
The hidden Uzumaki

what if Uzumaki Naruto wasn't the only Uzumaki in the village. what if there was an orphan that was also an Uzumaki, but the village first didn't know about and second he kept hidden. To find out who he is and what is his story.

thelastgrim · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs

Chapter 4: meeting with the Hokage (part 1)

Hiruzen Sarutobi was sitting in his office.

"Sigh, I really have to find a new Hokage, this paperwork is going to kill me faster than any hostile village ever can." the Hokage was fighting his biggest ever enemy, paperwork.

"I hope so for a distraction," Hiruzen said.

An hour later, he got his wish in the chape of a dog summon. The summon was sitting in front of the window. 'thank u' was the Hokage thinking, while walking to the window.

When the window was open the summon gave the Hokage his message scroll and the transported back where he came from, by transforming in smoke. 'POOF'

"I wonder what Kakashi wants to tell me," Hiruzen wondered "Hopefully no more paperwork."

he opened the scroll:

- From Hatake Kakashi -

- To Hiruzen Sarutobi -

- I, Kakashi, hereby request a summon to the Hokage, to discuss my "genin team" and to express my assumptions and ask for help from the Hokage to decide the next actions. I'll be coming to the office directly from the training grounds. until then, -

"Well, that's strange. Kakashi needing help deciding something. But it seems that it will be a messy situation, knowing Kakashi. Just hope it isn't just him asking to be ANBU again." Then Hiuzen called his secretary to mention that Kakashi is coming.

After a while, a knock was heard on Hokage's door. "Come in, the door is open," Hiruzen told the visitor.

"good afternoon, Hokage, and sorry to bother you from your work. But I have a situation I need your guidance with." Kakashi said while walking inside with his 3 unconscious genins.

"Oh my, what happened to them?"

"I'll tell you in a sec," and Kakashi lay down his genin.

"Now I'll explain: yesterday I made the appointment with them to meet me at 6 am, to be at training ground 7, for the first test. the same test you and my former teacher did to my team.

the next morning when I arrived, they were waiting on the grounds. Rota looked like he just rolled out of bed, Noragi was applying makeup and Raven just got up to do his stretches. so I told them the objective and the penalty from the test. I gave them 15 minutes to prepare. then the minutes were up, I notice a shift in Raven's mental state. But I didn't make anything big out of it. then the test started. Raven started the attack, his teammates stepped back. after a few rounds, Raven was getting cornered, he uses distraction tactics with a smokescreen. I thought I was in a Genjutsu, but it was a real camping set he set up as a trap. then he lured me closer to the camping set, to spring his set. the bastard almost had me too. I had to use {Body Flicker Technigue} or I would have gotten myself blown up by his explosive tags in combination with shuriken and kunai. with flicker, I knocked him out and was just going to start looking for his teammates, when a {Fire Release: Fireball Technique} came flying right at the spot of me and Raven. I couldn't dodge it with Raven laying unconscious. I used,{Water Release: Water Formation Wall} to fight the fire technique. and the two used that moment to make a dash for the bells. I flickered behind them and knocked them out. so that is what happened and now I ask you guides what to do?"

"It seems that a lot has happened this morning, I have an opinion of what happened and what has to happen but it is only fair to let them speak to, no," Hiruzen asked Kakashi.

"Sure, you want to wake them up together or separated?"

"Let's wake them up together and let them explain themselves."

"ok," and then Kakashi made a water ball to wake the genins up.


the three kids woke up and questioned where they were.

then they saw the Hokage and wondered why they were here.

"If you are wondering why you are in my office, it is because your Jonin teacher brought you here to discuss the test of this morning and the results," Hokage said.

"We Passed," Noragi and Rato asked relieved to the Hokage, but Raven had a different thought. 'as if we passed, I didn't see you do shit. and you think you passed.'

While looking over the children, Hiruzen saw that Raven seems to know the results already but stayed quiet for a reason, Hiruzen taught, 'interesting, he seems to have a different opinion than his teammates, but he is smart enough not to mention it, interesting.'

Then the Hokage asked," You think you passed? why do you think you passed?"

"Well, we are here in front of the Hokage, so we can only have passed, no" Noragi said

"Yes, we certainly have passed, al because of my plan," Rato said.

