, and the only way to dispose of it is to be capable of Curse breaking spell of a higher degree than the original user

This flame will not Kill Zouken, but the pain will never stop, and even though Zouken escaped, he can never dispel it so he will writhe in agony for a day or two until he dies mentally and then Physically

Ryo then looked at Sakura and Shinji

Ryo [Tell me Sakura Matou, why are you tainted?]

Sakura was about to answer, she was about to say that she is not tainted and that this was her family's mage ways, but surprising everyone, it was Rider who answered Ryo's Questions

The silent woman, who only did her job of protecting her master, spoke, she was afraid of Zouken, so she couldn't ever truly help Sakura, but due to her seeing how Ryo's heart was destroyed yet he was still walking, and the fact that he managed to defeat Zouken Matou easily, she wanted to get his help, she could tell he wasn't a bad person, as if he was, they would already be Dead

Rider [She was forced into this, by the man you burnt, she had no choice, please do not hate her, for what she was forced to become, please protect her, I will serve you, for my entire life if you do!]

Sakura [Rider …]

Hearing Rider's words Shinji was about to smack her while saying

Shinji [You traitorous Bitch, I will … eh…..Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

Before his hand reach Rider's face, Shinji's hand was already Cut

Ryo [I will help, you both, However, this scum dies]

Sakura [He… he is scum, but I still think that he is my brother, he was forced into his situation, knowing that he has no talent, he was led to darkness]

Ryo [I don't care, I grew up in a Castle with more than five siblings, and even though I was always in the spot light, they never betrayed or got angry at me, it is his fault, he chose the dark side, you're a good girl Sakura Matou, but the things you had to endure are unforgivable, if you are too kind to take revenge, Than I as the King will do so myself]

To not traumatize Sakura, Ryo teleported Shinji to another location, and cut his head, and even though he felt that this man deserved more than simple Death he couldn't really judge someone not part of his world or Kingdom, so he Killed him and Ryo didn't have time to torture him so, Death was the best option

Coming back to the forest behind the school Ryo noticed the tension between the sisters and said

Ryo [*sigh* I suppose this was a bit too forced, Sakura, Rider, come with us]

Rin [Ryo, I allowed Semiramis, but not her, she is an enemy]

Ryo [She clearly isn't, don't be blinded by your family traditions, this is your sister]

Rin [she isn't, she is the Matou family Heir, Saber, defeat Rider]

Artoria tightened her grip on her swords and launched herself attacking Rider, however she was met by Ryo's blade

Artoria stepped back and waited for her master's instruction

Ryo [Rin… do you wish to be my enemy? these two are under my protection, I won't hesitate to kill anyone who attacks someone that I Chose to protect]

Sakura [Rin, I am sorry for not being a good sister, I…I]

Rin looked at her sister, she felt immense emotional pain in her heart, she has always been distant to Sakura, she believed that it was the best way, but she would be lying to herself if she says that she doesn't miss or love her sister, this was her way of hardening her heart, but in the end, she couldn't do anything, she is helpless, no matter how hard she tried to spin it, Sakura was and will always be her little sister

Rin [*Sigh* it's not you Sakura, it's my fault, I am the one at fault here, I always treated you terribly, gosh am such a terrible sister]

Sakura [No Rin, it's not your fault, I wasn't trying hard to talk too myself, I]

Ryo [Alright, Alright, it's none of your faults, it's your father who was in the wrong, not sure if I should blame him ? so it's up to you two, come Sakura, let's go back to your old home]

Rin "muttering to herself" [Yeah, because you are allowed to invite people to my manor *sigh*]

Going back to the Tohsaka Manor, Ryo watched as Sakura was reminiscing about her old living place, she then looked at the door under the stairs and said

Sakura [Rin and I used to play hide and seek a lot, and this was my perfect hiding place, she could never find me]

Rin [What? No, I always knew where you hid, I just pretended not to, Hmph]

Ryo [This is nice, you two are getting along, I thought that the wound is deeper than this]

Sakura [We always liked each other, but the thing with mage families is that we are always enemies]

Semiramis came down from the stairs and noticed the new servant and master duo and said

Semiramis [Is this a servant shelter ?]

