
The strange world

<p>Slowly he opened his eyes, stood, and looked around. He was on a mountaintop and it is snowing heavily, he found it strange, how did he get here, was it the book? he began to search for it, it was buried under the snow .he opened the first page it was no longer blank but had a sentence which say Welcome Roy written on it, he dropped the book panicking. what is going on here he thought,<br/>It was freezing so he stood up from where he was lying down and followed the only footpath he found and after a long walk he finally got to the foot of the mountain but was disappointed to still not find a sign of life, he sat down in despair he had no one to call because he had left the phone with the librarian, he was beginning to get more scared and was tired and hungry so he laid down to rest. After a few minutes, he was awake by the sound of heavy footsteps, they were not human footsteps as no human feet are big enough to make that sound so he thought it must be a wild animal, looking left and right and seeing there was no place to hide, he began to run as fast as he leg could go, after running for some few minutes he stopped he couldn't hear the sound of footstep any more so he thought he must have lost the wild animal and laid down to rest again by now he was hungry and thirsty than ever before, I must be dead meat he said, Why is this happening to me? he heard the footstep again but this time it sounds like it was beside him, he turned around to be greeted with the eeriest scene he had ever seen before, it was a headless bear it had a lot of body holes with worms on it, a bony tail, and with its heart out of it was holding a human leg which it was feasting on, with a start Roy stood up ready to run for his life but before he could, the beast caught hold of him and as it was about breaking him into pieces he wakes up at the library.</p>

Hello there, a first-time writer here feel to give your suggestion and constructive criticism I would appreciate it, thanks.

Lemonie_rachealcreators' thoughts