
The Illusion Within

The discovery of a colossal alien artifact leads to the untimely demise of Arthur Lasley, However, the encounter also leads to him being sent into another world by the artifact. With the sleeping artifact constantly demanding energy from him, the fate of Arthur's adventure is bound to be wavy.

Boolean · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

The Trip

With his mind still on the note given by Derek, Arthur approached the weathered door of his apartment building. The midnight air was crisp, and the city's hum had dwindled to a whisper as he stepped into the deserted street. As he neared the door, he noticed the warm glow of several lights flickering in the windows above, a stark contrast to the ink-black sky.

Standing in front of the building, Arthur fumbled for his keychain in his pocket, his fingers brushing past coins and a crumpled receipt before finding the cluster of keys that jangled softly with each movement. Selecting the one that opened the outer door of the building, he felt the familiar cold and solid metal. The key turned with a satisfying click, and the door swung open with a metallic groan.

Entering inside, he quickly traversed the stairs, the echo of his footsteps mingling with the distant sound of a television from one of the lower floors. Reaching the 3rd floor, Arthur paused to examine the keychain under the dim light of the hallway. He swapped the building's entrance key for the smaller, brass one that unlocked his apartment door. Inserting it into the lock, he turned it, and the door made a soft clink sound, announcing his arrival to the empty space within.

Entering his apartment, the familiar scent of books mingled with a brisk draft that reminded Arthur he had left a window open that morning. The cool air carried the day's fatigue away for a moment, but it soon settled back into his bones, heavier than before.

Without bothering to change into pajamas or take his clothes off, Arthur collapsed onto his bed. The day's weariness enveloped him so fully that he fell asleep instantly, still dressed, atop the covers.


"trr trr.. trr trr.."

A subtle scratching noise stirred the silence of Arthur's room, as if delicate fingers were tracing patterns on his door.

Arthur's body twisted in the bed, the bedsheet crumpling and shifting below him, a soft rustling accompanying his movements. His eyes fluttered open, heavy with sleep. His mind was a foggy haze, thoughts slow and blurred as he tried to make sense of the disturbance. As seconds ticked by, the fog began to lift, and he realised who, or more specifically what, was making the sound.

He rose and opened his bedroom door to find a dark, fluffy tabby cat sitting patiently on the threshold. The cat's blue eyes glimmered in the faint light, a stark contrast to her black and tabby-striped fur. Her tail, a plume of fluff, swayed gently, and her coat seemed to ripple with a life of its own, soft and inviting.

"Meow," the cat voiced, a polite request for attention.

"Good morning, Luna," Arthur greeted, his voice warm with affection. He bent down, hands enveloping Luna's head, fingers sinking into the plush fur, eliciting a contented purr from the depths of her throat.

The cat seemed accustomed to this morning ritual and leaned into the touch, rubbing its face onto Arthur's hands with a purring contentment. As he stroked her soft fur, a wave of tranquility washed over him, the rhythmic purring vibrating gently through his palms, seemingly dissolving the remnants of sleep that clung to his consciousness.

Feeling a deep sense of satisfaction after petting Luna, Arthur moved to his fridge, the door swinging open with a gentle whoosh. The cold air inside brushed against his face, a refreshing contrast to the warm, stale air of the room. He reached for a box of cat food, the packaging adorned with a picture of a happy kitten enthusiastically eating from a bowl of the same brand.

Picking up a glass plate from a shelf, Arthur poured the cat food onto it, the kibbles cascading with a gentle tinkle-tinkle. He then set the plate onto the ground for Luna to eat, the glass making a soft clink against the tile.

Luna, at that time a tiny ball of fluff with big, curious eyes and a coat as soft as down, was a street cat that had appeared on his window one day. Arthur, utterly captivated by her innocent gaze and her fluffy tail, felt an immediate surge of affection. Overwhelmed by her cuteness, he couldn't resist the urge to adopt her. However, Luna, with the spirit of a wanderer, seemingly refused to be bound within four walls. Thus, Arthur simply left his window open on most days, allowing Luna the freedom to roam and return as she pleased.

