
Evading the Dragon's Breath by a Hair's Breadth!

Lony, Roval, and Yojiro fought an endless amount of mountain wolves to the point that they were not even able to advance forward to the direction where Arvedar flew earlier. At this point, Lony and Roval switched places with Yojiro because they were not able to handle the overwhelming number of mountain wolves that were rushing from Woba Mountain and the Western Forest. 

Yojiro took the front, while Lony and Roval cleaned up the rest. That said, after every wind blade that Yojiro made, another batch of mountain wolves appeared and charged towards them. 

"Let's fall back!" Yojiro cried as he swung his sword and sent a wind blade, killing tens of mountain wolves in just a matter of seconds.

Lony and Roval, who were in their mountain wolf form, glanced towards Yojiro after tearing the head of a mountain wolf, each, from its body. Then, they dropped it to the ground and starred towards Yojiro before they slightly nod.