
His birth

<p>In a small town nestled by the sea, was born a child called Roy, His birth was mysterious for he was born on the Lunar day, a day when mutants were born, they are people born with special power, a trait of a demi-god.<br/>when a mutant is born they have shining blue eyes and pale skin but Roy never possessed this trait, he was the first normal child to be born on a lunar day.<br/>Roy was a reader and scholar, he regularly visit the small-town library, he was a lover of historical books and he spends all day immersed in exploring it world but then on this particular day Tracy the librarian gave him a mysterious book, a book titled The History Rewriter. It had an old raggy back cover which made it look like it was a hundred years old, a nasty smell, and a weird-looking key lock that open its own Accord as Roy gazed at it.<br/>As he flipped through the first page which was blank space to his outermost surprise, Roy fell into a trance.</p>