Rin [you are one to talk]

Semiramis [Hmph, master, said that he likes me the most, so I might as well own this place]

Ryo [Never said that,

Come Semiramis, this is Sakura, Rin's sister, she has more right than both you and me to be here, and this is Rider, her servant]

Semiramis [Hmph, whatever]

Ryo [Sorry about her, Sakura, Rider, this is Assassin, Semiramis my servant]

Sakura [Nice to meet you, Samiramis]

Rider […]

Ryo [Now then, since that's out of the way, can we all relax?]

Everyone then went to the living room, Rin looked around her and said

Rin [Ryouto, we have three servants, here, and one that has left, we can't keep sheltering servants, we know that the original Assassin is dead, so what's left]

Ryo [Well, we know who the grail Rider is, Achilles, as for the Grail caster it is Mephistopheles, the Normal Berserker, is Heracles, the Original caster is in the temple in the city hills, I can sense he or she's workshop, Lancer, is Probably the servant of the priest, which means the servant that we truly don't know are, Grail Saber, Grail Archer, Grail Lancer and Grail Berserker]

Rin [Then tonight, we attack the caster, we have the location, Ryuudou Temple is close to her so it's time to start attacking, instead of fooling around]

Ryo [Sure, but before that I will have to ask, Rider, what is your wish for the grail?]

Rider, that was hiding her eyes using blindfold looked at his direction and said

Rider [I have no particular wish to the grail other than the safety of Sakura]

Ryo [Then are you comfortable with revealing your true name?]

Sakura [Rider, if you don't want to then...]

Rider [No, I'm okay with it, he saved your life, so I will tell him, my name is Medusa, the youngest of the three gorgon sisters]

Medusa then removed her blind fold to show her, beautiful purple eyes, Ryo noticed Medusa turn her head in shame, so he smiled and said

Ryo [Their beautiful, nothing to be ashamed of]

Rin seeing that Medusa Blushed because of Ryo's words, got a bit annoyed and

Rin [Enough flirting, should we go now?]

Ryo [No, it will take two hours to take care of Sakura, so Let's go to Ryuudou temple in the next three, Come Sakura, I want you to come to my room]

Artoria [Ryouto! you can't just take a girl to your room like that !]

Rin [What the hell do you want to do to Sakura?]

Medusa moved to protect Sakura, but it was Sakura herself that said

Sakura [Yes I will come with you King Ryouto]

Semiramis [Master! how can you go after another girl when I'm here?]

Ryo [Will you all Relax ? I am an Engaged man you know, even if I am engaged to two girls I won't go after helpless girls, what do you take me for, I'm taking Sakura to my room to help her in something personal, so stop with the weird looks, OK]

Rin/Artoria [Two!]

Semiramis [You Are engaged!]

Medusa [I will come with her]

Ryo [that's up to her, not me]

Sakura [Rider, is already like family to me so it's OK]

Ryo [Good then follow me]

Ryo went up the stairs to his room, Sakura, and Medusa then went in, when Sakura sat down on the bed he said

Ryo [I need you to remove all your clothes and to lay down, the process won't be painful, but you will feel them as they leave your body, I never asked if you want to remove them, but I can tell that you do]

Sakura [Thank you for helping an impure girl like me King Ryouto, I am sorry that you get to see me like this King Ryouto]

Sakura then started to undress, when she removed all her clothes, she laid down and said

Sakura [I know that it's disrespectful for a girl that was defiled to stand in front of a king, so I apologize for that again]

Ryo [The worms inside your body have already conquered your nervous system, so removing them would mean your death, but if you allow it, I can give you a part of my own regeneration to save you, this would usually be Impossible, but due to my Mixed race traits I can place it inside you, however this would mean that your life would be tied to me, meaning that you have to come with be back to my own world, when this is over as the regeneration is part of my Grimoire, and the only way for you to have this Grimoire is if I die]

Sakura [I am okay with it King Ryouto, I shall serve you for the rest of my life, if it means I get to get rid of the things inside of me]

Ryo [then let's start]

Ryo placed his hand above Sakura's womb where the Matou family Crest was and transformed into his Gluttony form

(A/N I just released the Battle of Heroes Chapter on Patréon, Check it out if you want to read earlier on


Also, Thank you all for Voting, Lets, Keep it up, and Go further than we are ! )

If you wish to read more, then check out my Patréon



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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