
Chapter 3: The Bell test

In the morning the alarm goes off.

RingRing ...

Raven gets up and stops the ringing, looks at the time. 4 am.

'Great I got up before my normal hour, now I can get prepared for today's test, I wonder what it will be.'

He starts his normal morning routine. after he starts making a good breakfast.

'A shinobi is always in the best shape, so even if that white-haired guy said not to eat anything, I will still eat something. first, I'm only 11, so I still have room to grow. Second, I'm going to need energy for whatever test he has, so an energic breakfast it is. Only hope my teammates think about eating before training. Because training without "the fuel" for the body is just idiotic'

After his breakfast, he starts to get his tools ready.

'White-haired Jonin said it was a shinobi training, so what do I need? Shurikens, check, kunai's, check, now where did I place those tags? Ah here they are, explosive tags, check, what else? Should I take rations with me? It could be survival training. Let's take rations for 3 days with me and some camping supplies too. now that I think I have everything, rations, camping supplies go in the storage seal, kunai's and shurikens, half go in the pouch and halve in storage seal on my wrists for surprise and access. tags also in the storage on my wrist, some on the kunai's, and some on the body. Never know when you need one. Maybe yes, I just thought of something. Let's get some logs, put some tags on them and place them in my storage on my wrists, when I {Body Replacement Technique}, I can use those logs. hihi. Ah, now that you mention it I forgot the smoke bomb and the flares. I'll spread those over the storages and I'll also take 2 more storage seal scrolls with me just in case. Ok now I'm ready, what's the time? 5:10. ah I can't be late to practice, can I? I can use this as a small warm-up to get the muscle ready for training.'

While leaving the apartment he thought, 'just hope the white-haired Jonin doesn't come late this time, or else al this prep work could have been done al lot later'

training ground 7, 5:50

Raven comes up to the training ground and checks the time. 'Ah made it before meeting time, great.'

He looks around and doesn't see his teammates or his Jonin. 'strange, I would think they would be early for the first training. maybe there on their way.'

To keep his muscles in motion and to not damage them in the training exercise later, he started stretching his muscles. After a while he looks at the time, 6:10. 'did I get the time wrong?'

He askes himself but then he sees Noragi and Rato walking to the training ground.

'they look like coming right out of bed, not even dressed for shinobi training, I can't even see kunai pouches or any tags on them. hearing the growls of their stomach, they havened eaten yet. Ah Noragi, does have a pouch with her. maybe they are prepared.'

Raven greets his teammates: "good morning Noragi and Rato, ready for today?"

"Tone it down, will ya. I just got up 5minutes ago," said Rato.

" Ya Raven tone it down, my beauty sleep wasn't complete and I hadn't got the time to do my makeup yet," Noragi said.

And on that noot, she sits down and takes her pouch. Raven thinks 'why is she taking her stuff out now, training hasn't started yet. or is she preparing something'

But what Noragi takes out of her pouch are no ninja tools, no she takes out makeup. And then she starts applying it. 'what the hell. don't tell me that pouch is a makeup pouch. Then she also doesn't have anything with her. What the hell is the point in putting on makeup, were going to train. that stuff is only going to get sweated off. I just hope this Jonin shows up so we can start or I'm going to freak out.'


When finally the white-haired Jonin shows up, Raven looks at the time, 8:30. 'are you kidding me?'

Jonin said: " yo, sorry I'm late. there was a black cat on the road, so I had to go around to not cross it."

Raven got up but said nothing. He restarted his stretches because all his muscles when cold.

The Jonin and his teammates not mentioning it.

"Ok, let get on with it. the test you going to take is going to determine if you are genin or going back to the academy."

"What do you mean back to the academy? aren't we already genin?" Rato questioned.

"No what you are are students who graduated from the academy, you are not yet genin. only when the Jonin (he points at himself) decides to take you on as a team, are you officially genin."

"That's bull," Noragi yelled.

"Tough luck. now the test," the Jonin takes out 2 bells on a string and said:" I will attach these bells to my belt, your goal is to take one of these bells from me and you'll get to be genin."

"But there are only 2 bells," Noragi questioned.

"Well, the third person has to go back to the academy. now I'll give you 15 minutes to talk amongst yourselves and then you'll get until 12 am. and then you'll get maybe a chance to eat. If you got a bell that is." he said and then walks to the middle of the training ground.

Raven listened and turned to his teammates: "So what is the plan?"

"Plan, what plan. I'm going to get a bell and if you get in my way, I'll kill ya."

"But I think it would be best to work together to get the bells, no" Raven suggested.

"What the hell do you know. Rato knows a Jutsu so he'll get a bell for sure and while he is distracted whit that, I'll get the second bell. so you'll have to go back." Noragi said all smiling.

"Yes that is your job, you will be the distraction. I'll use my Jutsu and we will get our bells," Rato said.

"Are you for real?" Raven questioned them, " what am I to you two, a pawn or something?"

"Yes, you are our ticket to becoming a genin. so you will listen to me." Rato said.

"And why the hell would I even want to do that?" Raven almost started to get angry.

