
The King’s Mistress by Bella G.

Trouble is brewing in the kingdom of Madea. Lady Molly is called to court. She is to be the mistress of King Lucas. Enraged and with child, Queen Gemma calls for Lady Molly's head.

BellaJade · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Molly curtseys to her dance partner.

The music ends and she makes her way off of the dance area towards the table to fill her cup with wine. Once again she is standing in the ballroom enjoying the luxury of the royals and rich. King Lucas who had been sitting quietly chatting amongst those beside him, spent most of the evening observing the joy around him. The crowd turns their heads as he clears his throat, tapping his spoon on the cup he drank from. The music cuts. The room quiets as everyone turns their attention towards him. Looking around, the King beams with happiness, it seemed.

" Ladies, and gentlemen of Madea not only is today a great day as the storms have passed, but it is also a day of celebration. Sir Isaac, if you would step forward please."

A nobleman standing in the middle of the room weaves his way through the crowd to make his way towards the King. Taking a knee, he bows his head. On cue, a squire steps forward with the scroll, marking the same stamp that Molly's letter had. King Lucas thanks the young man, takes the scroll, breaking the seal, and unrolling the entirety of it.

" As King and Commander of the Medea Empire, it is my joy to bestow this upon you today. I hereby announce you Duke of Eril. This title shall pass to your future children as well as the estates. Congratulations my friend. You may rise."