
The informant

A man enters the world of his favourite manga. One piece. Will he become a Pirate? No. A marine? No. A revolutionary. No. He will use his knowledge of the past and the future to sell information and make a name for himself in the underworld of one piece.

Random_Author · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs


"I need a way to get to god valley." The group were sitting around a table and playing a game of cards.

"That won't come cheap, Rocks. God valley is the resting place of the Tenryūbito. I'll have to go there myself to even find schedules for guards and not get caught." He placed down a 3 of spades.

"Things like guards schedules do not matter to us, Mamama." Charlotte Linlin said. Big mom was looking much different than the fat woman that she was known as. She was curvy and quite attractive.

"What do you plan to do there? The only thing I could think of doing at God valley is to rob the place, but I'm not stupid enough to do that."

"Are you calling me stupid brat? There's a great treasure that resides in God valley and I plan to take it."

Rocks wasn't as evil as Hisoka thought he'd be. They enjoyed a game of cards and spoke like true business partners.

"I'm not interested in that. How long do you need?

"We plan to go there in two years. We'll also need a marine schedule of that day."

"Marine schedule? Why do you need that? You're attacking God valley, all 3 marine admirals will probably show up and probably CP0 if they aren't already on the island."

"We have a plan for that, Wahahaha. I may not look it but I'm a man with a vision and a plan!" He laughed.

"I don't doubt that for one second." Hisoka knew how the entirety of the god valley incident would go so he was in a sense scamming the strongest pirate in the world currently

"Takeuchi Hisoka, you interest me. Join my crew! Someone like you would fit perfectly on my crew." He announced.

"I'll have to decline. My goals do not include becoming a wanted criminal."

"I'm a man who doesn't take no for answer. If you can defeat my apprentice pirate here, I'll accept your choice and let you leave, however, if you lose you must join my crew."

"Apprentice," He looked over at Kaido and understood. "If I win I want a favour from every single member of your crew." He knew what kind of pirates Big mom, Shiki, Whitebeard and Kaido would become.

"You can decline this if you want but You'll have to join my crew, Kaido isn't someone to hold back on his opponents. He's a real monster." He praised.

"I think you're underestimating me Rocks."

"Maybe you're just overconfident."

Hisoka didn't say anything about Rock's comment. He stood up and they all walked out.

Kaido had a smile on his face the entire walk. He finally had a chance to get a possible promotion out of a mere apprentice pirate. He had to win 1000 fights and he was currently on 890 wins and 0 losses. He was a monster if there ever was one.

The two opponents face each other down.

"I assume this isn't a deathmatch. I don't know how I'd feel killing a kid." Kaido was 17 right now, so he was younger than Hisoka who 22 currently.

"Of course not. Let's do first blood. The use of weapons is prohibited however any devil fruits are allowed to be used." He set out.

"Worororo." Kaido threw his club across the floor and got ready to fight.

Hisoka just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. He didn't care that about the fact that he had to fight Kaido, what he did care about was Rock's coming to his Island unannounced and pitting him against his apprentice pirate.

The two opponents stared each other down and it was Kaido who made the first move.

A small yellow cloud appeared behind him and he placed his right foot on it and used it as a sort of spring to from.

Kaido reeled his fist back, gaining momentum from the jump, and when he was within distance of Hisoka he threw his fist forward aiming straight for his head.

Before the fist could connect with Hisoka's head he raised his hand and caught it. A shockwave was sent behind both of them showing just how powerful the attack.

"So this is the distance between us." Hisoka coated his leg with khaki and kicked Kaido in the gut sending him back to where he started. Hisoka was much stronger than Kaido than he thought. Although he hadn't used his devil fruit yet Kaido felt like a disappointment from that small scuffle.

From where kaido had landed a massive ball of heat came out and the weather around his body had morphed into dark clouds and coldness. His body was now covered in scales and instead of Fingers, he had yellow claws.

A wave of water emerged from thin air and hit the ball of fire. Steam lingered through the battlefield and Hisoka took advantage of that. He imagined a copy of himself in the position he was before and he flanked around behind Kaido.

While he would like to see Kaidos full dragon form he had to keep up his appearance as a ruthless person and he didn't want to drag on the fight that long. He used his Haki to see Kaido going to pounce for the clones heart with his claws, Hisoka took his chance to end the fight.

The two of them raised their hands and the air between them became a vacuum of space. Kaido had lost. Due to the rapid decompression caused by the difference in air pressure, Kaido's internal organs were being forced outside fo his body and his blood was boiling, of course, Hisoka stopped before he could die. But he wanted to make an example out of him.

The steam cleared and the Rocks pirates were shocked. This all happened within seconds. From their point of view, they saw Kaido go into the mist and a second later they saw a bloody and beaten person. His eyes were bloodshot and his breathing was rapid.

"Wahahaha, I guess I did underestimate you." He didn't sound angry but Hisoka could tell that it was all a facade. Rocks was pissed.

"Maybe I roughed him up too bad, well that ends that problem. Now let's get onto the deal. This will be a life debt, I can ask for anything and It'll happen."

"And what If we refuse?" The golden lion Shiki asked.

"That's a stupid question. It's a life debt figure it out." He didn't have time for stupid questions.

"That means you'll have a means of killing us then, Kaido is a mere apprentice pirate." Whang Zhi said confidently.

The air around Whang Zhi disappeared and he fell to his knees.

"I told you, don't underestimate me."

"Well would you look at the time, it's time for us to leave." Rocks said while looking at his imaginary watch.

Hisoka didn't really care that Rock's wanted to leave. "I wish you all the best on your journeys Rocks."

Kaidos unbeaten record had been tainted. 890 wins and 1 loss.

Sorry for the wait, I've had so much on my plate this week and I haven't been able to upload.

Hope you like it.

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