Noragi and Rato start smiling and said:" you will listen or Yukino will start to have problems at work. you do know she works at my parent's shop don't you."

Raven then quickly grabs Rato collar and lift him up onehanded. "You try anything and you'll wish you have never threatened me," he told Rato.

"Unhand me orphan, or she'll become my shop pack mule, all the jobs nobody wants are hers. and here pay will be nothing to live by. So unhand me and listen to your leader," Rato commanded.

"I'll follow your command but don't come before me again or you'll be sorry. And you better hope she is not mistreated. or I'll come after you." Raven threatened them and walked to the training ground. what Raven and 'his teammates' didn't notice was that the place where their scuffle took place had a raise in temperature.

"Ok, are you kids ready," the Jonin asked.

"Yes, sir," Noragi and Rato said al smiling.

Raven just grumped. the Jonin thought, 'what happened to him? he was the one who was eager to the training, and now 15min later he doesn't want to get it over fast enough. Also, all his drive is gone. what did his teammates do to make him as this. will see after.'

"I'll throw a stick in the sky, when it is on the ground, you all can start."

he then threw the stick, while thinking: 'Let's see what you're made off?'

when the stick hit the ground, 2 kunai appeared in Raven's hands, he then threw them. while his teammates just took a step back. they were going to let him do all the work.

While dodging the 2 kunai the Jonin thought, 'great reaction speed'

While the two kunai were dodged by the Jonin, Raven uses the {Body replace technique} with one-off his kunai. then threw 5 shurikens to the Jonin, threw 2 Kunais to both sides off the Jonin, and at last a smokescreen in front of him.

While the Jonin fended the shurikens off he went to the smokescreen. But then the Jonin also had to use {Body replace technique}, because what he found in the smoke was a log with explosive tags on. Like on cue, just when he shifted away the explosion went off.

Raven at the spot he placed a kunai, placed a trap with some more tags. He also signaled to his 'teammates' for the Jutsu to be shot at his location. He didn't know what the Jutsu was, he didn't even know if they saw the signal. Al he cared about was getting it over with. Also hoped that they kept their agreement to leave Yukino alone. Then he had to dodge the Jonin. he activated the trap. The explosion went off but the Jonin continued to follow. While trowing more shurikens and kunai's at the Jonin, he was waiting for anything from his teammates. 'where the hell is that Jutsu they are so bragging about? my kunai and shurikens are getting empty in my wrist storages. this Jonin can dodge. I'll have to get into the reserves and trick him a little. He'll never see this coming. if I wasn't so pissed at Rato and Noragi. this would have been a funny moment.'

while continuing his pursuit, the Jonin thought, 'nice trap placing. continuous assault with kunai and shurikens. Even using signals for his teammates. Let's see what they had planned. Hu, what is wrong I walked in the trap, it went off and I keep going after the teammate. But where is the response? the trap? the plan? and when are his teammates going to do anything? One more round after Raven and I'll go after them. I know enough about him now. Wait, is he smiling, ok I'll see what you have planned and then go after your team.'

so when the Jonin was almost near Raven. he threw his full reserve of smokes on the ground. surprising the Jonin to stop and then use a Jutsu for the first time,{Wind Release: Great Breakthrough}.

But what appeared from the smoke did surprise the Jonin. Right in front of him was a camping tent with a small fire set up. confused the Jonin thought Genjutsu, so made the sign an {Kai} in the hope it would go away. but it was no Genjutsu, he had to dodge a few more shurikens thrown at his back. The Jonin had to dodge to the camping tent. And when he was right in front of the tent his danger sense went off. and he used {Body flicker techique} to escape. then the camping tent blew up and send shurikens and kunai everywhere. Raven saw the Jonin flicker away and said:" dawn, almost had him." then he tried to look for the Jonin only to be knocked out from behind.

The Jonin had flickered behind Raven,' this bastard almost had me. now where are his teammates,' he questions himself when.{Fire Release: Fireball Technique}

The Jonin first thought was to dodge, but then he remembers he just knocked out Raven right in front of him. so he couldn't dodge or Raven would be burned. so he turned and faced the fireball,{Water Release: Water Formation Wall}

Right in front of the Jonin and Raven, a grand wall of water came out of the ground. The moment the water wall was almost extinguished together with the fireball. The Jonin saw and felt two shimmers going after the bells. he used {Body flicker technique} and then when the 2 shimmers stopped. they looked around, " where is he?" they questioned. then the Jonin shimmered at their back and knocked them out.

he thought,' they used their teammate as bait for the bells, and I think there is much more that happened to see a change in mentality off Raven. I can handle this but I still think it's better to bring the Hokage into this. yes, I think this has to be handle by the Hokage.'

the Jonin summoned one of his summonses and asked it to bring the Hokage a message.

a message of telling him that he is on his way with his 'team' and that there were problems.

after the dog summons went to the Hokage, the Jonin picked his team up and also went to the Hokage.

hi, the author here.

I hope you liked the battle scene because it was my first time writing that. that is also one of the reasons that it ended up so big. but well I got everything where I wanted it to go.

so until next time.

thelastgrimcreators' thoughts
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