

My purse fell to the floor. I tried to regain my composure but it wasn't happening. We just stood there staring at each other. He looked in his element. Black v-neck hugging his muscular chest, leather jacket and dirty gray jeans. He looked as handsome as always. Then my phone rang and cut through silence. I picked up my purse,took the device and answered it,turning my back to the intruder. "Hello?Alex.”

"I'm sorry gorgeous but I'll have to bail."

"What? Why?"

"I'd forgotten, me and Trevor had that guys night together."

"Oh,yeah. It's okay you have fun."

"I'll make it up to you tomorrow, I promise."


I hung up and threw my phone on my bed. "So I'm guessing, you are staying in, huh?" I had him say and I turned to see him and he was grinning cheekily at me, "What the heck are you doing here Jayden? How did you know where I went to school? Who the fuck told you where my room is?" He just smirked at me and approached me. "I tracked you down. After seeing you outside the movies, I knew you were still around," he brought his hand to my cheek and caressed it gently. I yanked it roughly and pushed him away. "What do you want?" I couldn't believe myself. Was I actually indulging him?.

"Isn't it obvious Sammy? I want you back," I scoffed, not really believing what I was hearing. "I'm serious, I want you back and I will have you back," he isn't even apologizing for what he did. I just saw him last Friday with that slut. "What about Cassandra?" great, now I sound like I'm considering it. "Cassandra was a huge mistake, I broke up with her for you. I realized that she isn't you and besides, she and Smith have been hooking up behind my back all this while" I rolled my eyes. Smith was definitely eye candy but after Jayden asked me to be his girlfriend, I gave him all my attention and he stopped getting jealous of him. They even became friends ."Well, welcome to the club.” I walked over to my bed and sat down and he followed, taking my hand in his.

"Think about it Sammy, we were so good together. We made each other better. You were my Queen and I'm not talking about the fact that we were always king and queen at prom, no, I'm talking about the fact that you owned me;heart, mind, body and soul. I loved you Sammy, I still do. I know I promised to never hurt you but I did and I am so sorry. I am so sorry Sammy. Please, give me a chance to prove myself to you. I promise to make it up to you. Sammy I'm lost without you. Give me a chance to make things right." At this point I was crying. Jay cupped my cheeks and kissed me tenderly and slowly. He was saying everything I wanted to hear. Could I forgive him? No, I can't, won't. He cheated on me. He was cheating on me with my best friend, for how long? I don't know. None of them came clean, felt guilty. They didn't care. No I won't be fooled, not again.

I pulled away from the kiss and stood and started pacing the room pausing and shaking my head angrily. "No Jay.” "I'm sorry, what was that?" I stopped and faced him glaring daggers at him. "I said no, Jayden. No, I will not forgive you! You were the first boy I ever let into my heart and you cheated on me with my best friend for...... God knows how long. You hurt me so bad. You cut me so deep, so my answer is No. I will not give you a chance to do that to me again," I walked to the door with him still looking at me, obviously shocked by my rampage. I pulled the door and gestured for him to go through it "please leave."

He clenched his hands into fists and hit the bed and got up walking towards me. He looked so infuriated I felt scared of what he might do. The darkness in his eyes was not something to ignore. He stared me down hovering over me as he backed me up the door. His fist flew in the air and made contact with the door an inch away from my head and I shuddered closing my eyes. When did he become this violent. Was he going to hit me? Tears flew freely down my already wet cheeks as I trembled under him. "Damn it Sammy!" he hit the door on the other side centimeters from my head "I said I'm sorry, now stop being a brat and get with me already. You know you missed me," he lifted me up and threw me onto Hailey's bed which was nearest to the door. "I'm really trying here," he picked me up again and threw me on mine. "But if you insist I guess I'll have to do it the hard way.” He straddled me and kissed my neck roughly biting down on it and it was anything but pleasurable. I tried to push him off and he tore away from me giving me a heavy slap on my right cheek. I could feel it throb from the impact and I knew if I don't defend myself he will really hurt me. Just as I was trying to retaliate his body was flung across the room and a figure was on top of him punching away. I tried to see who it was but I couldn't. The tears in my eyes and the pain had blurred my vision.

I closed my eyes and lay there still. Taking in the events of the last 30 minutes. "If you want to keep yourself intact, I'd suggest you leave and never bother her again or else I'll have to make myself clearer." There was silence for a while then, "you will be mine again soon enough Sammy. You belong to me and to me alone.” " Get the fuck out man," then I heard the door slam. Moments later two masculine arms were wrapped around me. That scent, it's so familiar. But my brain is on override to process anything.

“Did he hurt you?" I shook my head no. "You are lying, I can see how swollen your cheek is and the scratches and bruises on your neck make it more obvious," I felt tears roll down my cheeks once more but I was too tired to move or even open my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. Come on, get some rest," he lifted the quilt from under me and tucked me in. He tucked strands of my hair and caressed my cheek. The one he claimed was swollen. "I'm so sorry. I promise to never let anyone hurt you ever again," he kissed it and brought the quilt over my head. "Get some rest." I whispered a thank you as I heard him lock the door and turn off the lights. I guess he wanted to watch over me. After a bit more crying I let the darkness take over.