
The Interwoven Fates

Alqatil, a kind but poor young man, is stabbed to death while trying to defend a woman from her violent ex-boyfriend. However, instead of going to heaven or hell, he is reborn in an unknown world, where he will have to discover his purpose and destiny. In his new life, he will face dangers, mysteries and secrets that will test his will and character. Will Alqatil be able to take advantage of his second chance and find happiness? Or will he repeat the same mistakes that led to his death.

Leo_Rexar · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

**Alqatil, the revenant**

[People who speak Spanish do not stay in this book because it is only for people who speak English if you want to read this book look at it in my profile there is this the Spanish version of my story]

In one of the main places of the city x, a child was with his parents going for a walk, but in some unforeseen moment of the parents, the child got lost in the crowd. The parents, very exasperated, start shouting and looking for him with no apparent result, but out of the crowd comes a shout.

"Gentlemen, this is your son!" Out of the crowd rises a normal young man, not so handsome, but not ugly either. What is noticeable about him is his height, standing out from the crowd, and especially his tar-black eyes, impossible to see their depth.

"Thank goodness, Frederick. You had us so worried. Don't let this happen again, did you hear me?", Frederick, eyes downward, replies, "Yes, I understand."

"Thank you very much, young man," Alice, with a look of gratitude, speaks to him.

"No problem, ma'am. It was my pleasure." The young man, without another word, starts to walk away with a smile on his face.

This young man, named Alqatil, on his way home, reflects on this day and, thinking of all the great deeds committed today, smiles happily and feeling accomplished. He goes home.

But on the way she remembers the rent payment, but she has no money, so she goes to an ATM, but off to the side she sees some people fighting and, gossiping, she walks over.

"Damn, how hard is it to make you understand it was a job, woman?" The man frowns. "Damn it, John, you cheating on me is a job to you? Leave me alone. I never want to see you again." With tears in her eyes, the woman replies. "Tch, sapa. How dare you leave me?" Greedily, he slaps her and starts kissing her.

The woman tries to resist, scratches his face, but that only inflames the man, who breaks away from her and kicks her and kisses her again. The lady, in distress, screams, but there is no one around to manage to help her, except.... "Hey, man, stop doing that. I don't want to call the cops on this." Alqatil comes to the rescue.

"Hey, a child shouldn't get involved in adult affairs. Beat it and I'll give you some face." John looks at him with a look of pride.

"Hey, you're starting to piss me off. Leave her alone." Alqatil, with a hostile look, responds.

In the middle of those words, the woman runs off and the man tries to chase her, but Alqatil stops him.

"Damn it, well I'm going to kill you." John angrily pulls out a knife.

"Hey, take it easy. We can settle this by talking." Alqatil tries to appease the man.

But to no apparent avail, the man runs toward him. Alqatil, ready to run, gets distracted by some people looking at him and feels something piercing his skin, feels muscles tearing and a lung being pierced, falls to the ground and sees blood pouring out of his body, turns and sees the man running.

He feels his body heavy, his eyes heavy, he feels how the air gets heavier, he starts to die slowly and begins to feel a tingling, a pain arises from his soul, but the blood gives no peace, it starts to come out of his nose and mouth, he chokes and gives no chance to scream, only bubbles and babbles come out. Alqatil closes his eyes, waiting for his end, he feels people around him, but he doesn't care, he only wants to go to sleep and, after a while, he no longer feels the ground, he no longer feels the air around him, he stops feeling the taste of his blood, he stops hearing and smelling, finally he is blinded, he can no longer see anything, not even the black of his eyelid, he sees nothing and, finally, he only feels his heart, tucun, tucun, tucun, tucun... Darkness envelops Alqatil's eyes and the air is heavy, his body does not move and he feels walls around him.

"Where am I? Where i meeting ñ?" He sensed it, but still he could not believe it. He was reborn. "Who knows how long I've been here? But I've seen the air become lighter, I feel myself stop floating and feel a suction to the outside, hands touch me and I feel them directing me towards an exit, the pressure hurts me and I feel like crying from the pain and the cold outside.

"Congratulations, Abigail Rosenov you got a very cute baby boy" an old lady speaks to a lady with blonde hair, green eyes and a diamond like smile as she hands her the baby wrapped in blankets.

"Thank you, my son, my precious Alqatil" she smiles and goes about closing her eyes sleepily.

'Wow my mother sure is cute, too bad she is so sleepy' the child drifts off to sleep unaware that there is someone about to enter.

