
The System Destroying Trump Card!

The two Team's first trials on the simulated battles ended with Team ARES' victory.

Unfortunately, The Kingdom Defense Mode was still unavailable at that time, thus, the two teams had a Direct Combat Mode instead in a simulated open field.

It was not an instant victory for Team ARES though.

Meen's non-stop barrage of arrows gave them a difficult time closing the distance between the two teams after being spawned.

In fact, if everyone in Team ARES were not moving faster than an ordinary player and they were not wearing decent full-body armors, there was even a chance that one of them—from Team ARES, would have been killed as they were just charging towards the location of Team Oran Gutan.

Add up the specialized formation that the Team Oran Gutan were testing against Team ARES, they were even able to hold off their defeat for several minutes.