"Oh, you had a plan for the test? what was that plan then?" Hiruzen asked interested.

"Of course I had a plan, the plan was for Raven to keep the Jonin busy so that we could find the perfect moment to ambush them with my {Fire Release: Fireball Technique}, then the Jonin could only dodge to our position and we could take the bells. But no, Raven had to fuck up the plan. because the Jonin didn't abandon Raven but used a Jutsu to protect them both. we had to move from our hiding spot to get the bells. that gave the Jonin time to knock us out. But it seems that even the Jonin recognized my plan as a success, and let us pass. well that's why we are here, right." Rato explained.

While listening to Rato, Hiruzen looked at the other kids and to Kakashi. From Kakashi he could see only disappointment, Noragi looks proud of the plan, but from Raven's eyes he sees disbelieve and anger. ' it seems Raven didn't know about that part of Rato's plan. hope he'll not do anything bad.'

"Before I give an answer to that question, it seems that Raven has also something to say," the Hokage mentions.

but Rota intervene and said, "Raven, doesn't have anything to say. everything has been said."

"Is this true, Raven," Hiruzen questioned.

"Hokage, before anything can I ask something first?" Raven said for the first time in the room.

"Sure, anything."

"Am I allowed to speak the complete truth or just part of the truth?"

"you are obligated to tell me the complete truth, why you ask?"

"Even when the truth would harm not only my teammates, my Jonin, and an innocent bystander?"

"The first two I can somewhat understand, but an innocent bystander? what do you mean?"

" Well, ..."

"Yes, what bystander. it was only us at the training ground. don't start making up lies here, if you know what is good for you," Rato interrupted.

Then Raven just stopped talking. The Hokage looks confused, "well, Raven continues."

"Can u promise me that nobody will get harmed?" Raven asks again.

"I don't know what is going on, but you have my word as Hokage that nobody will get harmed by you telling the truth unless they deserve it. is that ok?"

"Yes, Hokage. where should I begin? Ok, the training was planned for 6 am. first my teammates didn't even arrive until ten past six and my Jonin teacher only arrived at 8:30. so all the warming ups I did at 6 am were useless. if I had known that I would have gotten 2 hours more of sleep."

With a small laugh did the Hokage look at Kakashi. 'that is something he forgot to mention.'

Kakashi thought,' crap, it seems I'll have some explaining to do.'

then Raven continued," when looking at my 2 teammates coming to the ground I noticed, one they are still half asleep, two not wearing any training clothes, and three they were not wearing any pouches for kunai's or shurikens. at first, I thought that Noragi, did bring some, but that was false. it was her makeup pouch. then I went to greet them. Rota yelled at me for bothering them because he wanted more sleep, and Noragi sat down and started applying makeup. if I may Hokage I'll leave my personal opinion at the end of the briefing, ok?"

"Yes Raven, please, continue," Hiruzen said while thinking 'it seems that he wants to point out a lot more.'

"then the test of bells, a test that is commonly known for being a test of teamwork. so in the 15 minutes, I asked what the plan is for taking on our Jonin. Do you wish to know what the plan was? Well, I had to stall the Jonin, so that Rota could use a Jutsu, didn't know what Jutsu, but then it would let Noragi get the bells. and then they could be genin and i would be send to the academy. when i disagreed whit the plan. they took there ace out the hole. they threathend my friend out of the orphange, who works at his parents shop. and if i didn't listen she would be worked like a pack-mule."

"That is a lie, I did no shut thing. he's lying," Rota starts yelling.

"quiet, ANBU gather." the Hokage ordered.

"Yes Hokage," 3 ANBU appeared in front of the Hokage.

"One of you will locate and protect, miss... who is the person they threatened Raven?" the Hokage asked.

"Yukino, sir" raven answers.

"ok, Yukino. and you two will search what has happened over the years with miss Yukino. all information, ok" the Hokage ordered.

"Yes, Hokage," and the ANBU shivered away.

"now that's done, continue Raven."

"Well, I decided to listen to their command to save Yukino. so I stalled the Jonin as best I could. I even signaled them plenty of times to use there Jutsu. there were 6 times it could have happened. but no Jutsu, then the Jonin knocked me out. and woke up here. and that is my version of the facts, Hokage."