Seeing Luna contentedly munching on the cat food he had placed on the ground, Arthur's mind, now fully alert, drifted to the metallic business card-like note that Derek had handed him the day before. He wasn't entirely sure why they were being so secretive, but recalling his previous experience with NASA and how they compensated him handsomely just for utilizing his 'Simulation', Arthur felt inclined on accepting their offer, or at the very least, understanding what they wanted him to simulate before outright rejecting it.

Arthur's time at NASA had been exhilarating. It was a part of the university's innovative internship program, designed not only to provide practical experience but also to bridge the gap between the extraordinary people and the regular people. The university aimed to showcase the extraordinary capabilities of their students, sending each one to various government facilities.

During his time at NASA, Arthur had contributed to simulating thousands of landing scenarios for an array of rocket types. The mission centered around an anomalous object discovered in the orbit of Mars. Yet, despite the importance of his work, Arthur was left in the dark about whether his simulations were ever utilized, as no further information about the mission reached him after his internship ended.

Now, with these reflections occupying his thoughts, Arthur found the FBI's official number from a quick search and dialed them. Thanks to the school's management by the UN, they were equipped with a special phone system that enabled international calls without incurring additional charges. This thoughtful arrangement significantly eased communication between students and their families, allowing for a sense of closeness despite the physical distance.

After barely a ring, the phone opened to an automated response path. A soft click followed by a faint static hum signaled that the connection had been established.

"Hello, you have reached the Federal Bureau of Investigation," a mature woman's voice said robotically over the phone. "Please press 1 if you have an appointment, press 2 to create an appointment, press 3 to talk to a person."

Arthur hesitated, turning the metallic card over in his hands, examining it for any other instructions, but there were none—just numbers, clearly separated into several sections.

"3-1-2-59375," the card read.

With the card offering no further direction, Arthur, feeling a mix of uncertainty and urgency, pressed 3 on his phone.

"Please press 1 if you know the personnel you'll be speaking to, press 2 to—"

Arthur didn't wait for the automated voice to finish its spiel. Impatient, he pressed 1 and then, quickly after, 2.

"Please enter the ID of the personnel you'll be talking to."

Arthur then entered 59375 into the phone. This time, instead of an automated voice, the phone made a ringing noise before being connected.

"Arthur Lasley?" The voice on the other end of the phone asked.

Arthur noticed that the voice felt familiar, like a distant echo he couldn't quite place. It definitely wasn't the agent Derek that had spoken to him yesterday, but since they knew his name, it was clear that he had come to the right place.

"Yes, it's me, who am I speaking to?" Arthur asked.

"You didn't recognize me? It's me, Stuart." said the voice on the phone, followed by a small chuckle that resonated with warmth and familiarity. Although he couldn't see it, Arthur felt that the man on the other side must be smiling.

"Ah! Doctor Stuart!" Arthur exclaimed with a sudden realization. When he worked at NASA, Dr. Stuart was very friendly to him, guiding him through the simulations that he needed to do for the internship. 

He was the architect behind some of the most advanced simulations that NASA had ever conducted, crafting intricate models that could predict the behavior of celestial bodies with astonishing accuracy. 

However, after Arthur's arrival, Dr. Stuart's role evolved. With Arthur's unique ability to intuitively understand and simulate complex phenomena, Dr. Stuart no longer needed to craft the simulations himself. 

Instead, his job became to impart his extensive knowledge to Arthur, while also ensuring that the simulations Arthur created correct.

"Sorry I haven't heard from you in a while and your voice sounds different through the pho—" Arthur began, his cheeks warming with embarrassment for not recognizing Dr. Stuart sooner, but he was abruptly cut off by Stuart.

"Don't worry about it, kid. So, are you gonna come over here?" Dr. Stuart asked, his voice tinged with an excitement that seemed to carry a mix of hope and urgency. Hesitating slightly, Arthur decided to ask Dr. Stuart about why he was being called.

"Doctor Stuart, I'd love to come but with the weird way of communication and the late-night notice, I'm really curious as to why you're asking me to come."

"I can't really say much, but I can tell you that it's related to the object near Mars; they've made some interesting discoveries there and we need you to simulate something. As for more details, I'm afraid you'll have to know about it when you come to the base," Dr. Stuart replied, the hopeful undertone in his voice now unmistakable.


