
what am I

Stepping away from Jane, I crossed my arms, and tapped my foot, as she sat up, and looked up at me and Julius, her eyes blood red, and the snarl on her face farel.

"OH, would you relax, we're not going to hurt you." I say, the bitterness clear in my voice.

"Who are you, the both of you." She practically yells out.

Causing her to cover her ears at her loud voice.

"What is happening to me" she says loudly, just not a scream like before.

I look over at Julius with a raised eyebrow.

"You should tell her," I say, gesturing with my hands at Jane.

"Why should I do it, you are the one that told me to change her,"

Holding the bridge of my nose I let out a long sigh.

"Fine" I say, annoyed.

Looking back down at Jane who was still sitting on the floor, I say.

"Could you stand up, I need to clean up the mess you made out of my favorite chair." I said while waving a shewing hand at her.

Jane looked down, at the pieces scattered around, that used to be my chair, then back up at me.

"What happened to me?" Jane said, ignoring my request.

I sighed again.

"When did people start to get so annoying?" I mumbled under my breath, but forgot that no matter how softly I spoke, both Jane and Julius could still hear me.

"Adam, you can't blame her, she has no idea of what has happened to her, it's only natural that she would be confused and afraid." Julius said, from behind me and to my left.

I took in a deep breath and held it for a few moments, before puffing it back out.

"You're right, I'm just upset about my chair." I said, turning my head to look at julius.

Turning back to Jane, I crouched down and looked her in the eyes.

"First, what's your name?" I asked in my best customer service voice, even though I knew what her name was I didn't want to magically know her name and make Julius suspicious of me, which I constantly have to do nowadays, because i constantly forget that julius might look like a 17 year old, but in reality he's almost five hundred years old, and had a knack for picking up on my words.

After the split second it took me to run that through my mind I came back to reality just in time for Jane to speak.

"My name is Jane," she said, now seeming to have calmed down a little.

Putting my hand out I say.

"Hello Jane, my name is Adam Grey." I say, with a small smile on my face.

Tentatively, Jane puts her hand in mine, and we shake.

Pointing over my shoulder at Julius I say.

"And he is julius."

As we shake hands I see Jane's eyes move from my eyes to my neck, where she stares at the pulse on my neck, causing her to open her mouth and move closer to me, instinctually.

Using my free hand, I bring it up in front of her face and snap my fingers a few times, to break her out of her bloodlust stuper.

Blinking a few times, she looked back up at me, as we removed our hands.

"Before anything, you need to feed." I say standing to my feet.

Looking over to Julius I ask him.

"You should lead us to your normal hunting grounds, and away from any people, the last thing we need is for her to go after some lost villagers." I say as I walk towards the door.

As I reached the door, I looked back over my shoulder, and saw Julius help Jane to her feet, the both of them staring into each other's eyes.

His mix of gold and crimson red and her pure blood red.

Turning around to face them, I Clap my hands together, laud enough to break them from each other's stare.

"Let's get a move on," I said briskly.

"I would like to get her back before daybreak." I say, staring at julius.

'Last thing she needs is to run into a regular human, and for her to get a taste for human blood.' I thought, as I turned back to the door, and opened it.

Stepping outside, I looked up and at the night sky, as Julius and Jane stepped out after me.

"What is this pain in my throat?" Jane asked, as she put a hand to her neck.

Before I could speak, Julius cut me off.

"It's your thirst," he said.

Looking down I looked at julius.

"What happened to 'you told me to change her so she's your responsibility'." I asked julius.

Julius just shrugged his shoulders, and smiled at me.

"My thirst?" Jane asked.

"Yes, you need blood." Julius said as he looked down at Jane.

"Blood" Jane asked, with furrowed brows.

"Yes blood," Julius said, not explaining more.

"We will explain everything after you feed, it will help focus you, and keep you from being distracted while we explain everything to you." I say, turning to julius.

"Which way?" I asked him.

Julius pointed north.

"About a five minute run north, there is some thick woods that has a good number of deer and other animals."

"Good" I say, as I turn back to Jane, who was standing barefoot, next to julius.

I didn't even see her get close to him, when we came out she was at least three feet from him, but now was standing inches from his arm.

I stared at her for a moment, but decided not to say anything, and instead decided to just watch them closely.

Not that it was a bad thing, in fact if they became mates that would be great, but not this soon.

Because at the moment Jane was still in a sort of euphoria, from the human blood still in her system.

But as soon as she is out of it, she could be a completely different person.

Images of the cold, and uncaring version of Jane that was in the movie came to the front of my mind.

The one that hated humans with every fiber of her being.

'If Julius was her mate, he might be the counter weight for Jane, the one who keeps her on the right path' I thought.

I'm sure at the moment she hates humans for what they did to her and her brother, but not as much as was shown in the movies.

Because I'm sure, without a doubt, that the volturi helped add wood to her fire of hatred.

And hopefully, without their influence on her she might become a different person to the one in the movies.

All of these thoughts ran through my mind in seconds.

Breaking from them, I looked at julius.

"We will need to take it slow, she is still getting used to her new strength's." I say.

Looking at Jane, I say.

"You feel different don't you." I asked her.

Jane nodded her head at my question but didn't say anything.

"That's because of what we had to do to you, to keep you alive." I say gesturing to Me and Julius.

"I don't understand," Jane said, looking between me and Julius.

"That's understandable." I say with a chuckle.

My words and chuckle only caused Jane to furrow her brows.

"Jane…you are no longer human." I say, looking Jane in the eyes.

"What" she said.

"Have you noticed since you woke up that you no longer have a heartbeat, or a real need to breath." I asked her.

Jane froze for a moment, as she brought her hand up and placed it on her chest, in search of a beat, she wouldn't find.

"or how you were able to do what you did inside of my home." I continued.

"You ran through a wooden door, then in a blur of speed, you ran at me and destroyed my chair, which was made of thick wood, and you didn't even feel a thing." I added.

"Could a regular human do that?" I asked her.

Jane was frozen in place as the memories of what she did ran through her brain.

After a moment, she looked up at me and asked the most important question.

"Then what am I?" She asked.

With a smile on my face I say.

"A vampire".