///////// 2 years //////////

I have discovered many things, like it is a world of crop, with empires, and I am their fourth prince, the fourth in line of succession, the empire apparently is Zalos, and my name is Alqatil zolenos' as he closes his eyes he discovers something, an icon on the right side of his retina.

"It seems that here is my golden finger, how do I activate it, system, status, magic, window, statistics, store" he keeps trying without any results until he falls asleep.

"It seems that this golden finger is crap, it does nothing, just hinders the view" while he is angry about yesterday he hears footsteps.

"Perhaps it's one of the maids, I don't think they have heavy footsteps, maybe it will be" as he thinks about who it could be, the door opens and a man enters with such a great presence that fills the room, a presence that makes everyone kneel, with black hair like oil and blue eyes with flames and souls coming out of them with an ocean of blood.

"ἀποβλήτη" the man stares into Alqatil's eyes and draws his sword, pointing it at him.

"What the hell is he doing, pointing a sword at his son, he's sick" tears start coming out of his eyes and the man sheathes his sword and walks away.

"Dammit, he's crazy" at that moment a sensation overcomes him, one so satisfying and a notice appears before his eyes.

[¥€√kd@k, welcomes you, I hope to have your support, please choose a system you need, there are many of them].

"Finally, it's here, I thought it was an illusion, but this choosing a system thing is new, and who is this ¥€√kd)@k, I can't say, how weird, but then what is the list" he reflects and a list appears before his eyes.


1 Blood system

2 Incubus system

3 Soul system

4 Rune system

5 Placage system]

"Wow, there aren't many systems here. So I just choose one and that's it. Well, let's go with a good one, a harem one, or what else." He didn't hesitate much and chose a system.

[The final villain system has been activated]

'What is this shit? I didn't choose this system.'

'I hope this system isn't bad at all, although the name doesn't give me confidence.'

[The status is deactivated. Complete a mission and unlock it.]

"That's very new, but what will that mission be? I hope it's not too difficult."

[The villain system is based on completing missions and unlocking rewards.


Prove that you are a villain and do not back down from questionable acts.

1 Successfully kill a maid.


Status unlocked.]

"Shit, this is extreme. I thought it was going to be something that would humiliate the protagonist. I hope you'll forgive me, God, but I want to see this state. By the way, system, is this a novel or a new world?"

[Report, this world is called Tutorial82847200zzz, also known as (He rises immortal with his wives)]

"So, I reincarnated into that novel. What bad luck. Well, what can you do. Let's go for those missions, they might not even be real." So, how will I kill a maid with this body?"

///////// 5 Days //////////

"It's time to set the plan in motion. This will really hurt." A maid entered with food and started serving it to Alqatil, but he threw a fork to the ground and she dropped the knife.

It began.

Alqatil grabbed the knife and stabbed her in the stomach, where she began to cry and scream. The maid noticed and metallic steps were heard. Five guards entered the scene, observing what was happening, they captured the maid and magically healed Alqatil. This all happened in three seconds.

///////// 2 Days /////////

"It was concluded that she was a murderer, so she would be decapitated and her head would be hung outside the castle along with her entire family." Angry screams filled the air and a crowd was seen throwing stones and fruits at four people chained up.

These four people were the maid, her husband, and their eight-year-old children. The four of them were brought in front of the executioner, who chained them up and began listing charges.

"This family is accused of different crimes:

Tax evasion

Attempted murder

Assassination attempt against a prince

Food poisoning

Demon cultivator ...

"42 crimes have been listed for which they will be executed and put on spikes so that the spies know that we are not senile." With that done, he raised his voice and in a shout, EXECUTE THEM!, and the first axe fell and the father's head.

"Life is so unfair. I haven't committed any of the crimes. I am an honest and hardworking citizen. I have worked in all areas of life and here I am, about to be executed for something I didn't do." Her vacant stare turned to her children and in a whisper she said something.

Forgive me for being so useless.

Head cut off.


Head cut off.


Head cut off.


Hundreds of cheers and shouts of "murderers!" or "spies!" were heard. Meanwhile, in a certain castle...

"So, what do you say? Is the system valid for you?" Alqatil awaits a response while being breastfed by his mother.

[Successful mission.

Collateral damage: 58%

Ruined lives: 11

Increased reward.

Unlocked state.

+10 points in attributes.

Congratulations, host. You have proven to be a villain. Enjoy your rewards.]

"At last what a disgusting mission, state..." At that moment, he is impressed by what he sees.

[ -Name:

Alqatil Zolenos


2 years




Fate = 1000 (normal: 100) (protagonist: 1000+) (heroine: 1000+)


State level 1 (this skill will display more attributes and concepts the more it is used)]