Two days had passed since Arthur agreed to the FBI's offer. Now, he found himself seated in the back of a nondescript black sedan, the brand logo conspicuously absent from its polished surface. Its tires hummed steadily against the asphalt of an American highway, the landscape outside the tinted windows transitioning from dense forests to sprawling fields.

The interior of the sedan was designed to provide comfort, with seats upholstered in supple leather that seemed to mold to his form. The soft hum of the engine was the only sound that filled the cabin, adding to the sense of isolation from the outside world.

The speed at which events had unfolded left Arthur in a confused mood. Barely hours after accepting to go, the university had granted him a two-month paid leave under the guise of a 'special exchange program'.

The next day, Arthur had packed his essentials, sparingly explaining the sudden trip to Alex and a few close friends. The image of Alex's expressions of confusion was etched in his memory as he boarded the direct flight from Sweden to the United States.

Upon arrival, he was greeted by a group of agents donning crisp black suits that seemed to swallow the light. Their presence was imposing, yet they spoke little, only confirming his identity before guiding him to the vehicle that had been carrying him for over 6 hours now.

The road was nearly empty now, with only the occasional military convoy passing by. They had passed several stern-looking road signs, each more forbidding than the last. One read, "Idlers Not Welcome - Turn Back Now," followed by another that warned, "Restricted Area: No Trespassing Beyond This Point." The most ominous sign of all declared, "Attention: Filming After This Point is a Federal Crime." In the distance, Arthur could vaguely make out the imposing silhouette of a large military base, its structures just visible against the darkening sky.


As they approached the base, Arthur couldn't help but feel intimidated by the sight. The perimeter of the base was guarded not only by towering fences topped with razor wire but also by an imposing wall that stretched far longer than his apartment back in Sweden. Atop this wall, figures patrolled back and forth, their silhouettes outlined against the sky, rifles in hand.

The sedan slowed to a stop at the main gate, where a uniformed officer approached and exchanged a few words with the driver before waving them through. Arthur made brief eye contact with one of the guards on the wall, whose gaze was as cold and unwavering as the steel of his weapon. Feeling a sense of oppression wash over him, Arthur quickly averted his gaze.

Once inside the base, Arthur felt as though he had entered a peculiar town. The base was quite large, and he could see rows of small buildings that all looked strikingly similar stretching to the horizon. The air was thick with the smell of diesel fuel and the distant echoes of gunfire. The road beneath them felt unnaturally smooth, a stark contrast to the organized chaos around them.

Amongst the military bustle, Arthur noticed groups of soldiers, clad in camouflage clothing, running in formation. They looked young, their faces set with determination, yet untouched by the harshness of war.

Finally, the sedan came to a stop outside one of the buildings. The building was a mirror image of the others surrounding it. All the nearby structures were two-story buildings with a few windows and a parking space in front of them. The driver turned off the engine, and Arthur stepped out of the car, his eyes were quickly drawn to the door of the building that stood before him. It was there that he saw a figure clad in a lab coat waiting for him. It was Dr. Stuart, his familiar face beaming with excitement.

"Arthur, my boy, it's good to see you," Dr. Stuart exclaimed, his voice carrying a hint of relief. "Come on, the briefing is about to start."

With a sense of alienation to his sorroundings, Arthur followed Dr. Stuart into the building. They walked through the sterile corridors, their footsteps echoing off the walls. The hum of fluorescent lights overhead mixed with the muffled sounds of activity from behind closed doors. As they passed by, Arthur glanced at the signs next to each door – 'Meeting Room 132', 'Meeting Room 133'

Dr. Stuart and Arthur caught up on their experiences since their last encounter, exchanging tales of their journeys. Arthur talked about his life in the university, the places he had visited during holidays, while Dr. Stuart shared updates on his latest research breakthroughs and the progress within the base.

Finally, they arrived at 'Meeting Room 149'. Dr. Stuart paused, placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "This is it," he said, a serious tone replacing his earlier excitement. "What we discuss here today could change everything that we know about the world." He pushed the door open, and they stepped inside.

Dont worry lads, we'll get to the plot in the next episode.

Booleancreators' thoughts