
The Kingdom of Sa Er (3)

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

"Your Highness, your sentiments are much appreciated by everyone, but you must be more careful. There are some words which are better off not spoken out loud." The guard had no choice but to caution him.

Long Xi frowned. "None of our current officials dare to speak up. If Chi Tong was still around…"

"Your Highness!" The guard's face changed the moment he heard the name Chi Tong.

Long Xi also looked like he just realized something. He gritted his teeth as he swallowed his unfinished words. One of his hands was resting on the handle of his chair and without batting an eyelid, he cracked the wooden handle.

"If Chi Tong was still around and saw you doing your best to help the citizens, he would be very proud."

The amused voice of a female suddenly rang out.

Long Xi instantly stood up and looked around. His guard remained beside him, his face fully vigilant.

A petite figure strolled out leisurely from the back part of the room.