
The King’s Mistress by Bella G.

Trouble is brewing in the kingdom of Madea. Lady Molly is called to court. She is to be the mistress of King Lucas. Enraged and with child, Queen Gemma calls for Lady Molly's head.

BellaJade · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


Molly is taking a stroll through the gardens alongside her guardsman, assigned by her father to keep her protected whilst he was at home. They speak quietly as they walk as to not let others interfere with the discrete matters they were discussing: her matters with the king. Molly was doing her best to learn about the new town of the kingdom that she now found herself in. Everyone around her was a stranger. The King has allowed Molly to choose two handmaidens to take care of her, while she maintains the position of Mistress. Molly had chosen two women who had previously worked as The King's handmaidens, before she was wed off: Tamara and Robin. She was to meet them later.

"Do tell, what life is like here?"

Her guardsman, Thomas, smiles.

" It is not unlike most places I suppose, my lady. There are farms to the east and ships to the south."

Molly nods, in full understanding.

" I mean at court, sir."

Thomas, confused, turns toward her.

" You have been at court for a stretch have you not?"

" That is no true way to measure what my future shall hold."

Thomas considers this, knowing he cannot say much.

"Court gathers at mid day and end. There is council, the King handles the matters of his kingdom and end of day is full of dancing and pleasure."

Molly turns to him, eyebrow raised, slight grin on her face.

"Pleasure?" She asks somewhat teasingly

"Yes my lady."

Thomas turns, looking towards the sun in the sky. The two then turn heads when somewhere off in the distance, the sound of bells chiming can be heard. Molly unsure of what this means, looks to Thomas who explains that it is time to gather at court.